Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Mesa, Arizona Communicable Disease: Amelia Inez

This girl has slept with my boyfriend and has failed to advise anyone that she has HPV and now I have it. I told her to get tested and she refuses to show proof so furthering the allegation was true. My ex boyfriends mother also confessed he has HPV. She refuses to get treated and refuses to tell anyone she has HPV. Someone said she also has herpes but Im not sure about it . Please watch out she is reckless #ameliainez #genitalwarts #mesa #arizona

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3363-amelia-inez-genitalwarts.aspx

Boise, Idaho Health Alert: Raquel Bromwell

She has a tendency to sleep with more than two men a week and hates to use protection. She often uses the excuse that because she isn't having a breakout she can't pass the virus. She feels no remorse about passing on her herpes. #raquelbromwell #genitalherpes #boise #idaho

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/254-raquel-bromwell-genitalherpes.aspx

Charleston, Virginia Health Alert: Brandy Dilf

Yes I’m straight home lol lol I’m so tired of the way I don’t feel like I’m coming lol lol that’s why not lol that’s how I feel like I’m gonna be a good kid and not #brandydilf #genitalherpes #charleston #virginia

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3277-brandy-dilf-genitalherpes.aspx

Armidale, New South Wales Health Alert: James Ellis

A friend disclosed that he dumped her after she refused to have oral sex with him after he disclosed. She was glad that he informed her BEFOREHAND as he apparently wasn't showing symptoms at the time, but she still didn't want to perform oral sex, so he broke up with her. #jamesellis #genitalherpes #armidale #newsouthwales

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1132-james-ellis-genitalherpes.aspx

Bay City, Michigan Health Alert: Sarah Church

Received virus from current husband, Paul Church. #sarahchurch #genitalherpes #baycity #michigan

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/724-sarah-church-genitalherpes.aspx

Monday, January 30, 2023

Charlotte , North Carolina Health Alert: Shelby Johnson

She admitted it to me after finding out she gave it all to someone else. Thankfully I'm clean! She is a liar will try and take you for money as well. #shelbyjohnson #genitalherpes #charlotte #northcarolina

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/8491-shelby-johnson-genitalherpes.aspx

Queens, New York Health Alert: Waddell Coleman

Waddell Coleman has infected young girls in South Side Jamaica Queens for a while now.He really needs to be stopped.He has Simplex 1,2 herpes virus witch he does not inform you of.He also contracted Chlamydia of summer 09.Who's to tell if he does'nt have H.I.V. also .Please Be Advised. #waddellcoleman #genitalherpes #queens #newyork

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/844-waddell-coleman-genitalherpes.aspx

Traverse City, Michigan Health Alert: Meredith Murray

This individual has had sex with at least four men at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Virginia. At no point during any of the relationships has she ever informed her partners of her lifelong disease or asked her partners to use protection. This is a high risk individual who has no regard for the wellbeing of her victims. #meredithmurray #genitalherpes #traversecity #michigan

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1419-meredith-murray-genitalherpes.aspx

Memphis, Tennessee Health Alert: Andrew Helms

I am not aware that they have had sex with anyone with anyone since finding out about their infection. They are however being very abusive and aggressive to their partner blaming them when they had never been checked before. I dont think they are willing to be truthful at all about anything if they hadnt been caught. #andrewhelms #genitalherpes #memphis #tennessee

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/8574-andrew-helms-genitalherpes.aspx

New Castle, Indiana Health Alert: Jose L. Oviedo

Jose L. Oviedo was an illegal alien who raped a 5 year old girl and gave her Genital Herpes in 2008. Oviedo immediately fled to Mexico when the girl informed police that he had molested her. Her mother Jennifer Newton was dating Oviedo at the time and decided not only to help him evade arrest, but according to one news report failed to help her daughter seek treatment when suffering her first Herpes outbreak. He is now in prison and will be released in 2023. #joseloviedo #genitalherpes #newcastle #indiana

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1238-josel.-oviedo-genitalherpes.aspx

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Dauphin Island, Alabama Health Alert: Tony LaFrenier

Tony is a cunning manizer. He tricked me into believing everything was cool and he was clean and it turns out he has more things than can be listed on this site such as the clap and gonorea. Men, please be very careful with this man. He throws his navy prowess around like it mardi gras. Be careful of this queen, he's got some issues. #tonylafrenier #genitalherpes #dauphinisland #alabama

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/800-tony-lafrenier-genitalherpes.aspx

Dallas, Texas Virus Carrier: Christopher Baccus

This so called family man (he even has a blog and everything!) is really a closet homo who hires male prostitutes (female if the bring a strap on) to ram him up the ass before he goes home to his wife and kids. He tries to convince the hookers not to use condoms (I have since become friends with a couple of them). How do I know this? I dated him before I found out he was MARRIED and I also found his AIDS medicine and internet hooker reviews. Stay away from this trash! #christopherbaccus #hivandaids #dallas #texas

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1861-christopher-baccus-hivandaids.aspx

Dallas, Texas Health Alert: Darius Johnson

He goes by Dee short for Darius but his government name is SirDarius Kentrell Johnson. He is knowingly infecting women with HSV. He will lie to you and tell you he does not have an STD but he does or if you dont ask him he will not disclose. He is aware that he has HSV and he has known since 2018 possibly further back. Im so sorry beautiful but if you have slept with him anytime from 2018 (possibly further back) to now you most like have HSV. He is legally suppose to disclose to his partners if he wears protection or not. When you confront him about it he pretends to not have known about having an STD and says he is going to go get tested. Also to top all off he has site where he post pictures and videos of girls he has been with or girls who have sent him videos and pictures. He will tell you he is retired and going to school to start a new career but the truth is he lives on disability (scammed them to get it) and he gets paid to go to school. He really doesnt know what he wants in life. Also he has multiple kids that he does not take care of or talk to. If you were planning on sleeping with him before reading this I advice to unmatch and block him he also has some mental issues... narcissist Dee Train Your_trainers_trainer_mr_318 Deetrainer318 https://ift.tt/CJqmknz https://ift.tt/7Zchyt8 https://ift.tt/SuyCOqt His criminal background this is why he doesnt share his full name because his ex pressed charges on him for knowingly giving her Genital Herpes. To this very day he does not disclose he lies and says he is STD free. #dariusjohnson #genitalherpes #dallas #texas

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3264-darius-johnson-genitalherpes.aspx

Finsbury, Greater London Virus Carrier: Christopher Smith

Baron Smith of Finsbury is the official title of Lord Chris Smith who became Britain's first openly gay member of parliament when he came out in 1984. He went on to serve over 20 years in the House of Commons before becoming the Secretary of State for Culture, Media, and Sport under Prime Minster Tony Blair in 1997. In 2005 he announced that he has been HIV positive since 1987. #christophersmith #hivandaids #finsbury #greaterlondon

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/961-christopher-smith-hivandaids.aspx

Gloucester, New Jersey Virus Carrier: Marie haitz Marie Debow

This womans second occupation is a back page call girl. She has an insatiable hunger for sex. Shes on multiple dating websites looking for sex. If youve been with her you need to be tested!! #mariehaitzmariedebow #hivandaids #gloucester #newjersey

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3395-mariehaitz-mariedebow-hivandaids.aspx

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Lansing, New York Communicable Disease: Robert Williams

In July 2008 we had sex in the dark, with a condom one night. He didn't allow me to see anything. The next night, we were laying on the bed and going to do it again-light on... He wouldn't let me see his penis. I asked why, he said no reason. I put my hand on it and felt bumps. I freaked! He said "you just felt my zipper!" So I said "Bullshit dude, you have freakin' warts and didn't tell me?!" He confessed and let me see them. 3 of them almost at the tip. He also said he's never told anyone before. Problem? He has takes a new girl home every night from the bar in college town (in Ithaca, NY ~ Cornell Students). He sleeps with everyone! Anyway, the point is, about a month later, this girl calls while we were at the movie theater. She called to say she was pregnant and had warts... He had passed them on to her and impregnated her. He still doesn't tell anyone about them to the best of my knowledge = conversation we had 8 months ago. Genital warts don't always show on the outside of female reproductive organs. Your uterus could be filled with them, your vagina, everything and you would never even know-but may still pass it on to others. I fortunately, did not contract genital warts. I have been tested several times over the last three years, had a baby and I have also been tested since then. I had my baby's blood tested for HPV and he doesn't have it either. THANK GOD! #robertwilliams #genitalwarts #lansing #newyork

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1371-robert-williams-genitalwarts.aspx

san diego, California Health Alert: lynn altmeyer leyendecker

cheated on her husband with black man and got herpes, tried to blame her ex husband, but he was tested and has no std, has been tested twice since and still no std's, after her ex found out about cheating he broke off all phyisical contact. #lynnaltmeyerleyendecker #genitalherpes #sandiego #california

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1747-lynn-altmeyerleyendecker-genitalherpes.aspx

Friday, January 27, 2023

Decatur, Illinois Health Alert: Sam Mattison

THIS man gave me Herpes. I know it was him. I was not with anyone for over 10 years,had sex with him and broke out with sores/ulcers about 12 days afterwords. I went to the doctors, they tested me and said I had herpes. When I had sex with him I seen a "rash" on his penis and he told me he had psoriasis. Guess I am the dummie for believing/trusting him. Thought if I could warn others it would help. He is on dating sites yahoo, tagged and singles net the links listed below #sammattison #genitalherpes #decatur #illinois

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/969-sam-mattison-genitalherpes.aspx

St. Louis, Missouri Infectious Disease: Terry Wayne Carr Jr.

He is a iv drug user ( doc: heroin). Plus he has several prison tattoos. He was diagnosed with hep c in prison but is not known witch way he contracted it. He also did contract warts from bisexual contact with another male in prison in 2006. He confessed to me in 2008 when he was released from prison. #terrywaynecarrjr #hepatitisc #stlouis #missouri

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1668-terrywayne-carrjr.-hepatitisc.aspx

Medford, Oregon Health Alert: Johnnie Alvarado

He tells the truth about it...after he sleeps with a girl. He'll say something along the lines of, "We all have herpes. Everyone has it these days." That is after having unprotected sex with him several times. That is how he told me & I have heard from several other girls he has done the same thing to them, including two women he has children with. #johnniealvarado #genitalherpes #medford #oregon

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3381-johnnie-alvarado-genitalherpes.aspx

Troy, Missouri Exposure Notification: Todd Ryan Greenwald

He cheated on me. So I went to the doctor to get checked out. I get tested before all new partners so I know I was clean before I slept with him. I got the bad news and I confronted him. He made a joke out of it and refused to go and get tested for STD's. He also admitted to never using a rubber with anyone because he didn't like them. #toddryangreenwald #hpv #troy #missouri

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/347-toddryan-greenwald-hpv.aspx

San Antonio, Texas Health Alert: Mathieu Lee

He didn't tell me he had Herpes or HPV, but when I went to get checked out, I found out from my doctor that he had infected me with HPV and Herpes. #mathieulee #genitalherpes #sanantonio #texas

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/965-mathieu-lee-genitalherpes.aspx

Palo Alto, California Infectious Disease: Kenny Neal

When doctors broke the news to blues musician Kenny Neal Hepatitis C was the last thing that he needed. His father, his sister, another relative, and a band member had all died over the two years leading up to his diagnosis that required him to seek treatment instead of going on tour. It was a tough time in his life for which he credits his music for helping him get through it, but being given his own television show called "Neal’s Place" didn't hurt either. In 2007 he started performing live again and continues to produce new music. #kennyneal #hepatitisc #paloalto #california

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1269-kenny-neal-hepatitisc.aspx

STAMFORD, Connecticut Virus Carrier: Gabriella Nastasi

Gabriella Nastasi (sic) Lex is a Nastasi White crime boss's ex wife and nasty ass hoe who preys on innocent children. She is being inves...