Tuesday, February 28, 2023

London, New York Virus Carrier: Jeffrey Risbridger

Contracted from a bit too much sex with his wonderful pupils. Oh dear :( #jeffreyrisbridger #hivandaids #london #newyork

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/245-jeffrey-risbridger-hivandaids.aspx

Tulsa, Oklahoma Virus Carrier: Daniel Paul Hedge

Daniel Paul Hedge of Tulsa, Oklahoma was being treated for injuries sustained in a fire when he attacked four firefighters with HIV contaminated blood delivered by means of spitting. He is charged with four counts of "SPREAD INFECTIOUS DISEASE" according to jail records as well as "SPREAD AIDS". He also admitted to having Hepatitis C. #danielpaulhedge #hivandaids #tulsa #oklahoma

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1054-danielpaul-hedge-hivandaids.aspx

Harleysville , Pennsylvania Health Alert: Kellie Nedrow

Slept with Kellie and week or so later had a horrible flareup. Hadn't been with anyone else before or since the flareup. She will deny it and keeps it a secret from her current and future relationships. #kellienedrow #genitalherpes #harleysville #pennsylvania

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3252-kellie-nedrow-genitalherpes.aspx

Shirley, Massachusetts Health Alert: Duke Swellington

Known as "the Wayne Gretzky of the orgy pit," (New York Times) Duke Swellington has carved a name for himself in the gritty sex underground of suburban Massachusetts. Duke is known for his extremely deranged and aggressive sexual behavior, which was most prominently displayed during his conquest of the entire Chinese Olympic gymnastics team. None of them are currently capable of walking, and one gymnast remarked that having sex with him was "like salmon fighting angry grizzly bear with big dick." She died shortly before her 15th birthday due to complications associated with quadriplegia. Redheads should avoid Duke Swellington at all costs, because his favorite pasttime is giving the purple sock to the chocolate starfish of gingers. He is typically seen lurking at Barnes and Noble, and similar establishments. Beware of this individual. #dukeswellington #genitalherpes #shirley #massachusetts

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1217-duke-swellington-genitalherpes.aspx

gastonia, North Carolina Health Alert: jellicia barnett

Her name is jellicia she work at mc donalds off east franklin in gastonia she very childish and insecure with her disease she been affecting people for almost a year now and she want get treated she be on line alot moco and downelink and goes by her real name facebook name jellicia misunderstood barnett i just thought somebody should no know cause her mom not telling no one either so be aware #jelliciabarnett #genitalherpes #gastonia #northcarolina

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1809-jellicia-barnett-genitalherpes.aspx

Monday, February 27, 2023

Toronto, Ontario Health Alert: Bella Pringle

This cum guzzling sleaze bag and her disgusting drug habits she will sleep with anyone to get a place to.lay her head. Becareful because she will rob you blind and then go back to her boyfriend Adam pee aka pringle who has an uncle who sexually assaulted 2 young women he was charged with luring underage women x2 #bellapringle #genitalherpes #toronto #ontario

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/5449-bella-pringle-genitalherpes.aspx

New Haven, Connecticut Virus Carrier: Rachel Sommers

Rachel Sommers is a JEW from ISRAEL with HIV/AIDS. Rachel Sommers is a JEW from ISRAEL with HIV/AIDS. Rachel Sommers is a JEW from ISRAEL with HIV/AIDS. Rachel Sommers is a JEW from ISRAEL with HIV/AIDS. #rachelsommers #hivandaids #newhaven #connecticut

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/8523-rachel-sommers-hivandaids.aspx

Silver Spring, Maryland Health Alert: Caliisme Caliisme

Warning !!! PSA Tamra Dicus has weaponized herpes! She lies by omission about everything , denies, and hides she has herpes. She taunts and teases after she infects her victim. She has expressed a pure disdain for me. She has WEAPONIZES HERPES She attempts to get men to have sex with her before she reveals she has herpes, which is criminal minded and devious. Getting her to admit she has herpes is an impossible task she will only reveal after she attempts to expose. All these statements are 100% true accounts. #caliismecaliisme #genitalherpes #silverspring #maryland

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/7467-caliisme-caliisme-genitalherpes.aspx

madcity, Wisconsin Health Alert: nancy hicks

Sleeps around with people she meets at bars and on craigslist sleeps with people she finds in bars and on craigslist. Is on craigslist constantly in casual sex section #nancyhicks #genitalherpes #madcity #wisconsin

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1452-nancy-hicks-genitalherpes.aspx

Pompton Lakes, New Jersey Health Alert: Nancy Valerio

I received from my boyfriend who got it from his girlfriend maggie then past it on to his wife. I was so mad at him because I thought he love me found out he love other women to. #nancyvalerio #genitalherpes #pomptonlakes #newjersey

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1446-nancy-valerio-genitalherpes.aspx

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Little Rock, Arkansas Virus Carrier: CRAIG FULLER


source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1374-craig-fuller-hivandaids.aspx

Chicago, Illinois Health Alert: Bradon Mancoda

He denies it to this day but my friend slept with him a while back and got herpes. i don't know if he has cleaned it up or took meds for outbreaks but her life is changed bc of him #bradonmancoda #genitalherpes #chicago #illinois

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/379-bradon-mancoda-genitalherpes.aspx

Paradise Valley, Arizona Infectious Disease: Billy Graham

On top of rendering him sterile and unable to have children, Superstar Billy Graham credits steroids with giving him Hepatitis C. You can read about his life in the World Wrestling Federation turned World Wrestling Entertainment in his book "Tangled Ropes". This is "Superstar" Billy Graham formerly of the World Wrestling Federation (WWF). THIS IS NOT Billy Graham the evangelist. #billygraham #hepatitisc #paradisevalley #arizona

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/29-billy-graham-hepatitisc.aspx

Dayton, Ohio Health Alert: Matt Disbrow

I was told by said party that he has in fact contracted the diseases stated above. #mattdisbrow #genitalherpes #dayton #ohio

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/793-matt-disbrow-genitalherpes.aspx

Los Angeles, California Infectious Disease: David Lee Marks

David Lee Marks is commonly thought of as the lost member of The Beach Boys because he left the band in 1963 before they released their most popular songs like "Wouldn't It Be Nice" and "I Get Around", but Marks can still be heard in "409 and ""Surfin Safari". Marks joined The Beach Boys in 1962 when he was just 13 years old and moved on to start his own band called David Marks and the Marksmen. Eventually Marks and The Beach Boys got back together in 2006 and the group is considering going on tour again for their 50th anniversary. In 1999 David Marks was diagnosed with Hepatitis C by chance when being treated for a cracked rib and the doctor ran some tests to discover elevated liver enzymes. Marks began treatment right away with anti-viral drugs like Interferon, Ribavirin, and Pegalayted as well as herbal remedies. In 2004 Marks declared that he had beaten the virus. #davidleemarks #hepatitisc #losangeles #california

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1271-davidlee-marks-hepatitisc.aspx

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Gloversville, New York Health Alert: April Morey

Has infected multiple individuals and continued to deny HSV2 even when contact was with only this individual. Failed to discuss testing in order to determine type. #aprilmorey #genitalherpes #gloversville #newyork

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1190-april-morey-genitalherpes.aspx

Albuquerque, New Mexico Health Alert: Henry Haynes


source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1101-henry-haynes-genitalherpes.aspx

Loudon, Tennessee Health Alert: Jerry Mager, jr

Beware ladies-he's married-has a couple of girlfriends on the side-and is a pathalogical liar. I learned the hard way he was 'cathcy'. #jerrymager,jr #genitalherpes #loudon #tennessee

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/676-jerry-mager,jr-genitalherpes.aspx

Portland, Oregon Health Alert: Christoper Moser

chris moser has aids #christopermoser #genitalherpes #portland #oregon

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/318-christoper-moser-genitalherpes.aspx

Unbekannt, Berlin Virus Carrier: Unbenannten Sexualstraftäter

This guy was put on trial in Berlin during November of 2008 for having unprotected sex with a 16 year old boy without disclosing his HIV status as well as "pimping" the boy out to other men. The article we are citing as a source contains little information. We don't know his height, weight, hair color, eye color, or ethnicity. We don't have a name either, but we know he exists. #unbenanntensexualstraftäter #hivandaids #unbekannt #berlin

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/807-unbenannten-sexualstraftäter-hivandaids.aspx

Friday, February 24, 2023

Springfield, Ohio Health Alert: Miller Andy

Also has had gonorrhea #millerandy #genitalherpes #springfield #ohio

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/323-miller-andy-genitalherpes.aspx

Washington DC, DC Health Alert: Dicus Tamra

PSA Warning!!! This evil witch has a long extensive track record with deliberately, intentionally, and callously spreading herpes. Tamra dicus believe her oral and vaginal herpes is no big so she does not tell the truth or admit she has STDs when asked. This witch will deny having herpes and will do anything in her power to spread it to others. #dicustamra #genitalherpes #washingtondc #dc

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/7464-dicus-tamra-genitalherpes.aspx

Stamford, Connecticut Health Alert: CHANTEL BOEGER


source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3341-chantel-boeger-genitalherpes.aspx

York, Pennsylvania Infectious Disease: Gabby Moore

he caught hep c from a body piercer in Bamberg, Bayern, Germany. That shop was shut down and now they operate Owl's Den Tattoo, carelessly infecting others with their hep c #gabbymoore #hepatitisc #york #pennsylvania

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1847-gabby-moore-hepatitisc.aspx

Denver, Colorado Health Alert: Davina Meastas

Has admitted the disease and does not tell those she's sleeping with. She's says that she's not responsible for what happens to others. She is legally married and her husband who is in prison has no ideas as to what's going on. I personally know three of her co workers whoadmitted sleeping with her and have all the same symptoms. She admitted to me that she got the disease from her child's father.her child is 12. So I know she's been infecting innocent men and women for a long time. She has no decency or respect for herself.she sleeps with everyone who she does crack with. So beware my Denver men and women. #davinameastas #genitalherpes #denver #colorado

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1762-davina-meastas-genitalherpes.aspx

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Los Angeles, California Health Alert: Pamela Weissenbach

Pamela Ann Weissenbach also known as Pamela Bach-Hasselhoff or just Pamela Bach accused her former husband, actor/singer David Hasselhoff, of giving her Herpes when they were married in 1989. The accusation arose during divorce proceedings in 2006. She is the reason everyone knows that David Hasselhoff has herpes. Don't let the kraut name fool you, she is an American born in Oklahoma where she went to school before moving to Los Angeles in the mid 1980s to pursue a semi-successful acting career. An acting career that stayed alive somewhat in the 90s while she made a bigger name for herself as The Hoff's wife. #pamelaweissenbach #genitalherpes #losangeles #california

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3181-pamela-weissenbach-genitalherpes.aspx

Anderson, Indiana Communicable Disease: janniezr Rammomm

She told me after she went to the doctor for a rutine papsmear. They tested her when she had an abnormal papsmear. The test was positive for genital warts. She was unaware that she even had it. Therefore she does not know how long she has had it. #janniezrrammomm #genitalwarts #anderson #indiana

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1852-janniezr-rammomm-genitalwarts.aspx

Brutsville, DC Health Alert: Art Brut

After having sex with Art Brut, he confessed the details of his genitally destructive diseases. #artbrut #genitalherpes #brutsville #dc

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/223-art-brut-genitalherpes.aspx

Fairfax, Virginia Health Alert: Rhiannon Neumann

Rhianno infected me after a night out drinking. When questioned she said this wasnt true. I asked her to submit test results but she then went on to ghost me. #rhiannonneumann #genitalherpes #fairfax #virginia

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3317-rhiannon-neumann-genitalherpes.aspx

Atlanta, Georgia Virus Carrier: Ross Deadwyler

After leading police on a high speed chase 41 year old Ross Deadwyler of Atlanta, Georgia bit Atlanta Police Officer Andrew Fincher taking a chunk out of his arm in the process. Officer Fincher said after Deadwyler's lenient sentence of just 18 months "I will never forget what he said to me, 'I have full-blown AIDS, motherfucker. You’re going to die.'" Fincher has since been subjected to a year of HIV treatment, but fortunately has tested negative for the virus. #rossdeadwyler #hivandaids #atlanta #georgia

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/839-ross-deadwyler-hivandaids.aspx

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

SI, New York Health Alert: John Bongiovi

I slept with John while I had herpes multiple times the summer of 2018 and mid 2019 winter. Sorry. Id tell him in person but hed likely Beat me as he is known of his violent temperament to women. Sorry John . #johnbongiovi #genitalherpes #si #newyork

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3328-john-bongiovi-genitalherpes.aspx

Indianapolis, Indiana Health Alert: Katie Couric

Oh Katie. She is a popular morning news anchor on tv. She is very influential and does may interviews with many famous people, I hear she sleeps with everyone she interviews, this is how she gets the interviews. She also does not inform them of her infestations. Bad bad katie. #katiecouric #genitalherpes #indianapolis #indiana

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/2116-katie-couric-genitalherpes.aspx

Memphis, Tennessee Communicable Disease: Casandra Kimberly

Gross... #casandrakimberly #genitalwarts #memphis #tennessee

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/108-casandra-kimberly-genitalwarts.aspx

Ravenna, Emilia Romagna Virus Carrier: Giuseppina Barbieri

In 1998 Italian police put out a nation wide alert about prostitute Giuseppina "Lady AIDS" Barbieri for exposing over 5,000 men to HIV. The alert included the creation of two (2) telephone hotlines that received calls from over 1,000 of her terrified former customers. She increased demand for her services by not requiring men to wear condoms because "They would offer to pay me twice as much if I didn't make them use a condom." #giuseppinabarbieri #hivandaids #ravenna #emiliaromagna

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/811-giuseppina-barbieri-hivandaids.aspx

chicago, Illinois Infectious Disease: nekedia mayes

well she told me that she was infected while i was visiting her house one day and she never tells people that she is infected she needs to be stopped its gross #nekediamayes #hepatitisc #chicago #illinois

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1354-nekedia-mayes-hepatitisc.aspx

PHILLY, Pennsylvania Health Alert: RICHARED DUTCHER

DOES NOT LIKE TO TELL THE TRUTH #richareddutcher #genitalherpes #philly #pennsylvania

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/695-richared-dutcher-genitalherpes.aspx

Milwaukee, Wisconsin Health Alert: Amara Haust

I got herpes and warts from this girl that works as a stripper #amarahaust #genitalherpes #milwaukee #wisconsin

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/298-amara-haust-genitalherpes.aspx

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Pensacola, Florida Communicable Disease: Phelicia Greene

Phelicia Greene is a crack addict who has random sex with men, causing them to be infected. She has verbally admitted to having to having genital warts. #pheliciagreene #genitalwarts #pensacola #florida

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/354-phelicia-greene-genitalwarts.aspx

Memphis, Tennessee Health Alert: Andrew Helms

I am not aware that they have had sex with anyone with anyone since finding out about their infection. They are however being very abusive and aggressive to their partner blaming them when they had never been checked before. I dont think they are willing to be truthful at all about anything if they hadnt been caught. #andrewhelms #genitalherpes #memphis #tennessee

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/8574-andrew-helms-genitalherpes.aspx

Houston, Texas Health Alert: Kirk christopher cj Jones

Also spreading chlamydia, preys on women and currently sleeping with 5 women unprotected drives a gold intrepid and is seriously bipolar goes by chris or cj. Currently has dread lockes claims he is from st. Louis DOB 12/17/84 #kirkchristophercjjones #genitalherpes #houston #texas

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1625-kirkchristophercj-jones-genitalherpes.aspx

Port St. Lucie, Florida Virus Carrier: Samantha Hull Holsclaw

She always cheated on her husband after he knocked her up. Of course this was going to happen. She's always been a partier, and that's all she'll ever be. #samanthahullholsclaw #hivandaids #portstlucie #florida

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/2128-samantha-hullholsclaw-hivandaids.aspx

Overland Park, Kansas Health Alert: Chandra DiMattina

Chandra DiMattina called me on the phone from outside her doctors office. She had just been informed that her herpes test result had come back positive. She said she had no idea when she contracted it and she was calling everyone she could think of that might have been exposed. #chandradimattina #genitalherpes #overlandpark #kansas

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/384-chandra-dimattina-genitalherpes.aspx

Monday, February 20, 2023

ATLANTA, Georgia Health Alert: ALLEY BOY


source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1829-alley-boy-genitalherpes.aspx

camden, New Jersey Infectious Disease: Shawna Lilly

I loved shawna very much. however she is verty dangerous. my name is dave c. she was my girl up untill yesterday, when she hit me over the head with a lamp, smashed all the windowes of my vehichle, and stole my phone, while we were staying at the days inn in gloucester. She is NOW POSTITUTING for a group of africvan americans at the hotel spreading her diseases in order to smoke more crack and shoot more heroin. She informed me only of hpv. Later I read her medical records at her doctor visit to unvail she hads hep c from shotting heroin and cocainbe, in addtion to other diseases. She didnt inform me. IOnn addtion sheis willing to have unprotyected sex with anyonne if you spend any money on her. She has including me 6 restraining orders against her 5 for assault. Not only is she inclined to trade sexual acts for drugs especiallly crack shell offer anal sex for that, she also steals, and loves to fist fight with weapons.She is already dying and myself in agreement with her own mohhter and three x baby daddys believe she is too far gone to be saved. APPROACH WITH CAUTION. SHE IS CLINICALLY INSANE, AND DIAGNOSED AS havng personality disorder in which she reels people in tells them she loves them, ands ruins there life and laughs at it. #shawnalilly #hepatitisc #camden #newjersey

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1989-shawna-lilly-hepatitisc.aspx

Anchorage, Alaska Health Alert: Megan McFadden

She had pre-martial sex with a man then convinced him to marry her. She then left him by misleading him about Christian values. She failed to tell him she had HSV 1 & 2. SHe gave to Chris Bauer #meganmcfadden #genitalherpes #anchorage #alaska

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/863-megan-mcfadden-genitalherpes.aspx

Sammamish, Washington Health Alert: Julie Wilson

Has genital herpes #juliewilson #genitalherpes #sammamish #washington

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/162-julie-wilson-genitalherpes.aspx

North Miami Beach, Florida Exposure Notification: Michael Blumin

If you plan on having sex with Michael Blumin of North Miami Beach, FL...then you should use a condom. He has infected several of his girlfriends with HPV, Human Papillomavirus that causes cervical cancer in women. He has known about his infection since 1996 and carelessly transmits and does not disclose to his girlfriends. #michaelblumin #hpv #northmiamibeach #florida

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1612-michael-blumin-hpv.aspx

Fresno, California Virus Carrier: Stevie Roux

She told me that she had Chlamydia and that she shared a heroin needle with a guy that was infected with HIV. To this day, I know she has been having sex with people. #stevieroux #hivandaids #fresno #california

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1070-stevie-roux-hivandaids.aspx

San Bernardino, California Exposure Notification: River Gibbs

According to Rivers friend, who wont be named due to privacy, he had cheated on his husband with numerous guys in the San Bernardino area. He had an encounter with one of these guys recently and the guy wound up testing positive for HPV and HIV. (He supposedly never had it prior to the encounter with River) Needless to say the guy got angry (rightfully so) and told all of Rivers friends on social media, and one of those friends asked River what the heck was going on, when River confessed and said he didnt share his STD history prior to them having sex. This friend happened to be someone I know and they told me all about it. #rivergibbs #hpv #sanbernardino #california

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/8579-river-gibbs-hpv.aspx

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Tacoma, Washington Virus Carrier: stephanie pershan

i've met stephanie in 2000 we met off the chat line i did had sex with her a few times a few months later i found out i had genital herpes and genital warts and my friend had sex with her in 2010 met her at the bar they had sex outside he just found out he got aids/hiv , genital herpes and genital warts this month and she not telling no guys she got these nasty ass stds #stephaniepershan #hivandaids #tacoma #washington

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1544-stephanie-pershan-hivandaids.aspx

Miami, Florida Exposure Notification: Alixandra Metcalf

My friends and I went on vacation to the Miami area a few months ago. My homeboy ended up meeting this Alixandra girl at a nightclub. She came and chilled with us the next day and slept with my boy. He said during he saw a spot down there and he told her to get the hell off of him. She denied it was anything got mad and left the room. Just a week back he went to the doc and got diagnosed. #alixandrametcalf #hpv #miami #florida

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1948-alixandra-metcalf-hpv.aspx

Kingsville, Maryland Health Alert: Nancy Yeager

Nancy Yeager contracted HSV2 in Late November of 2011 from a partner, and started seeing symptoms in April of 2012. Her contraction of HSV2 was confirmed in May of 2012. #nancyyeager #genitalherpes #kingsville #maryland

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/2103-nancy-yeager-genitalherpes.aspx

Edwardsville, Illinois Health Alert: Kelsey Hovorka

I do not want to give away my identity. However, first hand I and her other friends have seen her have sex with guys. She will deny ever having sex with them. However, it is very clear this has happened. The guys she has sex with are randoms usually from the bar when she is drunk. She does not use a condom or tell them of her situation. #kelseyhovorka #genitalherpes #edwardsville #illinois

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/2107-kelsey-hovorka-genitalherpes.aspx

Brooklyn, New York Health Alert: Yocheved AKA Michele Prince

Yocheved Goes by the name Michele Prince on social media platforms to avoid sites like this, as she's been posted before. She confessed to me, she's on valtrax for herpes but still hooks up with random men without informing them. She looks like an innocent mother of 2, but is FAR from it. She's already infected a mutual friend of ours and G-d knows how many others, since she's been positive for 16+ years. BE CAREFUL! Note: she dyes her hair and wears many wigs to change her appearance. #yochevedakamicheleprince #genitalherpes #brooklyn #newyork

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3390-yochevedakamichele-prince-genitalherpes.aspx

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Los Angeles, California Exposure Notification: Michael Douglas

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Kansas City, Missouri Communicable Disease: TKC B.

my home girl told me he tried to make it with her but he couldn't and that's when she saw he had warts al over his junk #tkcb #genitalwarts #kansascity #missouri

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/603-tkc-b.-genitalwarts.aspx

Baxter, Tennessee Health Alert: Eric Johnson

One Saturday night I will never forget! After I found out that I had the virus, he told me that he wasn't aware that he had it! He tried to blame his ex until I went thru his cabinet and found an old prescription bottle from 6 months prior! #ericjohnson #genitalherpes #baxter #tennessee

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1067-eric-johnson-genitalherpes.aspx

Lakeland, Florida Virus Carrier: Jere Michael Temple

This former volunteer at the Rainbow Promise Community Church in Lakeland, Florida was arrested at 1751 Alyssum Loop in the Ariana Village Mobile Home Park and now sits in the Polk County Jail charged with raping a 13 year old boy. The arrest took place after police arranged a recorded phone call between the victim and Temple. #jeremichaeltemple #hivandaids #lakeland #florida

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/783-jeremichael-temple-hivandaids.aspx

Williamstown , New Jersey Infectious Disease: Guy Luongo Gaetano M Luongo

If only I had known.... I'm not the first person he sexually abused, manipulated. Guy Luongo is sick. He goes thru paranoid episodes where he becomes extremely abusive . He truly seems to feel the world is out to get him. Guy Luongo is a predator. He has raped me, he has physically abused me, he has recorded me without consent in his bedroom. He is a sex addict when his dick gets to the point of over use and he can not function he becomes violent, abusive, belligerent. When told no he forces himself, raped me. With the way he treats women, is it possible he doesn't like women? He has an obsession/compulsion for anal sex. His religious personality (one of many) is a scam. Do not believe his manipulative tactics. #guyluongogaetanomluongo #hepatitisc #williamstown #newjersey

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3396-guyluongo-gaetanomluongo-hepatitisc.aspx

Friday, February 17, 2023

white rock, West Virginia Health Alert: Bernard Darr

Bernard Darr is intentionally going around having sex with girls without letting them know he is infected with a disease. He has infected a very close friend of mine and nedds to be stopped. He has admitted having a disease and has admitted to sleeping with females without letting them know. What he is doing is wrong and he needs to be stopped so he doesnt continue to ruin peoples lives. He has slept eith several females anyone that has had sex with him needs to get checked immediately #bernarddarr #genitalherpes #whiterock #westvirginia

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1650-bernard-darr-genitalherpes.aspx

Dayton, Ohio Health Alert: Matt Disbrow

I was told by said party that he has in fact contracted the diseases stated above. #mattdisbrow #genitalherpes #dayton #ohio

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/793-matt-disbrow-genitalherpes.aspx

Aurora, Colorado Health Alert: JayDuane Sinka

This guy had me convinced for 4 years that I had introduced HSV into our relationship. I was not able to contact my partner before him to inquire about the allegations! His wife told me on a couple seprate occasions that he gave it to her when they were married 14 years ago. She also stated that she definitely suffered from outbreaks and he did as well. Well.... the other day when I broke up with this guy he texts me"Are you going to be honest and tell your new man that I gave you herpes !" #jayduanesinka #genitalherpes #aurora #colorado

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1308-jayduane-sinka-genitalherpes.aspx

Sacramento CItrus Heights, California Health Alert: Dezarae Mccollum

I am one of many who has hooked up with this girl, when I did, she was pregnant AND in a relationship with her second kid- (by different fathers), never said anything prior to us getting together and when I did find out, she said that she had told me before.....NEVER did she ever say anything! Are you kidding me?Thank GOD I was checked and clean, but beware- This chick is a crazy, herpes laden, pill popping liar who steals to get what she wants!!! #dezaraemccollum #genitalherpes #sacramentocitrusheights #california

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1746-dezarae-mccollum-genitalherpes.aspx

Los Angeles, California Health Alert: Pamela Weissenbach

Pamela Ann Weissenbach also known as Pamela Bach-Hasselhoff or just Pamela Bach accused her former husband, actor/singer David Hasselhoff, of giving her Herpes when they were married in 1989. The accusation arose during divorce proceedings in 2006. She is the reason everyone knows that David Hasselhoff has herpes. Don't let the kraut name fool you, she is an American born in Oklahoma where she went to school before moving to Los Angeles in the mid 1980s to pursue a semi-successful acting career. An acting career that stayed alive somewhat in the 90s while she made a bigger name for herself as The Hoff's wife. #pamelaweissenbach #genitalherpes #losangeles #california

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3181-pamela-weissenbach-genitalherpes.aspx

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Texas City, Texas Health Alert: Stone Phillips

Stone is a terrible guy. he will infest anyone who he can. He has a tv show called dateline and he sleeps with guests, especially people who have suffered a death, they are easier prey for him. I heard he likes little girls... #stonephillips #genitalherpes #texascity #texas

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/2119-stone-phillips-genitalherpes.aspx

Portland, Oregon Communicable Disease: Mackenzie Slaughter

Con man and sociopath. Completely unassuming, be careful. Knowingly spread HPV and genital warts to multiple women while telling them he was monogamous with them. An expert in gaslighting. Goes by "Mack", "Mackenzie R Slaughter". #mackenzieslaughter #genitalwarts #portland #oregon

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3303-mackenzie-slaughter-genitalwarts.aspx


DECATUR, Ga. -- DeKalb County police have charged an 18-year-old man with raping two women they say he lured off the popular website Craigslist. Detectives say Allen Jamar McDowell of Decatur convinced two women on separate occasions to meet him at an apartment off Kensington Road. The apartment was vacant, but McDowell allegedly gained access and held the women captive while he sexually assaulted them. #allenjamarmcdowell #hivandaids #decatur #georgia

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1393-allenjamar-mcdowell-hivandaids.aspx

New York, New York Health Alert: Nick DiDonne/DiDonne

He was in the army. He works for GE. He has been married once. #nickdidonnedidonne #genitalherpes #newyork #newyork

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/474-nick-didonnedidonne-genitalherpes.aspx

Atlanta, Georgia Health Alert: Johnathan Murray

While dating I contracted the virus from Johnathan who failed to go see a doctor when I confronted him about my STD. He said and I quote " my dick str8". Weve had no further contact since #johnathanmurray #genitalherpes #atlanta #georgia

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1579-johnathan-murray-genitalherpes.aspx

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Jacksonville, North Carolina Health Alert: Mathew Fagen

Mathew usually goes by Matt. He usually can be spotted at local bars here in Jacksonville and i would say 50% of the time he is dressed like a female. When he is dressed as a male he has a very big jaw almost like a bulldog. #mathewfagen #genitalherpes #jacksonville #northcarolina

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/2033-mathew-fagen-genitalherpes.aspx

Poinciana , Florida Health Alert: Santiago Graterol Gallegos

The predator (his actual birthday is in 2007) has had intercourse with multiple females while having this disease. He failed to alert said females, which is a total lack of responsibility. Females be wary !! #santiagograterolgallegos #genitalherpes #poinciana #florida

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3432-santiago-graterolgallegos-genitalherpes.aspx

Seattle, Washington Communicable Disease: Ethan Narimatsu

Ethan Narimatsu is a liar and had HPV. He goes around infecting people with this disease without informing them. You should stay away from him at all costs. #ethannarimatsu #genitalwarts #seattle #washington

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1083-ethan-narimatsu-genitalwarts.aspx

Idaho Falls, Idaho Health Alert: Johnathon Yearsley

Family member contracted herpes from him. He is the only possible person. He got tested but came back negative. Did some research and it can come back several times negative if not active. Don't know how long he has had it or if it is a new condition. He cheated on her . Not sure of the dates #johnathonyearsley #genitalherpes #idahofalls #idaho

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1692-johnathon-yearsley-genitalherpes.aspx

Castle Rock, Washington Communicable Disease: Tabatha Stokes

This crazy stalker gave me HPV. Not only did she not inform me she was infected, she stalked me and my ex wife for months. She meets guys online, has sex with them and stalks them. STAY AWAY. #tabathastokes #genitalwarts #castlerock #washington

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1823-tabatha-stokes-genitalwarts.aspx

London, Louisiana Communicable Disease: tom o'hagon

He is heavily diseased. avoid #tomohagon #genitalwarts #london #louisiana

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/375-tom-o'hagon-genitalwarts.aspx

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Laguna Beach, California Health Alert: George Osumi

Alias DANNI |PUBLIC HEALTH INFORMATION "Love thy neighbor 'responsibly'" If you have had 'unprotected.'sex with a 64 year old Japanese -American gentleman from Orange County, CA using the name, "George Osumi" between the years of 2004-2012, please reply to this post with a way to contact you for a private message regarding known exposures Responsibly, Aka: DANNI #georgeosumi #genitalherpes #lagunabeach #california

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/2142-george-osumi-genitalherpes.aspx

Bend, Oregon Health Alert: Keeton William Epps

Knew he had it, but never did share it, until I was infected and saw my Dr. He had no empathy, sympathy or concern, said it was just a virus. He preys on women, has had multiple in his life - it is a conquest. He will continue to inflect without any remorse. He is also a pathological narcissist. #keetonwilliamepps #genitalherpes #bend #oregon

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/2038-keetonwilliam-epps-genitalherpes.aspx

Kelayres Pa, Pennsylvania Infectious Disease: Francine Spohr

Word around our place of employment was all the men who had contact with her.And there were very many all received the same illnesses.Many former boyfriends of hers report the same illnesses #francinespohr #hepatitisc #kelayrespa #pennsylvania

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/8625-francine-spohr-hepatitisc.aspx

Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam Health Alert: Choba Master

A Tanzanian man named Choba Master left a message on one of our Facebook pages claiming to have found a cure for his Genital Herpes. Not much is known about Choba Master other than according to his Facebook profile he graduated from St. Joseph University in Tanzania with a Bachelor or Technology and that he works at Vodacom. The message he left on our page said: "I cant believe this is really true I never believe there is cure to this hsv 2 because all the hospital have told me there is no cure to it, few months ago I saw this man email DR.Ohunyom on internet from a testimony share by someone who he help with his herbal cure I contact his email and ask for his help also, that is how he inform me about the cure process and this man sent me a herbal medicine which I took according to the way he instructed for 2 week I cant believe when I go for test my result come out negative i am so happy to share this to the world there is real cure to herpes you can also contact DR.Ohunyom through his email now drohunyom[at]gmail.com and also WhatsApp him +2349060579973 and He also have herbs medicine to cured the following diseases; Diabetes, Lupus, HPV, Gout, Hepatitis A,B, Infertility, HIV/AIDS, CANCER" It looks like Mr. Master must not be too well paid at Vodacom since he is picking up part time work spamming Facebook pages with impossible claims of having found cures for his Genital Herpes. Genital Herpes has no cure, symptoms can be managed, perhaps better managed with herbs from a doctor, but this doctor looks like a snake oil salesman. *Guesses entered for height, weight, and age. #chobamaster #genitalherpes #daressalaam #daressalaam

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3223-choba-master-genitalherpes.aspx

west deptford, New Jersey Health Alert: shawna lilly

she said it was so bad she couldn't walk and she didn't tell men she was having sex with that she had it. #shawnalilly #genitalherpes #westdeptford #newjersey

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/185-shawna-lilly-genitalherpes.aspx

Monday, February 13, 2023

Almelund, Minnesota Communicable Disease: Samantha Gebauer

I had hooked up with her as one time thing and had gotten these STD's.. i didnt even really remember her name but thank god i did, i had found out as soon as i showed signs and i knew right away. i couldnt contact her afterwards because i didnt get her number but hopefully she has found out. #samanthagebauer #genitalwarts #almelund #minnesota

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1725-samantha-gebauer-genitalwarts.aspx

Saint Cloud, Minnesota Health Alert: Melissa Cooper

Caught Herpies cheating on husband. Had to have a C-Section for third child so baby would not get infected. #melissacooper #genitalherpes #saintcloud #minnesota

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/742-melissa-cooper-genitalherpes.aspx

nashville, Tennessee Virus Carrier: Jasmine Shirley

I have HIV and I was a a person who receives payment for sexual intercourse or other sexual acts, generally as a regular occupation. Although usually woman offering sexual favors to men"call girl." #jasmineshirley #hivandaids #nashville #tennessee

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/945-jasmine-shirley-hivandaids.aspx

Millsboro, Delaware Health Alert: Adela Spencer

Adela Spencer Stalked my boyfriend for 3 years after he broke things off with her (they were dating casually - sleeping with other people) to be with me monogamously. During a rough period when I stayed with my parents, her constant contact from new phone numbers and digital avenues worked. He slept with her on several occasions until I decided I would move back in with him. I then made him take an STD test before anything happened. The results showed that he now positive for HSV-1 and HSV-2. She ruined our lives for withholding this information and not using protection. He has told her we are back together; she continued to contact him, thinking that he would continue with her. Since he has shared the results he was given and told her to stay away she has gone dark. Beware of her, they met on Bumble. She has moved around in and out of Delaware to Brooklyn and Chester County, PA. #adelaspencer #genitalherpes #millsboro #delaware

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/9640-adela-spencer-genitalherpes.aspx

Bay City, Michigan Health Alert: Sarah Church

Received virus from current husband, Paul Church. #sarahchurch #genitalherpes #baycity #michigan

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/724-sarah-church-genitalherpes.aspx

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Safety Harbor, Florida Health Alert: Michael G. Moore

I met this guy on facebook. He seemed like a nice guy. He told me about his wife passing away and I felt sorry for him. We then started dating go to bars and the casino over in Seminole,Fl. As the relationship begin to get serious we agreed to only see each other. I then learned take Michael was going behind my back seeing other women. I would pass by his house only to find out he was entertaining other girls. This guy using his mom and his wife to get girls into pitying him so they can sleep with him. I was then contacted by his ex-girlfriend who lives in Fulton Canal Ohio. She then told me how he infected her as well and to go get tested. At first I thought it was a joke but my girlfriend felt different and so I did. There are alot of women out there that has slept with this bastard and now facing the same thing I am facing and so I urge you all to GO GET TESTED!!! If you see this slime ball on Facebook please steer clear of him. His real name is Michael Gregory Moore. He lives at 199 Irwin St W, in Safety Harbor FL 34695. He phone number is (727) 260-2881. #michaelgmoore #genitalherpes #safetyharbor #florida

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1871-michaelg.-moore-genitalherpes.aspx

Adelaide, South Australia Virus Carrier: Andre Chad Parenzee

Andre Chad Parenzee was convicted of knowingly endangering the lives of three Australian women back in 2006 by having unprotected sex with them without disclosing his HIV status. One of his victims got infected. In 2008 his appeal was struck down by the Australian Supreme Court. The court concluded that Parenzee's claim that you cannot get HIV from unprotected sex to be unfounded and that his belief in using the withdrawal method would avoid transmission was not an excuse for failing to disclose his status. #andrechadparenzee #hivandaids #adelaide #southaustralia

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/617-andrechad-parenzee-hivandaids.aspx

Kitchener, Ontario Virus Carrier: Noel Simon Bowland

Noel Simon Bowland is facing charges of aggravated sexual assault for exposing multiple partners to HIV without telling them about it. The incident occurred in Waterloo, Ontario where fellow HIV exposure criminal Steven Paul Boone participated in a foursome with two other men who are not believed to be HIV positive. Waterloo Police want anyone who has had sexual contact with Boone or Bowland to call them at 519-650-8500 Ext 8672 #noelsimonbowland #hivandaids #kitchener #ontario

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1035-noelsimon-bowland-hivandaids.aspx

Cleveland, Ohio Virus Carrier: Andrew Eggerichs

Andrew is not shy about trying to get in your pants, but when it comes to revealing his HIV status he sure is. Andrew does not practice safe sex and does not think that other men can get it from him being that he is the bottom. Usually hangs out at the Hawk to pick up men. #andreweggerichs #hivandaids #cleveland #ohio

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1997-andrew-eggerichs-hivandaids.aspx

SI, New York Health Alert: John Bongiovi

I slept with John while I had herpes multiple times the summer of 2018 and mid 2019 winter. Sorry. Id tell him in person but hed likely Beat me as he is known of his violent temperament to women. Sorry John . #johnbongiovi #genitalherpes #si #newyork

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3328-john-bongiovi-genitalherpes.aspx

Corpus Christi Dallas, Texas Communicable Disease: Raymond Sanchez

Raymond Sanchez lives in Dallas,but visits Corpus Christi he is a liar and does not care for anybody but himself.He has a missing tooth in the front,and lots of white heads on his nose.This guy is a munipulator and dangerous. #raymondsanchez #genitalwarts #corpuschristidallas #texas

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1409-raymond-sanchez-genitalwarts.aspx

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Winnipeg, Manitoba Virus Carrier: Apay Ogouk

On August 27, 2010 reports came in from Canadian news outlets that the brief manhunt for Apay Ogouk ended when the 26 year old turned himself in to police in Calgary, Alberta. The latest reports indicate that Ogouk was due to be extradited to Winnipeg, Manitoba to face sexual assault charges after two women in their mid to late twenties accused him of failing to disclose his HIV status before having sex with them. The Sudanese immigrant was said to have began his sex acts with condoms on before removing them during the act. #apayogouk #hivandaids #winnipeg #manitoba

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1138-apay-ogouk-hivandaids.aspx

Southington, Connecticut Health Alert: Mike Chaiken

Mike has fail to inform his sexual partners of his diseases and has had sex with my best friend who was disease free prior to contact with Mike Chaiken. #mikechaiken #genitalherpes #southington #connecticut

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1870-mike-chaiken-genitalherpes.aspx

Rochester, New York Health Alert: Bernard Lark

Is aware that he's a carrier but doesn't let anybody know and already there's been four different women that have come up positive for these STDs and the only person they slept with was him. Continues to have unprotected sex. #bernardlark #genitalherpes #rochester #newyork

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3313-bernard-lark-genitalherpes.aspx

North Port, Florida Health Alert: Robert Wormuth

He got dumb by someone he loved . He got the disease on propose and is now trying to infect as many women that he can. Someone hurt him therefore he is going to hurt every woman on the planet. #robertwormuth #genitalherpes #northport #florida

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1749-robert-wormuth-genitalherpes.aspx

Albuquerque, New Mexico Exposure Notification: Yanling Wei

Has had diagnosis of early stage cervical cancer. #yanlingwei #hpv #albuquerque #newmexico

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/126-yanling-wei-hpv.aspx

Glendora, California Health Alert: Earle Shofstall

This scrawny little piece of shit gave me herpes. He never told me prior to having sex with me. I met him on match.com and we spoke through chat for a while (facebook too). I REGRET EVER KNOWING HIM!!! HE DIDN'T DESERVE MY CLEAN VAGINA. HE RUINED ME!!!! DON'T LET HIM RUIN YOU!!!! LADIES, DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH EARLE, HE HAS HERPES!!!!! IT HAS RUINED MY LIFE. #earleshofstall #genitalherpes #glendora #california

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/5453-earle-shofstall-genitalherpes.aspx

Aiken, South Carolina Health Alert: Bridget Rich

I am reporting this due to the fact that said person has performed sexual acts without the other party being informed of the disease. This act is immoral and I feel that it is my duty to warn others before they become victim. #bridgetrich #genitalherpes #aiken #southcarolina

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1051-bridget-rich-genitalherpes.aspx

Friday, February 10, 2023

Strathroy, Ontario Health Alert: Lee Clayworth

He has Genital Herpes and had Chlamydia at the end of last year. He is from Canada but lives and works in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. https://ift.tt/cRqhME6 #leeclayworth #genitalherpes #strathroy #ontario

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1309-lee-clayworth-genitalherpes.aspx

Ottawa, Ontario Virus Carrier: Steven Paul Boone

Steven Paul Boone of Ottawa, Ontario is facing an ever growing list of charges as men continue to come forward claiming to have had sex with him. His latest victim in an anonymous 22 year old man who was recently diagnosed as HIV positive and believes to have contracted the virus during a "moment of lust" back in May of 2009. This after Boone was charged on May 6, 2010 with nine counts of sexual assault for failing to disclose his status to a victim who was just 17 at the time of his exposure. All of this coming after participating in a four way tea party in Waterloo with another infected man and two other victims for which he is facing three additional sexual assault charges. #stevenpaulboone #hivandaids #ottawa #ontario

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1034-stevenpaul-boone-hivandaids.aspx

rolla, Missouri Health Alert: Richard Bright

BEWARE!! Richard is a dirty whore that will stick his dick into anything with a wet hole. Stay far away! He had sex wit me one night while his gf was sleeping in the next room! Then he told me the next day how many times he had gonoreah and chlamydia and that hes got Hep C and herpes!! thanks for the warning DICK HEAD #richardbright #genitalherpes #rolla #missouri

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1715-richard-bright-genitalherpes.aspx

Gloversville, New York Health Alert: Eric Sleezer

Cheated on his girlfriend of 11 years , married the girl he cheated with . She is infected with both said diseases. Has failed to inform several women of his "friends" . If you have a child by this man please let me know. Trying to count how many children he has! #ericsleezer #genitalherpes #gloversville #newyork

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1364-eric-sleezer-genitalherpes.aspx

Los Angeles, California Health Alert: Grace Morgan

Someone going by the name of Grace Morgan commented on one of our social media pages that some miracle doctor cured her incurable STD (Herpes). She is the latest in a string of spammy social media users trying to sell fake cures for STDs by admitting to having an incurable condition, crediting some miracle herb with curing it, and directing you to where you can purchase the same so called cure. Grace Morgan's profile does not say much about her. Just that she claims to be in the United States, so we are listing Los Angeles, California as a random highly populated area she could be in because city and state are required fields on the Report a STD Carrier form. Other required fields with guesses as to their value include height, weight, and age. #gracemorgan #genitalherpes #losangeles #california

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3229-grace-morgan-genitalherpes.aspx

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Boulder City, Nevada Infectious Disease: Patricia Moffatt

Spread these pictures to spread the word about people whom knowingly put Healthy Sexual Partners at risk . Patricia Moffat 52 of 687 Marina Drive#38 Boulder City Nevada has Hepatitis C and Genital Herpes. She has willfully kept her sexual partners in the dark by spreading a variety of virus’s without warning them of her health issues prior to sexual contact. #patriciamoffatt #hepatitisc #bouldercity #nevada

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1111-patricia-moffatt-hepatitisc.aspx

Madison, Wisconsin Exposure Notification: Timothy Maynard

He was tested and confirmed and confessed to me #timothymaynard #hpv #madison #wisconsin

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/858-timothy-maynard-hpv.aspx

Sparta, Tennessee Health Alert: Dena Cantrell

She gave me HSV2, and insisted we did not wear a condom when she knew she had the disease. Beware of her. She is a liar. She will tell you no. I met her in Cookeville, TN. So anyone in Cookeville, TN. If she makes a pass at you. REJECT HER. Or you will be living in embarrassment like myself. #denacantrell #genitalherpes #sparta #tennessee

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1187-dena-cantrell-genitalherpes.aspx

San Diego, California Infectious Disease: Rolf Benirschke

Former San Diego Charger Rolf Benirschke has proven over the years through his battles with Ulcerative Colitis and Hepatitis C that there is such a thing as a tough placekicker. You can learn more about Rolf by reading his book "Alive and Kicking". #rolfbenirschke #hepatitisc #sandiego #california

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/32-rolf-benirschke-hepatitisc.aspx

Wixom, Michigan Health Alert: Christopher Anderson

Christopher Anderson is sometimes Chrissy Anderson, depends on the day. Because he/she/it didn't finish transitioning 22+ years ago when he had the chance, that was b/c a gf from Alabama "didn't want a GF, but wanted a BF instead," he decided he wasn't really Trans, but was Bi instead. And it's definitely everyone else's fault. This lead to this Narcissist constantly complaining to his partners how he "wasn't born Female," for years, & stating things like "You can never know what it's like to be a Woman" or "You were born Female, but you're wasting it," to all of his partners, who are in fact actually, truly Female. He was caught several years ago, when he was 42, talking to "girls" on social media around the US, saying how "pretty" they looked, he liked their cheerleading outfits. When confronted, he "didn't know they were in high school," shut down his account, only to bring it back a few days later. This was definitely b/c his GF "didn't trust him" & "was always spying on him." Of course all these girls he was talking to, who did not know one another, were "trying to fool him" & "set up White men who had money." Again, not his fault, everyone else's. A few years later, the home's Internet slowed way down. His GF finally logged into the Router, where she found HUNDREDS of Men from all over the World on it, she searched the IP addresses. China, Germany, Australia, Russia, US. What were the doing? Christopher Chrissy Anderson had put in an OPEN back door so that anyone on the planet could share in his obsession with Porn, so much of it. How much? Try over 125,000 photos, videos, live chats etc of XXX-Rated Porn. He was really having a relationship not with a real Woman, but with Suicide Girls & ladies on PornHub he'd never meet, but maybe one time "liked" a comment of his, or something. When Mr. Anderson was confronted about the 24/7 FREE Library of Porn 4 the Entire World, he went nuts. #christopheranderson #genitalherpes #wixom #michigan

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/9642-christopher-anderson-genitalherpes.aspx

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Southington, Connecticut Health Alert: Mike Chaiken

Mike has fail to inform his sexual partners of his diseases and has had sex with my best friend who was disease free prior to contact with Mike Chaiken. #mikechaiken #genitalherpes #southington #connecticut

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1870-mike-chaiken-genitalherpes.aspx

Ellicott City, Maryland Virus Carrier: Matthew Parrow

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Oklahoma, Oklahoma Health Alert: Lisa Hall

Ms. Hall is a beautiful girl that has contracted herpes supposedly from her ex husband. She can bepermiscuios at times or when becomes intoxicated sexual & failing to mention the disease and ones risk to exposure: Moshe has also been known to use illegal substances and this may impact her decision to notify a potential sexual partner prior to intercourse. #lisahall #genitalherpes #oklahoma #oklahoma

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1957-lisa-hall-genitalherpes.aspx

Tacoma/Olympia, Washington Health Alert: JPJean-Paul Hurd

Had unprotected sex with at least three partners since March 2008 when he knew he had herpes. #jpjeanpaulhurd #genitalherpes #tacomaolympia #washington

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/272-jpjeanpaul-hurd-genitalherpes.aspx

Boise, Idaho Health Alert: Raquel Bromwell

She has a tendency to sleep with more than two men a week and hates to use protection. She often uses the excuse that because she isn't having a breakout she can't pass the virus. She feels no remorse about passing on her herpes. #raquelbromwell #genitalherpes #boise #idaho

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/254-raquel-bromwell-genitalherpes.aspx

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

San Antonio, Texas Health Alert: Chelsea Mason

She told me she had herpes after we had a sex, but with a condom. She has medicine to help control outbreaks. #chelseamason #genitalherpes #sanantonio #texas

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/530-chelsea-mason-genitalherpes.aspx

Dallas, Texas Virus Carrier: Philippe Padieu

Described by his own attorney as a "modern day Casanova" Padieu was sentenced to 45 years in prison for knowingly infecting 6 women with HIV. Collin County Assistant District Attorney says he used his bodily fluids as a deadly weapon and deserved a life sentence. https://ift.tt/0Qse3zn #philippepadieu #hivandaids #dallas #texas

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/606-philippe-padieu-hivandaids.aspx

Los Angeles, California Virus Carrier: Ryan Ongina Palao

A Los Angeles based drag queen challenge winner for popular TV RuPaul's Drag Race. Also a spokesperson for the MAC Cosmetics Viva Glam campaign, revealed his own HIV-positive status on the TV show. #ryanonginapalao #hivandaids #losangeles #california

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/995-ryanongina-palao-hivandaids.aspx

New York, New York Health Alert: Oliver Maier

Oliver Maier gave me herpes. I was tested before, and I was seeing him only, so I did not get it from another person. I asked him if he has anything, and he said he was clean. #olivermaier #genitalherpes #newyork #newyork

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/2012-oliver-maier-genitalherpes.aspx

Vancouver, Washington Health Alert: Kenin Browne

He is a Sexual Preditor and abusive to woman often hitting them #keninbrowne #genitalherpes #vancouver #washington

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/779-kenin-browne-genitalherpes.aspx

Monday, February 6, 2023

Safety Harbor, Florida Health Alert: Michael Gregory Moore

I started seeing Michael G. Moore, at the beginning of June. I met him at a casino over in Seminole,Fl. He told me he hasn't been seeing anyone for over a year or more since his wife passed any. I felt sorry for him but he seemed like a nice guy so I started dating him. The first time we were intimate we were using protection but the more we encountered each other, he assured me I was the only one. In September when I would call him to hang out, he would come up with different excuses of having to tend to his mother. I had a private detective follow him and later found out he was over in Tampa visiting a woman. I stopped calling him after I confronted him and all he could do is tell more lies. And after thinking about all the times he would bring over alcohol to get drunk and have sex with me I then got scared. I friend of mine told me to go get tested just to make sure and ease me mind but I put it off because of fear. She then took me to get tested. I was never wrecking only to find out this dishonest SOB gave me three STD's and he should be exposed. #michaelgregorymoore #genitalherpes #safetyharbor #florida

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1865-michaelgregory-moore-genitalherpes.aspx

san diego, California Health Alert: lynn altmeyer leyendecker

cheated on her husband with black man and got herpes, tried to blame her ex husband, but he was tested and has no std, has been tested twice since and still no std's, after her ex found out about cheating he broke off all phyisical contact. #lynnaltmeyerleyendecker #genitalherpes #sandiego #california

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1747-lynn-altmeyerleyendecker-genitalherpes.aspx

Las Vegas, Nevada Health Alert: Nick Johnson

You can find this loser on IG as NickJohnsonLV. This loser druggie whore fucker was one of the many guys screwing the girl I was dating this summer the PATHOLOGICAL LYING WHORE Andrea DeLeon. Back in late July I discovered this whore was fucking several other guys when I got into her iphone. She wasn't just screwing these dudes as fun or "dating" but also she was "dating professionally" for $$$ She was one numerous dating apps plus hooker apps like SEeking arrangment and other "sugar baby/hooker" sites. SInce ANdrea DeLeon has STDs from her non stop whoring (hobby and PROFESSIONAL for $$$) its no doubt Nick Johnson here does to. Ill soon find out where this scumbag works and let his employers know. But to all you future employers and potential love interests keep this in mind about this loser diseased druggie whore fucker Nick Johnson of Las Vegas! #nickjohnson #genitalherpes #lasvegas #nevada

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3309-nick-johnson-genitalherpes.aspx

Virginia Beach, Virginia Exposure Notification: Dan Page

Dan cheated on his girlfriend at the time and contracted HPV. Dan is trouble! He lies, steals, cheats, and does crack. STAY away from this man!!! #danpage #hpv #virginiabeach #virginia

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/205-dan-page-hpv.aspx

Oregon, Ohio Health Alert: Stephanie Castilleja

This young lady had sex with one of my close friends who so happens to have herpes. She had went to the doctors. She was confirmed she has it, and then spreaded it to others. #stephaniecastilleja #genitalherpes #oregon #ohio

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/909-stephanie-castilleja-genitalherpes.aspx

Aiken, South Carolina Health Alert: Bridget Rich

I am reporting this due to the fact that said person has performed sexual acts without the other party being informed of the disease. This act is immoral and I feel that it is my duty to warn others before they become victim. #bridgetrich #genitalherpes #aiken #southcarolina

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1051-bridget-rich-genitalherpes.aspx

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Toronto, Ontario Infectious Disease: Ronald Pearson

A friend told me that he told her that he had contracted hep c. She has since tested positive for the disease. This has ruined her life. As far as i know he has not told anyone else. #ronaldpearson #hepatitisc #toronto #ontario

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1279-ronald-pearson-hepatitisc.aspx

Stanmore, Greater London Health Alert: William Michael Albert Broad

Born William Michael Albert Broad and better known as Billy Idol this British rock and roll singer from the 1980s told Rolling Stone Magazine during a candid 2005 interview that he has Genital Herpes. Of all the STDs he has had "Herpes was the worst" he said, as if he somehow cured it. #williammichaelalbertbroad #genitalherpes #stanmore #greaterlondon

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/656-williammichael-albertbroad-genitalherpes.aspx

los angeles, California Health Alert: Karla Francis

Karla Francis is from Jonesboro Georgia, she now lives in los angeles. I met her when she was working at MTV in santa monica, we hooked up and I used a condom but with genital herpes that doesn't matter all the time. Karla Francis works in production in Los Angeles, she will give you herpes. She has worked on Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Bobby Jones All Star Comedy Show, Georgia Big Picture Conference. #karlafrancis #genitalherpes #losangeles #california

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/867-karla-francis-genitalherpes.aspx

London, Greater London Health Alert: Sardiii Sardii Sardi Sadia Ali

Sardiii, Sardii, Sardi, is the latest names Sadia Ali of London has been going by on Twitter and social media channels recently. In the past, she has used the names Sardia, Sardiya, Sadiya and many other variations. She is currently using Sardiii on Twitter but watch out for other variations. Sardi is known for her cryptocurrency halawadar money transfer scam using sympathy ploys and promises for competitive returns but she threatens, harasses, and blackmails you if you dare to ask for your investment back. A few years back, Sardi offered Nikkah Mutah for an extra fee on top of her companionship fee after she got fired from the escort agency. That was a scam too. Do your own research using non Google search engines. WARNING! Do not give Sardiii, Sardii, Sardi, or whatever she is going by these days any personal information. She will try to ruin your life and livelihood by making false accusations and calling your workplace and wife. She even threatens to report you to the taxman. #sardiiisardiisardisadiaali #genitalherpes #london #greaterlondon

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/8587-sardiiisardiisardi-sadiaali-genitalherpes.aspx

Tallahassee, Florida Health Alert: Katie Whiting

Has had a positive STD test for genital herpes and Hep C. Found the test, Katie refused to confess at first. Eventually she gave in when it was clear she was lying about her sexual health and behavior. Given her predisposition to not be forthcoming with the truth regarding her STD results, I assume she will still continue to keep partners in the dark about this. #katiewhiting #genitalherpes #tallahassee #florida

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/4435-katie-whiting-genitalherpes.aspx

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Kingsville, Maryland Health Alert: Nancy Yeager

Nancy Yeager contracted HSV2 in Late November of 2011 from a partner, and started seeing symptoms in April of 2012. Her contraction of HSV2 was confirmed in May of 2012. #nancyyeager #genitalherpes #kingsville #maryland

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/2103-nancy-yeager-genitalherpes.aspx

Tampa Bay, Florida Virus Carrier: Roberto Alomar

12 time Major League All Star Roberto Alomar has faced two HIV non-disclosure lawsuits since he was diagnosed with full blown AIDS back in 2006. The diagnosis came the year after Alomar retired from baseball because his heath was in decline. The first lawsuit filed by his ex-girlfriend Ilya Dall claimed that Alomar had refused to be tested for HIV in 2005 despite doctor recommendations that he do so. Dall also claimed that Alomar knew he was at high risk for contracting HIV because he had been raped in 1985 by two Mexican men at the age of 17. The second lawsuit was filed by his wife Maria Del Pilar "Maripily" Rivera Alomar who says that he lied to her about testing negative for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) before having sex with the in 2009. Rivera Alomar is a famous model and socialite from Puerto Rico. The first lawsuit was dropped voluntarily by Dall and the second one filed in October of 2010 remains open. #robertoalomar #hivandaids #tampabay #florida

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1171-roberto-alomar-hivandaids.aspx

LIVE OAK, Texas Health Alert: randy JOBE


source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/209-randy-jobe-genitalherpes.aspx

Lakewood, Washington Virus Carrier: Oliberio Moreno

Oliberio Moreno also known as Oliver Moreno of Lakewood, Washington near Seattle was arrested for knowingly exposing people to HIV back in April when he lied to an undercover cop about testing clean for HIV before agreeing to have unprotected sex with him for $100. Moreno later admitted that he knew of his HIV status since November of 2009 and started having sex for money after that to make up being a bad stylist at a hair salon. He also admitted to having unprotected sex with at least 5 guys. Moreno has been known to meet men at gay bars and online having posted ads on the classified advertising sites Craig’s List and Back Page as well as the gay dating site Adam4Adam. #oliberiomoreno #hivandaids #lakewood #washington

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1105-oliberio-moreno-hivandaids.aspx



source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1689-reinaisabelle-aranasanchez-genitalherpes.aspx

Seattle, Washington Virus Carrier: Matt Basta

He has HIV?AIDS and is VERY active in the Seattle gay community. #mattbasta #hivandaids #seattle #washington

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/60-matt-basta-hivandaids.aspx

Kalihi, Hawaii Health Alert: Joseph aka Joey Matthew Brown

He has tattooed sleeves, emotionally/physically abusive, impulsive, a liar, cheater, selfish... Hands out Herpes1&2, and HPV (non-warts) and doesn't think twice about his actions. #josephakajoeymatthewbrown #genitalherpes #kalihi #hawaii

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1679-josephakajoey-matthewbrown-genitalherpes.aspx

Friday, February 3, 2023

niagara, Ontario Communicable Disease: Isabella elizibeth bella alexander

baboon face piece of sh1t mutt B1tch is so fuking pathetic. Her and her hood rat opioid addicted boyfriend seem to get arrested and their sh1tty dive home raided by cops on a regular basis. Possession of Meth,crck, op1oids oxys, etc.. . She tries to convince everyone that its ok tho because its all personal use for her pathetic piece of sh1t drug addicted chug boyfriend. But we all know the truth smelly Melly.. youre both lowlife hood rats with no jobs or future and thats why you sell drugs. Your skanky SmellyCrckfans only page is hurtn so bad. Who the fuk would pay money to look at your stretched out sloppy mit!? hahahaha you fuking cvnt!! Anyone who is friends, follows, or supports Melanie Stank Box Rope is also a #isabellaelizibethbellaalexander #genitalwarts #niagara #ontario

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3389-isabellaelizibeth-bellaalexander-genitalwarts.aspx

Scranton, Pennsylvania Health Alert: Joseph Thomas

he told me. #josephthomas #genitalherpes #scranton #pennsylvania

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/672-joseph-thomas-genitalherpes.aspx

Los Angeles, California Exposure Notification: Michael Douglas

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Tacoma, Washington Virus Carrier: stephanie pershan

i've met stephanie in 2000 we met off the chat line i did had sex with her a few times a few months later i found out i had genital herpes and genital warts and my friend had sex with her in 2010 met her at the bar they had sex outside he just found out he got aids/hiv , genital herpes and genital warts this month and she not telling no guys she got these nasty ass stds #stephaniepershan #hivandaids #tacoma #washington

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1544-stephanie-pershan-hivandaids.aspx

Henderson, Nevada Communicable Disease: Lilee Leven

I just came across a post about John Andre Francois by a woman named Letesha. I can confirm that everything she said is true. I dated Andre in 2010 and he told me he was clean and std free. He told me sometimes he gets hives around his anus and warts on his penis both being a result of an allergy to something. I took a std test so I could give him results because he seemed preoccupied with it. Our relationship was short lived but a few months later I was told I had cervical cancer due to hpv. I have proof I was clean before him and I only slept with him. He was the only one. I called him and let him know but it was painfully obvious this was something he knew. He already had excuses as to why he had warts and "hives" around his anus. He's sleeping with women unprotected and refuses to pre warn his victims. Or take any precaution that would protect his partners. I did as I was told by the health department and called him and shared the news and he went ballistic on me and told me I didn't contract it from him and how could he be the carrier because he'd been checked recently and everything checked out fine. This Letesha person's post is 100% on point. I don't ever post things like this but this man is knowingly passing on hpv and luckily my cancer was caught early but the next woman may not be so lucky. He needs to be arrested but how could we make that happen when its next to impossible to get him to do the right thing. No doubt the person who accused Letesha of being a jilted lover is John Andre. He accuses her of being vile. I can't believe he would attack her. This man is knowingly infecting god knows how many women. He's a good looking guy so I'm sure that number is high. He's dangerous. What if they hadn't caught my cancer in time? What if I died? What is it going to take to stop this man? #lileeleven #genitalwarts #henderson #nevada

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3249-lilee-leven-genitalwarts.aspx

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Sacramento or Humboldt, California Health Alert: Kelly Bartron

Subject has RED itchy bumps covering pubic area. Subject has also been notified by a physician of her HIV but fails to inform her partners till after sexual encounters with them. #kellybartron #genitalherpes #sacramentoorhumboldt #california

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1806-kelly-bartron-genitalherpes.aspx

Unknown, Oregon Health Alert: Stephen Ward Bennett

Two girlfriends had HPV. An EX girlfriend said she contacted Herpes from him as well. He likes to forego truthful details and sleep around. Not sure how many women or men that he was fooled around or sleep with. #stephenwardbennett #genitalherpes #unknown #oregon

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1059-stephen-wardbennett-genitalherpes.aspx

Millsboro, Delaware Health Alert: Adela Spencer

Adela Spencer Stalked my boyfriend for 3 years after he broke things off with her (they were dating casually - sleeping with other people) to be with me monogamously. During a rough period when I stayed with my parents, her constant contact from new phone numbers and digital avenues worked. He slept with her on several occasions until I decided I would move back in with him. I then made him take an STD test before anything happened. The results showed that he now positive for HSV-1 and HSV-2. She ruined our lives for withholding this information and not using protection. He has told her we are back together; she continued to contact him, thinking that he would continue with her. Since he has shared the results he was given and told her to stay away she has gone dark. Beware of her, they met on Bumble. She has moved around in and out of Delaware to Brooklyn and Chester County, PA. #adelaspencer #genitalherpes #millsboro #delaware

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/9640-adela-spencer-genitalherpes.aspx

Grand Prairie, Texas Communicable Disease: David Gage

This Man is a cheater and in sure that is how he contracted his nasty self an std. David is currently attending Prairie View A&M University near Houston. this man is a cronic lier so watch out for him. #davidgage #genitalwarts #grandprairie #texas

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/2019-david-gage-genitalwarts.aspx

Ashton, South Australia Virus Carrier: John Choul Chan

John Choul Chan was put on trial for knowingly exposing one woman to the virus that causes AIDS back in 2004 when four more women came forward due to news publicity about the case. As of December of 2009 he was still awaiting trial on five counts of endangering human life. #johnchoulchan #hivandaids #ashton #southaustralia

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/662-johnchoul-chan-hivandaids.aspx

Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam Health Alert: Choba Master

A Tanzanian man named Choba Master left a message on one of our Facebook pages claiming to have found a cure for his Genital Herpes. Not much is known about Choba Master other than according to his Facebook profile he graduated from St. Joseph University in Tanzania with a Bachelor or Technology and that he works at Vodacom. The message he left on our page said: "I cant believe this is really true I never believe there is cure to this hsv 2 because all the hospital have told me there is no cure to it, few months ago I saw this man email DR.Ohunyom on internet from a testimony share by someone who he help with his herbal cure I contact his email and ask for his help also, that is how he inform me about the cure process and this man sent me a herbal medicine which I took according to the way he instructed for 2 week I cant believe when I go for test my result come out negative i am so happy to share this to the world there is real cure to herpes you can also contact DR.Ohunyom through his email now drohunyom[at]gmail.com and also WhatsApp him +2349060579973 and He also have herbs medicine to cured the following diseases; Diabetes, Lupus, HPV, Gout, Hepatitis A,B, Infertility, HIV/AIDS, CANCER" It looks like Mr. Master must not be too well paid at Vodacom since he is picking up part time work spamming Facebook pages with impossible claims of having found cures for his Genital Herpes. Genital Herpes has no cure, symptoms can be managed, perhaps better managed with herbs from a doctor, but this doctor looks like a snake oil salesman. *Guesses entered for height, weight, and age. #chobamaster #genitalherpes #daressalaam #daressalaam

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3223-choba-master-genitalherpes.aspx

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Latrobe, Pennsylvania Infectious Disease: Douglas Selling

This guy is a liar and sleeps around with a lot of both females and males in group orgies. I caught 2 diseases from him because he told me he was clean and was with me only. Do not trust anything he says. #douglasselling #hepatitisc #latrobe #pennsylvania

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1564-douglas-selling-hepatitisc.aspx

Brandenton, Florida Virus Carrier: Carlos Rivera

Carlos Rivera was arrested in December of 2019 on an outstanding warrant for failing to tell a woman that he has HIV and Hepatitis C until after she found his medication and confronted him. By then they had already been having sex of awhile. According to police, Rivera had known of his HIV status for at least three years in 2015 when the warrant was issued. #carlosrivera #hivandaids #brandenton #florida

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3203-carlos-rivera-hivandaids.aspx

Sydney, Queensland Infectious Disease: Ethan Rushbrook

Ethan Rushbrook ruined my relationship! I was with my boyfriend for 18 months, and I never had an issue with him gaming online. He befriended a local guy, Ethan, and I didn't think anything of it. Ethan even came over to game with him sometimes. I got home from work early one night, and came home to my boyfriend balls-deep inside Ethan on our living room couch! I cannot unsee this image in my head. I was paranoid, so I went to get tested the following week. HE GAVE ME HEPATITIS C. MY LIFE IS RUINED. FUCK YOU ETHAN RUSHBROOK. I could only find one photo of him because he works in web3 or cryptocurrency or something and keeps himself hidden, but this guy is Sydney's Biggest Cock Slut and Hep C Carrier!!! #ethanrushbrook #hepatitisc #sydney #queensland

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/8632-ethan-rushbrook-hepatitisc.aspx

Camden, South Carolina Virus Carrier: Joel Lynn Bedenbaugh

Former elementary school teacher and convicted sex offender Joel Bedenbaugh of Camden, South Carolina was convicted on 11/12/2009 of failing to disclose his HIV status to his ex-wife during their marriage. According to his ex-wife he told her that his HIV medicine was for a blood condition called thrombocytopenia. He was sentenced to 6 years in state prison. #joellynnbedenbaugh #hivandaids #camden #southcarolina

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/897-joellynn-bedenbaugh-hivandaids.aspx

Saint Joseph, Missouri Health Alert: Jason Tompkins

Mr Jason Tompkins has tested positive at North West Health clinic and he is currently sexually active #jasontompkins #genitalherpes #saintjoseph #missouri

source https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/950-jason-tompkins-genitalherpes.aspx

Riviera Beach, Florida Virus Carrier: Misty Ann Pate

Don't let the picture fool you, this is a female. 32 year old Misty Ann Pate of Riviera Beach, Florida was arrested after offering to ha...