Friday, September 8, 2023

Mankato, Minnesota Health Alert: Rebecca Karels

Rebecca, goes by the name of Becca, has been known to sleep around with multiple partners in the Mankato and outside area. Proof was found after a rumor and word of mouth was said. A prescription paper had Rebecca prescibed to "Valacyclovir 500 mg tablets". Valacyclovir is used to treat herpes zoster (shingles) and genital herpes. It does not cure herpes infections but decreases pain and itching, helps sores to heal, and prevents new ones from forming. This is just a warning to beware anyone of this 20 year old who likes to lurk around the area. Yes she will have to have an outbreak in order for one to catch it(She is lucky the few people I heard did NOT catch it) but she does like to sleep around in this STD known town of Mankato. Rebecca is known to smoke alot of marijuana and do meth. Beware. #rebeccakarels #genitalherpes #mankato #minnesota


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