Thursday, April 13, 2023

Balch Springs, Texas Health Alert: Robbie Farmer

He claims he has nothing but has never been tested for an STD, refuses even after letter was sent to him. This man was married at the time, not sure if his wife is aware, she was pregnant during our affair..I found out after we ended our fling. I didn't approach him directly since we didn't have much contact and it caused problems with his wife. I was diagnosed with HPV and my blood test for herpes came back positive. I haven't had a break out, and do not know if he ever has, from the information I have gathered he either hasn't had a breakout or has claimed any lesion or lesion type sore to be razor burn or a boil, which he gets quite often but never sees a doctor guess is he's covering up the fact he has it and by refusing to get an STD test makes it more suspicious..ladies be warned he has 7 kids and never uses a condom...don't make my mistake. #robbiefarmer #genitalherpes #balchsprings #texas


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