Sunday, January 7, 2024

jonesboro, Arkansas Virus Carrier: Milton Atkins

i slept with milton for over a year i had always ask for us both to go to the health department here in jonesboro, arkansa he always said if he had something he would know. his childs mother called and called about him that she burnt him and that i needed to go get check. well the day i was gon to go i ask milton aka twin to go with me he said he had to do something for his twin he never came back again he still calls i curse him and all he can say is he never knew the burning sensation i got from him should of warned me enough but i guess not he refuses to go get help saying his sister can get him pills like pinacillcen, im scared and confused and even though he calls this shit isnt right to me im losing years off my life because of a selfish man, but at least i learned to never have unprotected sex even with the people you know and trust #miltonatkins #hivandaids #jonesboro #arkansas


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Louisville, Kentucky Health Alert: David Alkire

Has genital herpes and failed to inform a partner of the problem. What a low life selfish act to do to someone else. ..........................