I started seeing Michael G. Moore, at the beginning of June. I met him at a casino over in Seminole,Fl. He told me he hasn't been seeing anyone for over a year or more since his wife passed any. I felt sorry for him but he seemed like a nice guy so I started dating him. The first time we were intimate we were using protection but the more we encountered each other, he assured me I was the only one. In September when I would call him to hang out, he would come up with different excuses of having to tend to his mother. I had a private detective follow him and later found out he was over in Tampa visiting a woman. I stopped calling him after I confronted him and all he could do is tell more lies. And after thinking about all the times he would bring over alcohol to get drunk and have sex with me I then got scared. I friend of mine told me to go get tested just to make sure and ease me mind but I put it off because of fear. She then took me to get tested. I was never wrecking only to find out this dishonest SOB gave me three STD's and he should be exposed. #michaelgregorymoore #genitalherpes #safetyharbor #florida
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1865-michaelgregory-moore-genitalherpes.aspx
Thursday, February 29, 2024
Battle Creek, Michigan Infectious Disease: Robert Bob Grover
they where together for many years. finally he decided to inform her of his infections (STD) . she went to get check till this day she is clean. Knowing that he didn't inform her I want to let other people know that he has it and if you ask him about it he will lie to get you to have sex with him. He is not honest about it most likely due to excessive use of multiple drugs for well over 20 years. I want to per-worn everyone before you get hurt. #robertbobgrover #hepatitisc #battlecreek #michigan
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/2051-robertbob-grover-hepatitisc.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/2051-robertbob-grover-hepatitisc.aspx
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
SanJose CostaRica, Nevada Communicable Disease: Tony Wiliams
Tony runs the 5Dimes Sportsbook in SanJose, Costa Rica. In addition to ripping people off, he has a taste for boys. He loves to eat sperm. This is probably how he caught these diseases. He dresses up like a woman and sometimes takes on a few guys at once. His company is shady and so are his sexual escapades. A good friend of mine caught these diseases from Tony. Tony runs an online sportsbook and poker room called 5 Dimes. He invited these guys down there than offered 3 of them $2500 each to shoot in his mouth. 3 minutes into it he offered them each an additional $2500 if he could perform oral copulation on them. Then he gave them this disease. Beware of Tony Williams at 5 Dimes Sportsbook and Poker room. He lures bettors into coming to Costa Rica to visit the office and sends them home sick. #tonywiliams #genitalwarts #sanjosecostarica #nevada
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1951-tony-wiliams-genitalwarts.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1951-tony-wiliams-genitalwarts.aspx
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Strathroy, Ontario Health Alert: Lee Clayworth
He has Genital Herpes and had Chlamydia at the end of last year. He is from Canada but lives and works in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. https://ift.tt/wYH6yoO #leeclayworth #genitalherpes #strathroy #ontario
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1309-lee-clayworth-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1309-lee-clayworth-genitalherpes.aspx
Monday, February 26, 2024
Milwaukee, Wisconsin Health Alert: Amy Kaczmarowski
Discovered when she had an outbreak while we were dating, got myself tested and found out she had infected me. She was very quick about having sex, now I know why, she's lying and telling people she is not infected during times when it's not obvious. #amykaczmarowski #genitalherpes #milwaukee #wisconsin
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/398-amy-kaczmarowski-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/398-amy-kaczmarowski-genitalherpes.aspx
Sunday, February 25, 2024
StLouis, Missouri Communicable Disease: Renee Jones
I was dating her for several months and come to find out discover that she was using Heroin,having multiple group gang bang sessions,dozens of different men,out in bars regularly is known in the entire St. Louis/Metro East area as the slut bucket tramp of all time and will do whatever / anyone/time for money self advantage.Is seeing a Psychiatrist for ADHD / Aspergers Syndrome.Is a Frequent Contriver in conducting Dangerous Predicament Situations/Pathological Lying / Manipulating Any / everyone whom can be lured. Associates herself with very Questionable Undesirable types of Society,while Falsifying this behavior to the involvement in A.A, Legal,Counseling,Religous activities..Is also fighting a child custody case in which she has endangered her child?Very much Unfit.I met her from some one to later I discovered has oneself Hepatitis C and Groin Scrotum testicles areas are severely scarred tissue.She is/will get People in Serious Trouble and Herself if not stopped/Highly Warned!! Is Rumored to potentially have these STD's.However the Psychological Behavior is Current/Present/Ongoing!Have in past attempted to Amend/Repair/Guide/Example her Psychological Deficiency while I being threatened Stalked/Harrased/Coerced.Myself are already a Department of Defense Target,while in own Legalities with the Veterans Administration/The Boeing Co. #reneejones #genitalwarts #stlouis #missouri
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1863-renee-jones-genitalwarts.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1863-renee-jones-genitalwarts.aspx
Saturday, February 24, 2024
CAPT. Constance Stanley brings new meaning to the TERM "DIRTY COP", CAPT. STANLEY, can be seen on most of the Major Local Media Outlets providing Public Info about Lauderhill Cops shooting one another and engaging in on the Job relations. What a joke! Capt.Stanley who is INFECTED with GENITAL HERPES Stanley has a History of engaging in such tryst to advance her career, dating back to her days @ the Opa Locka P.D. when she was involved with the Chief who was married @ the time. During 2008 elicit Personal E-Mails between the newly promoted Capt. Stanley and LHPD's then 2nd in Command the Asst. Chief were made Public to Lauderhill's Mayor, City Manager and former Chief. Capt. Stanley was briefly suspended and the Asst. Chief retired immediately as it was revealed Capt. Stanley was infected with Herpes. How did Capt. Stanley's alleged involvement with her Superior Officer impact her 2007 Lauderhill P.D. Promotion? Capt. Stanley's admitted period of time that she has known that she has been infected with GENITAL HERPES seems to include the years she was involved with the former Chief of the Opa Locka P.D. Copies of Capt. Stanley's and the former Asst. Chief of the Lauderhill P.D. Personal emails have been posted in the Media Tab in the Left Hand Column of the following Link, captconstancestanleylauderhillpdherpes2positive.wordpress.com #captconniestanleylhpd #genitalherpes #lauderhill #florida
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1537-capt.connie-stanleyl.h.p.d.-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1537-capt.connie-stanleyl.h.p.d.-genitalherpes.aspx
I NO IT BECAUSE I SEEN ALL HER PAPER WORK WHEN SHE INVITED ME TO HER HOUSE. #alyssamyles #genitalherpes #montgomery #alabama
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/826-alyssa-myles-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/826-alyssa-myles-genitalherpes.aspx
Friday, February 23, 2024
Norwich, New York Virus Carrier: Joseph Rodriguez
I personally got HIV from this person. #josephrodriguez #hivandaids #norwich #newyork
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/222-joseph-rodriguez-hivandaids.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/222-joseph-rodriguez-hivandaids.aspx
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Stamford, Connecticut Health Alert: Sean Boeger
Sean Boeger is a member of the CCP Chinese Communist Party and an affiliate of the Confucious Institute at UConn Stamford where he was a member as a graduate student studying Criminal Justice. He is also a member of several labor unions with his wife Chantel patronizes the Chinese Communist Party and starting home based businesses like Respire Floats LLC selling zen affiliated floats from China. #seanboeger #genitalherpes #stamford #connecticut
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/9694-sean-boeger-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/9694-sean-boeger-genitalherpes.aspx
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
New York, New York Virus Carrier: Renuka Devacaanthan
2 dates two many i guess. #renukadevacaanthan #hivandaids #newyork #newyork
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/170-renuka-devacaanthan-hivandaids.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/170-renuka-devacaanthan-hivandaids.aspx
Los Angeles, California Health Alert: Usher Raymond
When musician Usher Raymond was sued for exposing Laura Helm to herpes his defense never included a denial and focused entirely on when she was diagnosed and whether or not he gave it to her. Published sources indicate that this is just one of several lawsuits filed against him. He reportedly was diagnosed in 2009 or 2010. The case was eventually dismissed by Helm probably due to a settlement. Legally Usher was in a bad spot under applicable negligence laws, so since he is rich enough to settle for an amount that anyone would take and rich enough to lose a lot more, that is probably what happened. Usher's defense that she knew of the risks of unprotected sex in general would have been a tough sell in court. #usherraymond #genitalherpes #losangeles #california
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/2175-usher-raymond-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/2175-usher-raymond-genitalherpes.aspx
Mesa, Arizona Health Alert: Dawn Janeiro
Dawn Marie Janeiro - Witnessed an outbreak and weeping sores, and prescription medication for Genital Herpes in her name. She exposed and intentionally infected me with the virus, and she has exposed a least eight partners in the last two years without informing any of them of her STD. #dawnjaneiro #genitalherpes #mesa #arizona
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/480-dawn-janeiro-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/480-dawn-janeiro-genitalherpes.aspx
London, South East England Virus Carrier: Philip Meeson
He told told me after I found his HIV drugs in his house. He also confessed to unprotected sex with friends after he had found out. #philipmeeson #hivandaids #london #southeastengland
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/951-philip-meeson-hivandaids.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/951-philip-meeson-hivandaids.aspx
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Gulf Breeze, Florida Health Alert: Daniel Hahn
He told me that he has oral Herpes, but not until after having shared drinks with me. He was not aware that Oral Herpes is communicable even with no outbreaks. #danielhahn #genitalherpes #gulfbreeze #florida
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1122-daniel-hahn-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1122-daniel-hahn-genitalherpes.aspx
Monday, February 19, 2024
chicago, Illinois Infectious Disease: nekedia mayes
well she told me that she was infected while i was visiting her house one day and she never tells people that she is infected she needs to be stopped its gross #nekediamayes #hepatitisc #chicago #illinois
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1354-nekedia-mayes-hepatitisc.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1354-nekedia-mayes-hepatitisc.aspx
Sunday, February 18, 2024
Maryland, Maryland Health Alert: Author - Tamra Dicus
Tamra has deliberately infected multitudes with the diseases she has contracted. For over 2 decades Tamra has been deliberately spreading herpes. Tamra tells sexual partners she is clean when she knows she has herpes and a contagious skin virus disease all over her body. Tamra is a repeat intentional STD Exposer/ offender. She has been repeatedly cited for deliberately infecting multitudes with herpes and STDs. On behalf of all the people she has intentionally infected she should be fined and charged. #authortamradicus #genitalherpes #maryland #maryland
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/9709-authortamra-dicus-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/9709-authortamra-dicus-genitalherpes.aspx
Saturday, February 17, 2024
mobil, Alabama Health Alert: gerry killingsworth
he is a lyein cheatin sob he gave it to my sister and he was marrried at the time he slept with my sister he also ripped off her credit cards i will get a picture of his sorry ass soon #gerrykillingsworth #genitalherpes #mobil #alabama
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/276-gerry-killingsworth-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/276-gerry-killingsworth-genitalherpes.aspx
Friday, February 16, 2024
Deville, Louisiana Health Alert: Becca Wiley
Nasty hoe. Spreading disease without a fair chance for the other parties involved. Different dude every hour. Like a revolving door. Will rob you blind #beccawiley #genitalherpes #deville #louisiana
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/7469-becca-wiley-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/7469-becca-wiley-genitalherpes.aspx
Thursday, February 15, 2024
Henderson, Nevada Virus Carrier: Thomas Doucette
This would be child molester was arrested while trying to meet what he thought was a 15 year old boy on Craig's List. Fortunately the boy was really an undercover cop. After his arrest he told police that he is HIV positive. #thomasdoucette #hivandaids #henderson #nevada
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/766-thomas-doucette-hivandaids.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/766-thomas-doucette-hivandaids.aspx
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
London, Greater London Health Alert: Sardiii Sardii Sardi Sadia Ali
Sardiii, Sardii, Sardi, is the latest names Sadia Ali of London has been going by on Twitter and social media channels recently. In the past, she has used the names Sardia, Sardiya, Sadiya and many other variations. She is currently using Sardiii on Twitter but watch out for other variations. Sardi is known for her cryptocurrency halawadar money transfer scam using sympathy ploys and promises for competitive returns but she threatens, harasses, and blackmails you if you dare to ask for your investment back. A few years back, Sardi offered Nikkah Mutah for an extra fee on top of her companionship fee after she got fired from the escort agency. That was a scam too. Do your own research using non Google search engines. WARNING! Do not give Sardiii, Sardii, Sardi, or whatever she is going by these days any personal information. She will try to ruin your life and livelihood by making false accusations and calling your workplace and wife. She even threatens to report you to the taxman. #sardiiisardiisardisadiaali #genitalherpes #london #greaterlondon
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/8587-sardiiisardiisardi-sadiaali-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/8587-sardiiisardiisardi-sadiaali-genitalherpes.aspx
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Los Angeles, California Health Alert: Kayla Goldberg
Kayla Goldberg sued Kim Kardashian's ex-husband and current NBA player Kris Humphries saying that he gave her herpes during a 2010 hookup and did not tell her he had it. Humphries later offered into evidence negative STD test results proving that he didn't even have herpes. The lawsuit was eventually dismissed by the judge. It seems that Kris Humphries was telling the truth. Kayla Goldberg clearly got the sexually transmitted disease from another source. According to Humphries there is a large number of potential sources for Goldberg. #kaylagoldberg #genitalherpes #losangeles #california
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/2182-kayla-goldberg-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/2182-kayla-goldberg-genitalherpes.aspx
Monday, February 12, 2024
Poinciana , Florida Health Alert: Santiago Graterol Gallegos
The predator (his actual birthday is in 2007) has had intercourse with multiple females while having this disease. He failed to alert said females, which is a total lack of responsibility. Females be wary !! #santiagograterolgallegos #genitalherpes #poinciana #florida
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3432-santiago-graterolgallegos-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3432-santiago-graterolgallegos-genitalherpes.aspx
Sunday, February 11, 2024
Moorpark, California Health Alert: Stephanie Bordelon
My best friend was her ex boyfriend's cousin. They broke up because he got it from her. #stephaniebordelon #genitalherpes #moorpark #california
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/653-stephanie-bordelon-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/653-stephanie-bordelon-genitalherpes.aspx
Saturday, February 10, 2024
Decatur, Alabama Health Alert: Malorie Robinson
Malorie Nicole Robinson originally from Trinity, AL is knowingly spreading genital herpes to various people over north Alabama. Take heed, she is very delusional, a menace, and a sick individual. She does not care about the people she lays down with. She resides at Wheeler Estates Apartments in Decatur, AL. She also works at Dutch Quality (Wayne Farms) in Decatur, AL. She is the driver of a white Mercury Milan. Be cautious. @Ms_NubianQueen on Twitter Facebook: https://ift.tt/ZJGhSYy #malorierobinson #genitalherpes #decatur #alabama
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1626-malorie-robinson-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1626-malorie-robinson-genitalherpes.aspx
Los Angeles, California Infectious Disease: David Lee Marks
David Lee Marks is commonly thought of as the lost member of The Beach Boys because he left the band in 1963 before they released their most popular songs like "Wouldn't It Be Nice" and "I Get Around", but Marks can still be heard in "409 and ""Surfin Safari". Marks joined The Beach Boys in 1962 when he was just 13 years old and moved on to start his own band called David Marks and the Marksmen. Eventually Marks and The Beach Boys got back together in 2006 and the group is considering going on tour again for their 50th anniversary. In 1999 David Marks was diagnosed with Hepatitis C by chance when being treated for a cracked rib and the doctor ran some tests to discover elevated liver enzymes. Marks began treatment right away with anti-viral drugs like Interferon, Ribavirin, and Pegalayted as well as herbal remedies. In 2004 Marks declared that he had beaten the virus. #davidleemarks #hepatitisc #losangeles #california
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1271-davidlee-marks-hepatitisc.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1271-davidlee-marks-hepatitisc.aspx
Friday, February 9, 2024
amelia, Ohio Health Alert: amanda wilson
Told me that she contracted the disease from her husband who cheated on her while they were married. She is unaware if he has it or not, he never told her but someone she has it and assumes she got it from him. They are now divorced but she has never confronted him. She is pathological liar so i do not believe she got it from him as she has had random sex with men and laugh about how if she gives it to them "they deserve it" #amandawilson #genitalherpes #amelia #ohio
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1312-amanda-wilson-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1312-amanda-wilson-genitalherpes.aspx
Thursday, February 8, 2024
MOBILE, Alabama Communicable Disease: BEN CAST
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/985-ben-cast-genitalwarts.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/985-ben-cast-genitalwarts.aspx
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Ellicott City, Maryland Virus Carrier: Matthew Parrow
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Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Jacksonville, Florida Health Alert: Angie Osteen
Soon to be Ex-Husband admitted to having affair with this Crowley employee. He claims he was usually careful by using condoms and had to because the one time he didn't have any and decided not to be "careful" the Springfield resident then informed him she had herpes. #angieosteen #genitalherpes #jacksonville #florida
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1223-angie-osteen-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1223-angie-osteen-genitalherpes.aspx
Monday, February 5, 2024
Burbank, California Health Alert: Annette Sargent Holland
Annette Holland Sargent and I were married but became aware of several infidelities during our marriage. I got tested and found out she had caught HSV2 and HPV through her promiscuous behavior. She never told me she had become infected and believe her to be in total denial pushing the blame elsewhere when ever possible. It saddens me but she is unfortunately a very bad example and role model for our daughter. #annettesargentholland #genitalherpes #burbank #california
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1730-annette-sargentholland-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1730-annette-sargentholland-genitalherpes.aspx
Sunday, February 4, 2024
Los Angeles, California Virus Carrier: Jana Romancakova
Using the stage name Jessica Dee this pornographic actress contracted HIV during a shoot in 2004 along with Lara Roxx, Darren Edwards (Darren James), and Meriesa Arroyo (Miss Arroyo). The 2004 HIV scare practically shut down the porn industry for an entire month until all who came into contact with the quarantined stars were tested and their HIV status determined. #janaromancakova #hivandaids #losangeles #california
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/10-jana-romancakova-hivandaids.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/10-jana-romancakova-hivandaids.aspx
Saturday, February 3, 2024
San Jose, California Health Alert: Dan Shanahan
This man is positive for genital herpes and he has neglected to inform many new sexual partners of his infections. He is 39 years of age, turning 40 on April 9th. #danshanahan #genitalherpes #sanjose #california
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1862-dan-shanahan-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1862-dan-shanahan-genitalherpes.aspx
McAllen, Texas Virus Carrier: Gerardo Nunez
Listed as being infected with HIV with the Texas Department Of Health and Human services. Subject has now been updated to having AIDS. Numerous reports and complaints have been filed against the subject Gerardo Nunez for failing to inform people of his AIDS status prior and after sexual contact with various partners. By law , he must inform everyone of his status. Failure to do so will result in criminal charges. Gerardo Nunez is known to have unprotected sex and seek sexual activity in video stores, parks, and other various places where the gay community occasionally hook up . If you have been with this individual please contact your doctor or nearest health department and get tested immediately. #gerardonunez #hivandaids #mcallen #texas
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1924-gerardo-nunez-hivandaids.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1924-gerardo-nunez-hivandaids.aspx
Friday, February 2, 2024
New York, New York Virus Carrier: Joey DiPaolo
Joey DiPaolo contracted HIV during a 1984 blood transfusion. His life was portrayed in an HBO special called "Blood Brothers, the Joey DiPaolo Story" which won the 1993 Cable Ace Award. The source of this report has been updated to reflect the fact that he married former New York Jets cheerleader Lauren Pisani. #joeydipaolo #hivandaids #newyork #newyork
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/4-joey-dipaolo-hivandaids.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/4-joey-dipaolo-hivandaids.aspx
Thursday, February 1, 2024
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1050-shireen-snyder-hivandaids.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1050-shireen-snyder-hivandaids.aspx
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STAMFORD, Connecticut Virus Carrier: Gabriella Nastasi
Gabriella Nastasi (sic) Lex is a Nastasi White crime boss's ex wife and nasty ass hoe who preys on innocent children. She is being inves...
Fred Hersch is a famous American jazz musician who has been HIV positive since 1986 and has been spokesperson for AIDS ever since. At the ti...
He's charming and suave, so keep your eyes open ladies. He used to be much more attractive so the fact that he's let himself go as o...