Monday, March 3, 2025

Washington, DC Infectious Disease: Hank Johnson

Congressman Hank Johnson from Georgia has had Hepatitis C since at least 1998 and has no idea how he got it. He had never used intravenous drugs, gotten any tattoos, and has never had a blood transfusion. That probably leaves sex as the way he got it, but he of course has no idea who gave it to him. The disease has taken its toll on him over the years. At one point he lost 30 pounds in just one year even though he has always been really skinny. Rep. Johnson is currently married to Mereda Johnson and they have two kids. We don't know if any of them have the disease. We also don't know which other women he has been with. The stress of Hepatitis C can take a mental toll. What impact that has had on his voting record is unknown. #hankjohnson #hepatitisc #washington #dc


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