Tuesday, June 6, 2023

portland, Oregon Health Alert: Carol devries leeland

She maintains that she contracted he virus from her recent ex husband,Tom, yet she interacts very promiscuously with the male population- she deems that men of the world owes her something ever since her marriage failed. She has been known to visit a man in Victoria, BC named Norm, and she has not informed him, to my knowledge, but as the statement on here suggests, STD knows no borders, and this woman is no exception, she is willful in her ways of spreading this. Its just a matter of time before she dumps it on someone who's immune system is already compromised. #caroldevriesleeland #genitalherpes #portland #oregon

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/975-caroldevries-leeland-genitalherpes.aspx

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STAMFORD, Connecticut Virus Carrier: Gabriella Nastasi

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