She has ran through the popular dating apps for several years in her area with ease, as she is admitedly beautiful. She hasn't rendered much guilt for both her lack of disclosure, and lack of willpower to want to have sex with protection. Be carefull #chanilledunnam #genitalherpes #indio #california
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Friday, March 7, 2025
San Francisco, California Exposure Notification: Shanif Hussein
Mohammed Shanif Hussein was married twice and has been caught cheating several times. He has dangerous STD that he will not disclose before having sex. HPV is not detectable in men but is transferred to women. A court order in international waters was issued against him. Mohammed Shanif Hussein at present resides in Dubai, UAE #shanifhussein #hpv #sanfrancisco #california
Riverview, Florida Exposure Notification: Alexander Ferrer Carrero
HSV-1 / HPV Be sure to check yourself if you've been with this man. Please click the "Reported By" link next to the carrier report number above his picture to contact us. We possess pre- and post-test results from a former partner that point directly to him. Evidence that he was warned of HPV in April 2023. Clinics and others have been trying to contact him with no luck. He refuses to take the tests. This wasn't consent; this is personal injury in the state of Florida, which is considered battery or misdemeanor first-degree. Please be careful with this man. He works at the casino in Tampa. He is a heavy user of drugs and alcohol, which causes him to "forget everything" the next day. There is enough evidence to prosecute him. Very disappointed to see the man he turned out to be. Hopefully I can save a woman from the LIFE SENTECE he gave me. *FOR REMOVAL OF THIS PROFILE* Go to a doctor’s office and get tested for the Sexually Transmitted Disease (or Diseases) that you were reported for having, if your results are clean then the profile will be removed. For HPV and Genital Warts there is no blood test, but they can be frequently detected by other means, clean screening results for either will be satisfactory for the removal of a profile. The results MUST come from a doctor's office and NOT from any type of at home testing service. #alexanderferrercarrero #hpv #riverview #florida
Capt. Constance Stanley of the Lauderhill Police DEPT. disclosed on page 17 of a Deposition taken on November 28, 2007 that Capt. Stanley had been diagnosed with Herpes since 1997. Capt. Constance Stanley of the Lauderhill P.D. during her Deposition described her History of Outbreaks as being limited to Cold Sores and Lesions on her Buttocks. However the absolute fact is that Capt. Constance Stanley has hideous marks which cover the vast majority of her Lower Extremities from her rear end all the way down to her Feet. With the exception of the 11/28/07 Deposition Capt. Constance Stanley has never admitted that she has been infected with Herpes Simplex 2 for over a decade. She prefers to explain the severe disfigurement of her Skin as the result of Childhood episode of Child Abuse, in which, a Baby Sitter, allegedly submerged her in a Hot Tub of Scalding Water. In actuality, Capt. Stanley's Skin, although hideous in appearance below the waist, there is no such evidence of the lesions on her upper Torso or Upper Extremities, which, contradicts evidence of injuries of one who has been submerged in a hot Tub of Water would commonly display. Capt. Stanley,the Public Information Spokesperson of the Lauderhill P.D is a Sworn Law Enforcement Officer who has willfully violated FL STATE STATUTE 384.24 REGARDING SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES, which, states in summary, that it is unlawful for a Person who is knowingly infected with an STD NOT TO INFORM THEIR SEXUAL PARTNER. #captconstancestanleylauderhillpd #genitalherpes #lauderhill #florida
San Bernardino, California Communicable Disease: Ignacio "nacho" Sanchez
took this person to the doctors heard from him himself...His name is Ignacio but everyone calls him nacho... He claims he got it from a girl name LeAnn that he was with for a couple months..So she has it too..He doesnt tell females when he sleeps with them..He lives off of 48th and Waterman in San bernardino and just started working at Cardenas off of 40th and Sierra in San Bernardino..So please ladies watch out dont sleep with him he is dirty and doesnt care who he infects!! #ignacio"nacho"sanchez #genitalwarts #sanbernardino #california
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Riviera Beach, Florida Virus Carrier: Misty Ann Pate
Don't let the picture fool you, this is a female. 32 year old Misty Ann Pate of Riviera Beach, Florida was arrested after offering to have sex with an undercover cop for $20 without disclosing the HIV status she has been aware of for over 9 years. #mistyannpate #hivandaids #rivierabeach #florida
Dallas, Texas Infectious Disease: Dusty Hill
While on tour with his band ZZ Top in 2000 Dusty Hill sought medical treatment for sever fatigue and was diagnosed with Hepatitis C. The ZZ Top World Tour was canceled so he could receive treatment for the disease. #dustyhill #hepatitisc #dallas #texas
Las vegas, Nevada Health Alert: Nicole Schintzler
She be sleeping with hella guys from different websites. Didn't know when we hooked up. We was together for a minute. She be wanting me to go down on her all the time and then i find out what she be up to. So she be infectin hella guys all over vegas fo real. Watch out for this one yo she be doin guys dirty as hell. #nicoleschintzler #genitalherpes #lasvegas #nevada
Madison, Wisconsin Health Alert: Nancy R Hicks
She sleeps around a lot! #nancyrhicks #genitalherpes #madison #wisconsin
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Argenta or Decatur, Illinois Health Alert: Christa or Christina Houston
The date of infection is a guess. She claims to have contracted it many years ago, but she reportedly did not inform two of her subsequent three husbands of it, nor any of her extramarital-affair partners, nor all other sexual partners. It was most likely contracted in or about 2005. She has six ex-husbands and MANY and frequently-changing sexual partners, reportedly male and female. She strongly discourages her male partners to use condoms. #christaorchristinahouston #genitalherpes #argentaordecatur #illinois
Burbank, California Health Alert: Annette Sargent Holland
Annette Holland Sargent and I were married but became aware of several infidelities during our marriage. I got tested and found out she had caught HSV2 and HPV through her promiscuous behavior. She never told me she had become infected and believe her to be in total denial pushing the blame elsewhere when ever possible. It saddens me but she is unfortunately a very bad example and role model for our daughter. #annettesargentholland #genitalherpes #burbank #california
charlotte, North Carolina Health Alert: khalid abdul wali
khalid abdul wali, from syracuse, new york married jailhouse muslim convert has HSV 1 and 2 did not disclose status this guy is a liar, a cheat and a thief carry std's but will not tell you this man is a woman beater, scrap metal thief in the city of charlotte in north carolina this man is an irresponsible triffling bum with bad credit no home of his own and carry's std's. #khalidabdulwali #genitalherpes #charlotte #northcarolina
Crescent City, California Health Alert: Michael Lucky Hoffman
This guy is a complete poser, a wanna be biker. Has had relations with both men and women. Comes across all sweet but, never once mentions that he has Herpes. Saw him later and he even had an herpes outbreak around his mouth from giving some guy oral. #michaelluckyhoffman #genitalherpes #crescentcity #california
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Health Alert: Shooter Magooter
Mr. Magooter publicaly admitted his numerous STDs through poster, bus and urinal cake adverisements. #shootermagooter #genitalherpes #philadelphia #pennsylvania
Canton, New York Virus Carrier: Arthur Holmes
In 2008 sex offender Arthur Holmes failed to inform his partner that he is HIV positive before engaging in unprotected anal intercourse. What makes this case unique is that both Holmes and his victim were inmates at Ogdensburg's Bridgeview facility. A place the media claimed is known for its high security, so much so that it was surprising that they managed to has sex in the first place. He was charged with reckless endangerment #arthurholmes #hivandaids #canton #newyork
Henderson, Nevada Virus Carrier: Thomas Doucette
This would be child molester was arrested while trying to meet what he thought was a 15 year old boy on Craig's List. Fortunately the boy was really an undercover cop. After his arrest he told police that he is HIV positive. #thomasdoucette #hivandaids #henderson #nevada
Tulsa, Oklahoma Virus Carrier: Daniel Paul Hedge
Daniel Paul Hedge of Tulsa, Oklahoma was being treated for injuries sustained in a fire when he attacked four firefighters with HIV contaminated blood delivered by means of spitting. He is charged with four counts of "SPREAD INFECTIOUS DISEASE" according to jail records as well as "SPREAD AIDS". He also admitted to having Hepatitis C. #danielpaulhedge #hivandaids #tulsa #oklahoma
Monday, March 3, 2025
Chicago, Illinois Virus Carrier: Karen Stagliano
Karen Stagliano did hardcore porn under the porn name Tricia Devereaux. She tested positive for HIV in 1998 and is married to John "Buttman" Stagliano who is also HIV positive. #karenstagliano #hivandaids #chicago #illinois
Las Vegas, Nevada Health Alert: Andrea DeLeon
Dont be fooled by the lies and BS of PATHOLOGICAL LIAR Andrea Renee DeLeon of "Energize Daily" (on IG) and Total Fox Fitness in Las Vegas Nevada. She pretends to be health and fitness guru and Yoga instructor. Its a fake front covering up the fact that she is one of the biggest (and cheapest) hooker escorts in Las Vegas Nevada. She got her start turning tricks at the Hustler Club in San Francisco over ten years ago and brought her skills to Vegas. I know because I was dating her over the summer and I had a hunch she was screwing around behind my back. I got into her iphone. It was worse then that. She was not only screwing other dudes behind my back but also is dating men professionally. She was on numerous dating apps and hooker/"sugar baby" apps like seking arrangemny (and others) meeting up with JOhns for "paid dates". Thats rightthe girl I thought I was dating is a LYING two faced, cheating whore. Not just a whore, but a professional prostitute. So if you think you can trust Andrea Deleon of Energize Daily (EnergizeDaily on instagram and her personally is StrawberryHaze on IG too) and Total Fox Fitness dont make that mistake! This LIAR whore can not be trusted or belived at all. Its all a front for being an illegal Call Girl in Las Vegas Nevada. At least I found out the truth about her early on. Consider yourself warned. She's a LYING STI ridden call girl. Shes a POS whore who cock hops from man to man and different pimps cause she's a LOSER whore that cant support herself without opening her legs or getting on her knees. She now lives with her pimp Brett Pojunis at 8416 Cambria Cellars Las Vegas, NV 89139 #andreadeleon #genitalherpes #lasvegas #nevada
Washington, DC Infectious Disease: Hank Johnson
Congressman Hank Johnson from Georgia has had Hepatitis C since at least 1998 and has no idea how he got it. He had never used intravenous drugs, gotten any tattoos, and has never had a blood transfusion. That probably leaves sex as the way he got it, but he of course has no idea who gave it to him. The disease has taken its toll on him over the years. At one point he lost 30 pounds in just one year even though he has always been really skinny. Rep. Johnson is currently married to Mereda Johnson and they have two kids. We don't know if any of them have the disease. We also don't know which other women he has been with. The stress of Hepatitis C can take a mental toll. What impact that has had on his voting record is unknown. #hankjohnson #hepatitisc #washington #dc
Andover, Minnesota Exposure Notification: Dawn Coughlin
Former spouse who admitted to myself after finding out. She doesn't believe it to be a big deal for men to be exposed since the affects are minimal to men so refuses to disclose openly to sexual partners. She has had numerous affairs and does not use protection with sexual encounters. Has had several sexual partners and diagnosed with sexual addiction and depression. #dawncoughlin #hpv #andover #minnesota
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Denver, Colorado Health Alert: John Schwartz
John Schwartz has given many people genital herpes and has failed to disclose information prior. He is a party-goer and attends many orgies in Denver, Colorado. #johnschwartz #genitalherpes #denver #colorado
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Pasadena, California Health Alert: Chris Benson
Chris found out about having genital herpes and warts in early 2009. He has since continued to sleep with others without informing them of his STD's. When he is confronted he states that he had a test and he does not have anything. He lies about this to people while practicing un-safe sex at the same time to avoid responsibility. His mother is also a nurse at a hospital in Pasadena and he works at LA Fitness in Psadaena fir refrence. A person that does this to others without worry or concern is vile and disgusting. #chrisbenson #genitalherpes #pasadena #california
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Indio, California Health Alert: Chanille Dunnam
She has ran through the popular dating apps for several years in her area with ease, as she is admitedly beautiful. She hasn't rendered ...
Fred Hersch is a famous American jazz musician who has been HIV positive since 1986 and has been spokesperson for AIDS ever since. At the ti...
Steer clear of this crab infested skank! Her pussy stinks like fish! Jolene has a rotten fish pussy, because she has bacterial vaginosis. Th...
He's charming and suave, so keep your eyes open ladies. He used to be much more attractive so the fact that he's let himself go as o...