Monday, October 30, 2023

Myrtle Beach , South Carolina Infectious Disease: Scottrick Hardy

Sleeps around with lots of men women and couples with unprotected sex likes using penis pump to get real big and think he is into older porn to get himself horny enough to preform and only if your lucky does he confess to having all the diseases listed he seeks no medical treatment or takes any medication for them cause he is a tattooed bad boy who loves sex anywhere he can get it 8-80 he doesnt care anal sex is a favorite he has a slip knot tat on his neck claims his brother in law in band covered all over with white power and claims to be with hells angels 702 on stomach he dont work cheats lies and steals his way through life true scam artist so beware he isnt dangerous physically just sexually and in relationships lies just to lie he drinks a lot and smokes cigarettes and pot or any drugs he can get a hold of just runs wild #scottrickhardy #hepatitisc #myrtlebeach #southcarolina


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Louisville, Kentucky Health Alert: David Alkire

Has genital herpes and failed to inform a partner of the problem. What a low life selfish act to do to someone else. ..........................