Saturday, November 23, 2024

New York, New York Virus Carrier: Pedro Julio Serrano

Pedro Julio Serrano decided to become an activist after being diagnosed with HIV sometime before announcing his status in 1998 when he became the first openly gay person to run for office in Puerto Rico. He has since gone on to become a leader in several gay rights organizations. In 2003 he founded a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) activist group called Puerto Rico Para Tod@s ("Puerto Ricans for All" in American English). The group is dedicated to increasing social justice levels for LGBT people. Pedro currently lives in New York City and works for the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF). The NGLTF is a left wing activist group dedicated to fighting anti-gay policies and people in America. #pedrojulioserrano #hivandaids #newyork #newyork


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