Sunday, October 6, 2024

Baltimore, Maryland Health Alert: Rich Evans III

Knowingly lied about positive hsv2 status, exposing and infecting multiple people, including seriously immunocompromised individual without disclosure. Likely continues to. From york, PA now living in Baltimore, MD as far as I'm aware. I know for a fact the people I've been with before have been completely negative for anything including hsv2, it had been several years since I had been with anyone before him, and I never had symptoms until a few weeks after I was with him the first time. I literally still had my pants on and he just moved them out of the way and exposed me without a condom before I could react. I am immunosuppressed, which he knew but did not care. After infecting me he claimed not to know he had it, which I initially believed. He claimed when I was diagnosed he went to go get tested for confirmation, was diagnosed, and acknowledged infecting me though saying he didn't know. He also lied about only sleeping with me and no one else which was important to me (I am immunosuppressed and exposing me to something from someone esle has the potential to put me in the hospital). I've since spoken to multiple women he slept with after me- the point at which I have hard proof he knew (though for a number of reasons I am almost positive he knew before that and intentionally lied to me as well)- that say he had unprotected sex with them and did not disclose. He also tried to do the same thing to the friend I met him through. Several of these women he met through Tinder or otherwise online. Made threats to try to intimidate me and prevent me from telling people what he did to me. #richevansiii #genitalherpes #baltimore #maryland


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Columbus, Ohio Health Alert: Kate/Katherine Keys, Mcintyer

She has strep-b virus also. She got it from a guy in New York, Nick DiDonne or DiDonne. She trie to act like she found out while dating her,...