Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Los Angeles, California Infectious Disease: David Lee Marks

David Lee Marks is commonly thought of as the lost member of The Beach Boys because he left the band in 1963 before they released their most popular songs like "Wouldn't It Be Nice" and "I Get Around", but Marks can still be heard in "409 and ""Surfin Safari". Marks joined The Beach Boys in 1962 when he was just 13 years old and moved on to start his own band called David Marks and the Marksmen. Eventually Marks and The Beach Boys got back together in 2006 and the group is considering going on tour again for their 50th anniversary. In 1999 David Marks was diagnosed with Hepatitis C by chance when being treated for a cracked rib and the doctor ran some tests to discover elevated liver enzymes. Marks began treatment right away with anti-viral drugs like Interferon, Ribavirin, and Pegalayted as well as herbal remedies. In 2004 Marks declared that he had beaten the virus. #davidleemarks #hepatitisc #losangeles #california

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1271-davidlee-marks-hepatitisc.aspx

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Louisville, Kentucky Health Alert: David Alkire

Has genital herpes and failed to inform a partner of the problem. What a low life selfish act to do to someone else. ..........................