Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Los Angeles, California Exposure Notification: Michael Douglas

Michael Kirk Douglas was diagnosed with throat cancer in 2010 and blamed it on HPV he contracted while performing cunnilingus on some woman. According to medical experts, HPV has been linked to throat cancers. Usually HPV is mentioned as the primary cause of cervical cancer in women. Michael Douglas's case shows that men can get cancer from HPV also. Most men don't think they need to get the HPV vaccine. Maybe they should think again. Its not like using a condom can keep you from getting STDs from cunnilingus. So, a guy has to choose between vaccines, abstinence, saran wrap, or his girl breaking up with him because he won't perform cunnilingus. Michael Douglas did not disclose the name of the woman that gave him HPV. As a rich and famous celebrity he has no doubt been with many women, but unless he likes performing cunnilingus, he probably has not needed to do anything like that for most of the women that have wanted to have sex with him over the years. That should narrow down the list or maybe he is just a nice guy that doesn't mind performing cunnilingus and does not want the woman he pleasured to suffer the displeasure of being outed with HPV. He has been married to Catherine Zeta-Jones since the year 2000. Before that he was married to Diandra Luker. He has also dated Brenda Vaccaro. #michaeldouglas #hpv #losangeles #california


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