Sunday, November 12, 2023

Stone Mountain , Georgia Virus Carrier: CELESTE Greenwood

Celeste Greenwood Had meet this dude on a dating site name Badoo. They was messing around for about 6 months. He reach out to me telling me to get tested cause he just found out this bitch Celeste Greenwood had HIV . He was at her house they just got done having intercourse he said he noticed a lot of pills on her dresser he took a picture of the bottle & Google it and the pills were for HIV he confronted her she lied about it then she finally confess And said she didn’t tell him because she was catching feelings for him So he gave me her information cause at this point Im going to the police & getting tested this punk bitch is reckless So I reached out to her and all she had to say was me and him was OK because she takes the pills every day to keep a low number count & to be undetected... this bitch is crazy & sick this shit is nasty this bitch needs to be under the jail sick nasty individual people like her Now the scary part is how many other people she have done this too! that dont know, so this is why I putting this out here. Because this shit is scary this is something that can kill you dead and she didn’t even Have the decency to tell him she didnt even care...... all she thought about was getting her pussy wet . Nasty bitch! U should be in jail With that nasty pussy So if anybody know this individual or have dealt with this individual please go get tested and contact your local police department or health department #celestegreenwood #hivandaids #stonemountain #georgia


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STAMFORD, Connecticut Virus Carrier: Gabriella Nastasi

Gabriella Nastasi (sic) Lex is a Nastasi White crime boss's ex wife and nasty ass hoe who preys on innocent children. She is being inves...