Monday, June 5, 2023

Oceanside, New York Virus Carrier: Robert Musmacker

Robert Musmacker from the Long Island town of Oceanside, New York was convicted of numerous crimes involving child endangerment and reckless conduct before being sentenced to 14 years in prison on July 21, 2010 after admitting to having unprotected sex with nine people. His victims were men and boys aged 16 to 20 that he would seduce with alcohol and marijuana. Musmacker has been a level three convicted sex offender since 1992 when he was convicted of raping a 6 year old relative. He went to prison and was released in 2001. #robertmusmacker #hivandaids #oceanside #newyork


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STAMFORD, Connecticut Virus Carrier: Gabriella Nastasi

Gabriella Nastasi (sic) Lex is a Nastasi White crime boss's ex wife and nasty ass hoe who preys on innocent children. She is being inves...