Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Mesa, Arizona Communicable Disease: Amelia Inez

This girl has slept with my boyfriend and has failed to advise anyone that she has HPV and now I have it. I told her to get tested and she refuses to show proof so furthering the allegation was true. My ex boyfriends mother also confessed he has HPV. She refuses to get treated and refuses to tell anyone she has HPV. Someone said she also has herpes but Im not sure about it . Please watch out she is reckless #ameliainez #genitalwarts #mesa #arizona

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3363-amelia-inez-genitalwarts.aspx

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Louisville, Kentucky Health Alert: David Alkire

Has genital herpes and failed to inform a partner of the problem. What a low life selfish act to do to someone else. ..........................