He is a liar and will infect you with disease without informing you he has it. I would stay away from him at all costs. #ethannarimatsu #hpv #seattle #washington
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/903-ethan-narimatsu-hpv.aspx
Friday, May 31, 2024
Thursday, May 30, 2024
Sarnia, Ontario Infectious Disease: Tracey Richardson
My name is Robert Richardson and my sister is Tracey Richardson she also goes by Tracey Brown and or Tracey Debonis she was married twice and is currently in a relationship with a man named Dan clements, Tracey works for Sarnia's local escourt service and she sleeps with over 15 men daily unprotected i just wanted to let people no, Tracey is known for going to bars picking up clients and having unprotected sex. Please be aware of my sister! #traceyrichardson #hepatitisc #sarnia #ontario
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1701-tracey-richardson-hepatitisc.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1701-tracey-richardson-hepatitisc.aspx
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Grand Junction, Colorado Virus Carrier: Shad Skov
This guy will be avoiding shower rapes from uninfected inmates while getting pulverized by other HIV positive inmates after infecting a woman who gave birth to his son who at 4 months old is HIV positive. #shadskov #hivandaids #grandjunction #colorado
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/737-shad-skov-hivandaids.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/737-shad-skov-hivandaids.aspx
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Midvale , Utah Health Alert: Chelsea breese
Chelsea left your husband in Colorado met a man of Grindr in three days moved him in and nfected him with herpes. Callously doesn't care or inform ppl beforehand. #chelseabreese #genitalherpes #midvale #utah
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/8482-chelsea-breese-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/8482-chelsea-breese-genitalherpes.aspx
Monday, May 27, 2024
vancouver, Washington Infectious Disease: mallisa cash
Jeff Robotson #mallisacash #hepatitisc #vancouver #washington
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/774-mallisa-cash-hepatitisc.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/774-mallisa-cash-hepatitisc.aspx
Sunday, May 26, 2024
Montreal, Quebec Health Alert: Paul Broomfield
The actual email exchange between Paul and Caroline: good morning C(aroline), love do you have any valtrex you can give me? i have this little pimple on my lip that doesn't feel like it normally does, but it is in the same place and is sort of the same. different feeling, same herpes je pense. maybe if you're going to Scott's i could pick them up? P(aul) maman Juste te dire que Paul est alle prendre qq valtrex dans ta prescription au Jean coutu.. Il va payer et garder le papier pour remboursement futur.. il en a pris qq'un pour moi.. Je te laisse deja.. tout va bien ! Bisous C(aroline) #paulbroomfield #genitalherpes #montreal #quebec
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1199-paul-broomfield-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1199-paul-broomfield-genitalherpes.aspx
Hebron, Kentucky Health Alert: Kim Krumpelman
Was told first hand she had this and knowing this did not tell her husband and then gave this to him. #kimkrumpelman #genitalherpes #hebron #kentucky
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/633-kim-krumpelman-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/633-kim-krumpelman-genitalherpes.aspx
Saturday, May 25, 2024
Bessemer , Alabama Health Alert: Roderick Houston
He is a Birmingham Firefighter who will never disclose his status ...this was given intentionally and without care ,,, Condoms were used however this STD was still transmitted #roderickhouston #genitalherpes #bessemer #alabama
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3247-roderick-houston-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3247-roderick-houston-genitalherpes.aspx
Friday, May 24, 2024
New Haven, Connecticut Virus Carrier: Rachel Sommers
Rachel Sommers is a JEW with HIV/Aids From Israel. Rachel Sommers is a JEW with HIV/Aids From Israel. Rachel Sommers is a JEW with HIV/Aids From Israel. Rachel Sommers is a JEW with HIV/Aids From Israel. #rachelsommers #hivandaids #newhaven #connecticut
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/8525-rachel-sommers-hivandaids.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/8525-rachel-sommers-hivandaids.aspx
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Williamstown, New Jersey Infectious Disease: Gaetano Luongo
If only I had known.... I'm not the first person he sexually abused, manipulated. Guy Luongo is sick. He goes thru paranoid episodes where he becomes extremely abusive . He truly seems to feel the world is out to get him. Guy Luongo is a predator. He has raped me, he has physically abused me, he has recorded me without consent in his bedroom. He is a sex addict when his dick gets to the point of over use and he can not function he becomes violent, abusive, belligerent. When told no he forces himself, raped me. With the way he treats women, is it possible he doesn't like women? He has an obsession/compulsion for anal sex. His religious personality (one of many) is a scam. Do not believe his manipulative tactics. #gaetanoluongo #hepatitisc #williamstown #newjersey
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3404-gaetano-luongo-hepatitisc.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3404-gaetano-luongo-hepatitisc.aspx
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Newport Beach, California Exposure Notification: Scott Ferrell
Scott J Ferrell gave me HPV Hepatitis C and Syphilis. Scott Ferrell is know by many escort agencies in Newport Beach to liking everything without condoms and will slip it off while you cant see if you say no. #scottferrell #hpv #newportbeach #california
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1977-scott-ferrell-hpv.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1977-scott-ferrell-hpv.aspx
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Edmonton Alberta , Alberta Health Alert: Shaylynne Cardinal
The Mrs. Shaylynn, Cardinal. Aka Shaye Monias This one right here is a proud, oilfield wife. She sits at home while her husband is on a two week hitch and she hooks up with random men all over the Bonnieville Alberta area. Edmonton Alberta and Cold Lake Alberta. This one has a really bad reputation all over northern Alberta for being a Passaround amongst all the oilfield boys. apparently she smells like FISH remember that hot steamy night in August when you were with my husband getting FUCKED While Jules was at work haha Getting all those tattoos you think youd get that cock sucking mouth fixed and those ugly teeth of your.. SHAY MONIAS YOU BIG LOOSE FISH BAG! Quit sleeping around with married men you FUCKING SLUT. Leaving your stink smell all over my husband and then you go home to your husband fucking puke.. Have you addressed the fact that you have herpes? If any of the oilfield boys want to take a turn on Mrs Cardinal/Monias, shes in the 780 area code wet and horney she will drive to you for a good fuck oh and no condoms needed with this one. CUM BUCKET.. Just leaves her kids at home while you go out and get fucked so trashy fishy and gross. Im sending this to your husband Hugs and kisses bitch.. #shaylynnecardinal #genitalherpes #edmontonalberta #alberta
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/9744-shaylynne-cardinal-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/9744-shaylynne-cardinal-genitalherpes.aspx
Monday, May 20, 2024
Palm Beach, Florida Virus Carrier: Esther Mondesir
Police in Palm Beach, Florida arrested 28 year old Esther Mondesir for having unprotected sex with her husband while keeping him in the dark of her HIV status. She faces up to five years of prison on the charge. According to media reports she admitted to being HIV positive in 2007 and to having known about it for the six years prior to that. #esthermondesir #hivandaids #palmbeach #florida
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1108-esther-mondesir-hivandaids.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1108-esther-mondesir-hivandaids.aspx
Sunday, May 19, 2024
Lake Charles, Louisiana Virus Carrier: Larry Thomas
This dirty bastard continues to lie about his HIV infection. #larrythomas #hivandaids #lakecharles #louisiana
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/802-larry-thomas-hivandaids.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/802-larry-thomas-hivandaids.aspx
Saturday, May 18, 2024
Toronto, Ontario Health Alert: Bella Pringle
This cum guzzling sleaze bag and her disgusting drug habits she will sleep with anyone to get a place to.lay her head. Becareful because she will rob you blind and then go back to her boyfriend Adam pee aka pringle who has an uncle who sexually assaulted 2 young women he was charged with luring underage women x2 #bellapringle #genitalherpes #toronto #ontario
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/5449-bella-pringle-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/5449-bella-pringle-genitalherpes.aspx
Friday, May 17, 2024
Chicago, Michigan Health Alert: Julie Burns
Julie Burns from Columbia College in Chicago gave me Herpes. She is a dishonest person, a pot head, and a huge Alcoholic. I know for a fact that for years she has been stealing beer and wine for her employer Columbia Collage. She drinks three bottles of wine a day and brings home a different guy every night. I'm sure that's how she got Herper and gave it to me. She needs to be stopped. Those poor men don't know what they are getting themselves into! She will never tell them the truth about her because she is afraid that she needs sex to keep a man because she's very very ugly! She needs to be stopped! #julieburns #genitalherpes #chicago #michigan
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/2028-julie-burns-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/2028-julie-burns-genitalherpes.aspx
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Kitchener, Ontario Virus Carrier: Joel Stronghill
Christopher (Joel) F. Stronghill has a habit of going out with one of his friends, engaging in random sex parties with complete strangers, and not disclosing his HIV or Genital Herpes status. I know this because he's the only person I have ever slept with, and yet here I am with HIV and genital herpes.... The very thing he has accused others of doing, and lied about on numerous occasions. If you see him, STAY AWAY! He has destroyed my entire life with his lies and deceit. The worst part is that when I contacted him to give him the news, he bragged about having infected me, and about how he wrongfully accused two people of the very thing that he's doing himself, out of spite and revenge.. I can only guess that these two people were the ones who infected him in the first place. He is disgusting and should be avoided if you value your health and well-being. I have never felt so violated in my whole life. He should be behind bars for his reckless behaviour. Also, when I confronted him about my diagnosis, he seemed proud of what he had done and tormented me over it for quite some time. Well... I will be silent no more. If you want more information, I would encourage you to check out his employer.... Manulife #joelstronghill #hivandaids #kitchener #ontario
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3392-joel-stronghill-hivandaids.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3392-joel-stronghill-hivandaids.aspx
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
San Bernadino, California Virus Carrier: Cynthia Mendez
She was selling sexual favors for some dope at a party some homeboyz were at. After they were stoned she managed to get 5 or 6 of the dudes to let her get em off orally then she boned a few of the homies and she didnt say nothin bout no aids and herpez till a few months later when the homeboyz she was bangin said she gave them Aids. She got it from this real old black dude named Herman Reese who she bangs and lives with, the old rapist is over 60 shes 41 and does dude for dope and a roof. Hes got rape convictions and got arrested in 2007 in Redlands where they live together for cavin her head in with a hammer.Dude is so old andugly and fowl he got a pay even the likes of her to get down with him, they both Meth Addicts and convicted Felons so they aint got nobody else but the dope man and each other. She got Smashed in the Skull with a Hammer by Herman Reese(aka Bill Reese) in 2007 and was on life support, she still lives with dude and goes from him to others every other month. She has Warrants and also fled Ca. once for getting Pregnant from a teenage boy she was doing when his parents were going to press charges on her for rape of a minor so shes got NO Limits to how devious she is and what she does for Dope and Sex with anyone Male or Female. She also has Stolen wallets and THOUSANDS of dollars from dudes she gets friendly with just so she can steal and burn them for whatever they got. #cynthiamendez #hivandaids #sanbernadino #california
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1791-cynthia-mendez-hivandaids.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1791-cynthia-mendez-hivandaids.aspx
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Brooklyn, New York Health Alert: Michiko Kudo
Michiko has slept with over 58 men and women and engages in BDSM with her partners. Generally she prefers to sleep with men who pay for clothing, rent, or food. Highly manipulative and a habitual liar. Avoid at all costs. #michikokudo #genitalherpes #brooklyn #newyork
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/136-michiko-kudo-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/136-michiko-kudo-genitalherpes.aspx
Monday, May 13, 2024
Dallas, Texas Health Alert: Sierra Beyonce Lozano
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/9808-sierrabeyonce-lozano-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/9808-sierrabeyonce-lozano-genitalherpes.aspx
Sunday, May 12, 2024
Columbia, Missouri Health Alert: Jason Kruse
This man has lied about having the disease over and over, from the first time we met well into our relationship. I had to find his Valtrex to even get him to confess to having herpes. He then lied about the condition itself. #jasonkruse #genitalherpes #columbia #missouri
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1142-jason-kruse-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1142-jason-kruse-genitalherpes.aspx
Saturday, May 11, 2024
New York, New York Virus Carrier: Jim Bullock
Known for his role as Monroe Ficus on the 80's sitcom "Too Close for Comfort" a title that Jim Bullock now associates with people forgetting the struggles of the "Dark Ages" of AIDS. Bullock went on to be a regular guest on John Davidson's "Hollywood Squares" and briefly co-hosted the "Jim J. and Tammy Faye Show" in 1996. #jimbullock #hivandaids #newyork #newyork
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/832-jim-bullock-hivandaids.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/832-jim-bullock-hivandaids.aspx
Friday, May 10, 2024
Los Angeles, California Virus Carrier: Derrick Burts
Derrick Burts contracted HIV, Herpes, and Chlamydia after just a month on the job making gay porn under the name Derrick Chambers and straight porn under the name Cameron Reid. With Chlamydia being curable and Herpes being no big deal to most porn stars his HIV was another matter that shut down filming across the entire industry for several weeks. Porn officials blamed the infection on private personal activity at first, but Burts claimed that was impossible because before going pro the only person he had sex with was his girlfriend. Eventually porn officials changed their story stating that he got it from an oral sex scene with another male actor. #derrickburts #hivandaids #losangeles #california
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1286-derrick-burts-hivandaids.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1286-derrick-burts-hivandaids.aspx
Thursday, May 9, 2024
Beaverton, Oregon Virus Carrier: Michael Taylor
This person has posted ads on CL and adam4adam stating that he is HIV poz. #michaeltaylor #hivandaids #beaverton #oregon
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/869-michael-taylor-hivandaids.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/869-michael-taylor-hivandaids.aspx
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Roseville, California Communicable Disease: Jillian Quist
Jillian Quist is infected with Anal Warts and she has Vaginal Herpes. Jillian Quist is a known prostitute in ROSEVILLE/Sacramento area and she goes by the name Vanna Sweets or #SlurpyDogPussy while doing her Prostitution activities and often times goes by #K9KatcherNsac or #KnottyRuffTimes while taking dog dick or partaking in acts of bestiality of which she was convicted criminally in 2018 of Sexually Abusing and Assaulting Dogs as she engaged in Sexual Acts with Dogs. Jillian is an Active CONVICTED SEXUAL PREDATOR as you can see online at PredatorsWatch.com . PLEASE BE CAREDUL AND AWARE OF THIS HEARTLESS LADY. SHE DOES #KNOTPROTECTINGMAKENNAQUISTALLISONQUIST #jillianquist #genitalwarts #roseville #california
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3208-jillian-quist-genitalwarts.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3208-jillian-quist-genitalwarts.aspx
Loudon, Tennessee Health Alert: Jerry Mager, jr
Beware ladies-he's married-has a couple of girlfriends on the side-and is a pathalogical liar. I learned the hard way he was 'cathcy'. #jerrymager,jr #genitalherpes #loudon #tennessee
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/676-jerry-mager,jr-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/676-jerry-mager,jr-genitalherpes.aspx
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Harleyville, South Carolina Health Alert: Willie James
This man has genital herpes and it is documented on public record.He refuses to disclose his condition or wear protection to prevent the disease from being spread. #williejames #genitalherpes #harleyville #southcarolina
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/821-willie-james-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/821-willie-james-genitalherpes.aspx
Monday, May 6, 2024
Plano, Texas Exposure Notification: Corey Jaggi
Corey Jaggi raped my friend and infected her with HPV. After he told her about his diagnosis she has rejected his advances on social media numerous times. They were friends for two years. They had a fallout and she wanted to work it out and be his friend. She invited him over to talk things over with him. She didn't realize how the medication she was taking for her condition affected her. She was having a hard time staying conscious. He proceeded to touch her thighs, her breasts, and her genitals. She kept telling him no but he continued to touch her. He was all over her and did not respect her personal space. He wore her down even though she mumbled no numerous times. He kept trying to get her aroused without her consent. When she passed out he had his way with her. When she was diagnosed she was devasted and went into a suicidal depression. I confronted him about it and he had no remorse. First he tried to shift the blame to her even though there were messages rejecting his advances. He then confessed and claimed she deserved it because she was subhuman for having a disability. When I mentioned she was afraid of getting cancer he laughed. Facebook Corey Jaggi Instagram misternarrator I want this POS to pay. #coreyjaggi #hpv #plano #texas
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3340-corey-jaggi-hpv.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3340-corey-jaggi-hpv.aspx
Sunday, May 5, 2024
Vancouver, Washington Health Alert: Stan Lecher
He is a sexual preditor having sadomized me #stanlecher #genitalherpes #vancouver #washington
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/775-stan-lecher-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/775-stan-lecher-genitalherpes.aspx
Saturday, May 4, 2024
London, Greater London Communicable Disease: Sardiya Sardi Sadia Ali
Sadia Ali of London uses the aliases Sardi and Sardiya. She knows there many people with the same name so she uses this fact to get away with threatening and blackmailing people who dared to ask for their money back. I invested in her cryptocurrency halawa business and never got the interest promised to me. All I asked for was my initial back and she went mental. I tried to be as polite as possible but the took my kindness for weakness. She was very insistent that I gave her Chlamydia and called me non stop to accuse me of giving it to her. She called me all sorts of nasty names and threatened to report me to a whole list of agencies just before she inactivated her number. What really pissed me off is her threatening to tell my wife I gave her Chlamydia. I used protection so I knew there was almost no chance I gave her anythinh. I end up getting checked and was cleared of any diseases but the fact Sadia was so insistent I gave it to her told me everything I needed to know. Obviously, she is the one with Chlamydia. Just how many men is she shaking down for this I wonder. "Sardiya" never returned my money and she never will. When I first met her i thought she was a nice lady who went through some hardships but what she really is is an evil blackmailer looking for her next victim. I refuse to be intimidated and if Sadia calls my wife, so be it. Do not fall for her tales of her needing help to run away with her children from a partner who beats her. Her children are grown and any woman who resorts to blackmail and threats to make a living can't be trusted. The only truth Sadia ever told me must be her catching Chlamydia but I'm not the one who gave it to her. If she tries to shake you down for cash, don't give it to her. She will only blackmail you more. #sardiyasardisadiaali #genitalwarts #london #greaterlondon
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/8578-sardiyasardisadia-ali-genitalwarts.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/8578-sardiyasardisadia-ali-genitalwarts.aspx
Friday, May 3, 2024
Miami, Florida Health Alert: Wendy Turner
Jamaican woman infected my brother. He found out when he transmitted it to his girlfriend. She is evil. Watch out for her. She acts very sweet but doesn't care at all. #wendyturner #genitalherpes #miami #florida
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1159-wendy-turner-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1159-wendy-turner-genitalherpes.aspx
Thursday, May 2, 2024
Milwaukee, Wisconsin Virus Carrier: Wendy Quinn
This fucking filthy ugly dirty fat ass bitch is a no good lying diseased cunt. This ugly fat ass whore will fuck anyone and loves to spread the fucking disease everywhere. She's a evil two face bitch and I hate her guts!!!! #wendyquinn #hivandaids #milwaukee #wisconsin
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/2149-wendy-quinn-hivandaids.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/2149-wendy-quinn-hivandaids.aspx
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Oxnard, California Health Alert: Annalisa "Littles" Mendez
she was actually a friend of mine, but found out cuz' i work at the doctors office she knew all along while hooking up with a family member of mine and didn't tell him know he has herpes. S thanks a lot "Lisa Littles" from Hill St. for spreading your nasty sh*t all around the homies and giving it to your daughter #annalisa"littles"mendez #genitalherpes #oxnard #california
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/2074-annalisa"littles"-mendez-genitalherpes.aspx
source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/2074-annalisa"littles"-mendez-genitalherpes.aspx
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Indio, California Health Alert: Chanille Dunnam
She has ran through the popular dating apps for several years in her area with ease, as she is admitedly beautiful. She hasn't rendered ...
Fred Hersch is a famous American jazz musician who has been HIV positive since 1986 and has been spokesperson for AIDS ever since. At the ti...
Steer clear of this crab infested skank! Her pussy stinks like fish! Jolene has a rotten fish pussy, because she has bacterial vaginosis. Th...
He's charming and suave, so keep your eyes open ladies. He used to be much more attractive so the fact that he's let himself go as o...