Saturday, April 2, 2022

Melbourne, Victoria Health Alert: Jasmine Vinci

So long story short, 2 year relationship, contracted 12 months in, we had been talking for months and when things escalated after our first date, things got sexual she told me we didnt need protection because she didnt have anything. Literally lied about it Asked me if I did and I said no I always use protection; she said we didnt need it. 12 months later herpes, horrible 2 weeks spent in my room not knowing what to do she continues to deny it. I get tested and its confirmed and she finally admits it and says shes had it for 6 years. Were not together anymore. She has no remorse, she is a sex worker working illegally with no sex worker number and lies to her work by changing to a different doctor and requesting and std panel with out hsv2 screening. #jasminevinci #genitalherpes #melbourne #victoria


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Louisville, Kentucky Health Alert: David Alkire

Has genital herpes and failed to inform a partner of the problem. What a low life selfish act to do to someone else. ..........................