Monday, February 7, 2022

Manassas, Virginia Communicable Disease: Heather Jacobs

Heather has contracted HPV and had it for several years with repeated abnormal pap smears and genital examinations performed by OB-GYNs and primary care physicians. Heather also has a history of other genital and pelvic abnormalities with surgery needed to correct one of the pelvic issues and she receives ongoing care for several unidentified lumps both inside her vaginal wall, inner thighs and genital region. Heather does not notify her sexual partners of her STDs, has unprotected sex with multiple partners (often men she met of sexual in counter websites or that she does not know very well), she has Herpes Simplex as well both in her genital region and a history of facial sores as well. Heather is actively trying to get pregnant and is having unprotected sex with multiple partners. She will not admit to having any STDs even when prompted about having them and her having medical proof of her diseases. #heatherjacobs #genitalwarts #manassas #virginia

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