Sunday, April 30, 2023

Jacksonville, Florida Health Alert: Angie Osteen

Soon to be Ex-Husband admitted to having affair with this Crowley employee. He claims he was usually careful by using condoms and had to because the one time he didn't have any and decided not to be "careful" the Springfield resident then informed him she had herpes. #angieosteen #genitalherpes #jacksonville #florida


New York, New York Virus Carrier: Marvelyn Brown

Diagnosed with HIV at the age of 19 Marvelyn Brown turned her diagnosis into a positive by starting a HIV consulting group called Marvelous Connections and wrote a book called "The Naked Truth: Young, Beautiful, and (HIV) Positive." UPDATE: In 2020 the man she referred to as "Prince Charming" in her book was sentenced to six years in prison for infecting a different woman with HIV after failing to disclose his condition before having sex with her. You can learn more about "Prince Charming" at #marvelynbrown #hivandaids #newyork #newyork


Middletown, Delaware Communicable Disease: Matthew Winnington

This Man has Slept with HUNDREDS of women. He is a recovering addict. Has been sober for almost 2 years now. Currently moved back in with his ex-wife, And has 2 children. Although behind his wife's back continues to flirt heavily and plays with the idea of the two of you engaing in play. DOES NOT USE PROCTECTION and can be very aggressive. Also plays on niave women, Extremley Arogant. Will tell you that he had "something" removed off his penis. Also says that he gets a pyhsical once a year to check for any current STD's. Has slept with numerous addicts. #matthewwinnington #genitalwarts #middletown #delaware


Los Angeles, California Health Alert: Boris Gorodinsky

Boris Gorodinsky molested me and infected me when I was a child. This is a sick man who rapes children while teaching them. He is now living in los angeles working plumber with his brother also molested me. They are animals and will burn in hell. #borisgorodinsky #genitalherpes #losangeles #california


houston, Texas Communicable Disease: Smelly Mcknelly

Had some gay sex at the Inn Motel a lot. #smellymcknelly #genitalwarts #houston #texas


Saturday, April 29, 2023

Henderson, Nevada Virus Carrier: Thomas Doucette

This would be child molester was arrested while trying to meet what he thought was a 15 year old boy on Craig's List. Fortunately the boy was really an undercover cop. After his arrest he told police that he is HIV positive. #thomasdoucette #hivandaids #henderson #nevada


Ottawa, Ontario Virus Carrier: Steven Paul Boone

Steven Paul Boone of Ottawa, Ontario is facing an ever growing list of charges as men continue to come forward claiming to have had sex with him. His latest victim in an anonymous 22 year old man who was recently diagnosed as HIV positive and believes to have contracted the virus during a "moment of lust" back in May of 2009. This after Boone was charged on May 6, 2010 with nine counts of sexual assault for failing to disclose his status to a victim who was just 17 at the time of his exposure. All of this coming after participating in a four way tea party in Waterloo with another infected man and two other victims for which he is facing three additional sexual assault charges. #stevenpaulboone #hivandaids #ottawa #ontario


Alfred, Maine Health Alert: Eric Wuerthner

Eric Wuerthner from Alfred Maine has infected at least two women with herpes. Did not disclose having herpes to these women. Ruined my friends life with high medical bills and meds. He clearly likes to he sleep around and will infect more careful. #ericwuerthner #genitalherpes #alfred #maine


rantoul, Illinois Health Alert: thomas quinlan

was informed of his disease after the fact #thomasquinlan #genitalherpes #rantoul #illinois


Amsterdam, Missouri Infectious Disease: Amy Sue Macleod

Amy has contracted Hep C and refuses to warn people she sleeps with and she refuses to tell people she shares needles with. She has been asked if she is a carrier and she will only admit it to the people who have her children. #amysuemacleod #hepatitisc #amsterdam #missouri


Milwaukee, Wisconsin Virus Carrier: Rick A. Brown

there was extensive coverage in the media. he had sex with many teen girls without telling he has Aids. was charged by police. #rickabrown #hivandaids #milwaukee #wisconsin


Vancouver, British Columbia Exposure Notification: Justin Smith

Justin sleeps with married women and married co-workers, he has gotten at least 1 married co-worker pregnant in the past. He and his partners often don't use condoms, and because of this he may have a gift that keeps on giving, that is the rumour at work anyhow, he has slept with 3 people here, so you know word spreads around the workplace. He has been married and divorced 2 times. You don't want his pecker inside you. #justinsmith #hpv #vancouver #britishcolumbia


Friday, April 28, 2023

louisville, Kentucky Infectious Disease: michael patterson

.............nasty nast nasty man .............nasty nast nasty ma .............nasty na .............nasty nast nasty man st nasty man n .............nasty nast nasty man .............nasty nast nasty man .............nasty nast nasty man .............nasty nast nasty man #michaelpatterson #hepatitisc #louisville #kentucky


New York, New York Exposure Notification: Justin M. Moss

to all the ladies out there if u see him plz just run and stay away!!!!!!!!!!!!!! his birthday may 3 1989 and he lives in washington heightz, new york #justinmmoss #hpv #newyork #newyork


Memphis, Tennessee Health Alert: Captain Falcon

Not his fault >_> #captainfalcon #genitalherpes #memphis #tennessee


Netcong, New Jersey Health Alert: Rachael Ross

She lied to me about having herpes, when she took me to the hospital for a rash and I found out it was herpes, she played like she didn't know what I was talking about. But then 4 months later she confessed that she actually does have herpes and that she was "really sorry" and that it's "not a big deal because there's dating sites for people with herpes" #rachaelross #genitalherpes #netcong #newjersey


Omaha, Nebraska Communicable Disease: Carly Zuniga

She started talking to me at work. She told me she was married and later when we had our first sexual encouter. She told me she had HPV and Genital Herpes. #carlyzuniga #genitalwarts #omaha #nebraska


Thursday, April 27, 2023

Toms River , New Jersey Health Alert: Justin Rebhan

We had broked up & decided to get back together, but I changed my mind when he told me. #justinrebhan #genitalherpes #tomsriver #newjersey


Columbus, Ohio Health Alert: Kate/Katherine Keys, Mcintyer

She has strep-b virus also. She got it from a guy in New York, Nick DiDonne or DiDonne. She trie to act like she found out while dating her, she has had it since 2005, very sneaky! #katekatherinekeys,mcintyer #genitalherpes #columbus #ohio


Jacksonville, North Carolina Health Alert: Mathew Fagen

Mathew usually goes by Matt. He usually can be spotted at local bars here in Jacksonville and i would say 50% of the time he is dressed like a female. When he is dressed as a male he has a very big jaw almost like a bulldog. #mathewfagen #genitalherpes #jacksonville #northcarolina


Cape Coral, Florida Health Alert: Amy Moore

Contracted Herpes. Does not inform everyone she has sex with. Not sure if there are any other STD's but this one is a fact. Hopefully she takes meds to help control it. #amymoore #genitalherpes #capecoral #florida


Fond du Lac, Wisconsin Health Alert: Jennifer Ackerman

Admitted to having herpes on multiple occasions to myself and others. #jenniferackerman #genitalherpes #fonddulac #wisconsin


Wednesday, April 26, 2023

London, Greater London Health Alert: Sadia Ali

London, UK - A mentally ill woman named Sadia Ali, who goes by the alias Sardi, Sardiya, and Sardia, has been identified as a serial harasser in the cryptocurrency community. Sardi has engaged in multiple incidents of online harassment and fraud. Sardi has undergone multiple cosmetic surgeries to alter her appearance and is known to change her appearance and aliases frequently. According to sources close to the matter, Sardi has been active in the cryptocurrency community for several years She is said to have targeted both retail investors and founders of various projects, using a range of tactics to extort money and information from her victims. Sardis persistent harassment has plagued the cryptocurrency community for some time. Many individuals have come forward to report that they have been subjected to abusive messages and online attacks from Sardi. Her behaviour has caused considerable distress and concern among those targeted by her. In addition to her harassing behaviour, Sardi has been linked to fraudulent activities, the latest being a Hawala cryptocurrency scam. There are reports that Sardi has requested donations and engaged in escorting services under false pretenses. Despite her questionable activities, Sardi has managed to maintain a relatively low profile in the cryptocurrency community until recently. In the past few months, however, several victims have come forward with allegations of harassment and fraud, prompting calls for her to be held accountable for her actions. Sardi's erratic behaviour and multiple aliases have made it difficult to track the magnitude of her actions. However, she has been identified as residing in Greater London, and efforts are underway to bring her to justice. Sardi's mental health has been a subject of concern among those who know her. She is said to suffer from a range of mental health issues, including bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. CONTINUED BELOW #sadiaali #genitalherpes #london #greaterlondon


Ridgefield, Washington Health Alert: Krista Tyler Kabacy

I had a friend who dated her. He asked her if she had any diseases and she said that she didn't. He got herpes from her. When he confronted her she said that she had forgotten. Like anyone ever forgets that when asked. It really messed him up and made him feel like a leper. #kristatylerkabacy #genitalherpes #ridgefield #washington


Atlanta, Georgia Health Alert: Johnathan Murray

While dating I contracted the virus from Johnathan who failed to go see a doctor when I confronted him about my STD. He said and I quote " my dick str8". Weve had no further contact since #johnathanmurray #genitalherpes #atlanta #georgia


Williamstown, New Jersey Infectious Disease: Guy Luongo Gaetano Luongo

Get tested if you have been with him. Hepatitis C, Herpes Not a stable person He does not use protection, is a sex addict and does not disclose his STDs #guyluongogaetanoluongo #hepatitisc #williamstown #newjersey


Madison, Wisconsin Health Alert: Whitney Hebel

She has confessed her promiscuous behavior despite having a sexually transmitted disease. There are at least 8 people that she has put at risk of infection without any disclosure. #whitneyhebel #genitalherpes #madison #wisconsin


Tuesday, April 25, 2023

League City, Texas Health Alert: courtnie Walker

She got them from a coworker she slept with at vitory lakes intermediate. #courtniewalker #genitalherpes #leaguecity #texas


pendleton, Oregon Health Alert: Felicia Carter

i know this girl doesnt open her mouth about this disease. she has had multiple partners HAS NOT said ANYTHING about it. She just keeps infecting everyone she sleeps with. She doesnt know how to be honest about ANYTHING. she is a BIG LIAR!!!!!! Dont let her think she does not have the STD. All you people in Pendleton get yourself checked by a Dr. #feliciacarter #genitalherpes #pendleton #oregon


Baltimore, Maryland Health Alert: Reynolds Bowles

i am the victom of him giving it to me,when asked about it he told me he was sorri and didnt know but keeps tellin me he will get treated and doesnt #reynoldsbowles #genitalherpes #baltimore #maryland


Grand Rapids, Michigan Health Alert: Ciara Blood

She loves spreading them!! #ciarablood #genitalherpes #grandrapids #michigan


Guelph, Ontario Virus Carrier: Alan Dickinson

Despite already being a convicted pedophile, Alan will randomly hook up with anyone that is willing to engage in sexual acts with him. In doing so, there's no telling just how many people he has infected. What's more troubling is the fact that he will not disclose any infections disease status, rather will claim that he's "clean" and engage in unprotected sexual intercourse involving penetration. Whether the person has HIV or not, he has been known to engage in sexual acts with a person regardless of any communicable disease status. His entire intention is to contract as many infectious diseases as possible, and spread them to anyone who is willing to be stupid enough to sleep with him. #alandickinson #hivandaids #guelph #ontario


Toronto, Ontario Health Alert: Valerie Oyler

Toronto area residents take note, her sexual promiscuity puts us all at risk. One would expect more morality from someone that teaches small children. #valerieoyler #genitalherpes #toronto #ontario


Scottsdale, Arizona Virus Carrier: Lucas Johnson

He is a perverted pig! #lucasjohnson #hivandaids #scottsdale #arizona


Monday, April 24, 2023

Pilot Mountain, North Carolina Health Alert: Jessica Hart

She has random sex partners. She has sex with them without informing them that she is infected. She brags about giving it to them. When confronted she says she told them but they must of been to drunk! #jessicahart #genitalherpes #pilotmountain #northcarolina


Las Vegas, Nevada Exposure Notification: Nicole Armstrong

Nicole has HPV and has since 2007. She has no issue with spreading her disease and will do so willingly and potentially without informing whoever she is passing it. #nicolearmstrong #hpv #lasvegas #nevada


Braintree, Massachusetts Health Alert: Charleen Burns

does not feel that she should have to tell anyone something so private. Has had unprotected sex with numerous men she has met in local bars. feels that as long as she doesnt have an outbreak she can not infect anyone. #charleenburns #genitalherpes #braintree #massachusetts


Kansas City, Missouri Health Alert: David Scott

Has knowledge from several women he has infected them though he says he tests negative. #davidscott #genitalherpes #kansascity #missouri



CAPT. Constance Stanley brings new meaning to the TERM "DIRTY COP", CAPT. STANLEY, can be seen on most of the Major Local Media Outlets providing Public Info about Lauderhill Cops shooting one another and engaging in on the Job relations. What a joke! Capt.Stanley who is INFECTED with GENITAL HERPES Stanley has a History of engaging in such tryst to advance her career, dating back to her days @ the Opa Locka P.D. when she was involved with the Chief who was married @ the time. During 2008 elicit Personal E-Mails between the newly promoted Capt. Stanley and LHPD's then 2nd in Command the Asst. Chief were made Public to Lauderhill's Mayor, City Manager and former Chief. Capt. Stanley was briefly suspended and the Asst. Chief retired immediately as it was revealed Capt. Stanley was infected with Herpes. How did Capt. Stanley's alleged involvement with her Superior Officer impact her 2007 Lauderhill P.D. Promotion? Capt. Stanley's admitted period of time that she has known that she has been infected with GENITAL HERPES seems to include the years she was involved with the former Chief of the Opa Locka P.D. Copies of Capt. Stanley's and the former Asst. Chief of the Lauderhill P.D. Personal emails have been posted in the Media Tab in the Left Hand Column of the following Link, #captconniestanleylhpd #genitalherpes #lauderhill #florida


Sunday, April 23, 2023

pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Health Alert: jeremiah buzzard

This bird is reported to be dirty by a third party rumor. He has slept with many many women during and after a long relationship with childs mother. . #jeremiahbuzzard #genitalherpes #pittsburgh #pennsylvania


West Linn, Oregon Health Alert: Steven K. Whitesides

Steven has dated many women and is a carrier of this STD. I do not know when he became infected, but he passed the virus to me in October 2008. He was my exclusive partner, and my doctor confirmed I recd the virus from him at that time, due to my symptoms and severe illness. When I discussed this with him, Steven reported he had not had symptoms and didn't know he carries herpes, and also did not believe my doctor. I repeatedly asked him to get medical confirmation of his status. Steven finally got tested in June 2009 and he tested positive for the antibiodies at that time, but continues to question whether or not he actually has the virus. For all of these reasons, I suspect he will continue to not disclose his status to future partners. He does online dating using the name Bullmoon on Plenty of Fish and the name billygote173 on yahoo. #stevenkwhitesides #genitalherpes #westlinn #oregon


Thunder Bay, Ontario Virus Carrier: June Amanda Tippeneskum

June Amanda Tippeneskum, a 23-year-old Thunder Bay resident, plead guilty to aggravated assault against her partner from June 1, 2009 to July 21, 2010 and was sentenced April 27 by Justice Dino DiGiuseppe in the Ontario Court of Justice in Thunder Bay. The sentencing report noted that Tippeneskum had been aware of her HIV positive condition but she did not disclose this to her male partner. It was only after the relationship was over that her partner became aware of Tippeneskum’s medical condition. He has since been tested and confirmed as HIV positive. He was not infected prior to his relationship with Tippeneskum. Tippeneskum has been in continuous custody from Nov. 29 and her five months in pre-sentence custody were considered in her sentencing, with the justice noting 42 months was a fit sentence for aggravated assault. The Judge has said the sentence handed down must send a clear message to Tippeneskum and others that this type of conduct will carry significant consequences. #juneamandatippeneskum #hivandaids #thunderbay #ontario


Oklahoma, Oklahoma Health Alert: Richard Alexander

Infected does NOT use protection. Usally juggling at least 3 women at one time. Exasy to verify. 1). See if he'll let u see his phone 2). Have him tested. 3). Pay attention to what he says, compulsive liar.. Likes to pretend he's a victim of everything, nothing could be further from the truth. 4). Highly aggressive atnd volatile temper. Doesn't really like women sees them as objects for sex. If ur not giving him something he needs ur of no use to him. Extremely selfish. #richardalexander #genitalherpes #oklahoma #oklahoma


Seattle, Washington Virus Carrier: Matt Basta

He has HIV?AIDS and is VERY active in the Seattle gay community. #mattbasta #hivandaids #seattle #washington


Saturday, April 22, 2023

Phoenix, Arizona Health Alert: Joyce Gardner

STAY FAR FAR AWAY. You do not want what she has to offer. Let's just say there is a reason your past is your past. Don't think that 20yrs, a few drinks and her on her back is NOT the way to go. She has left me realizing people are NEVER what they seem. STAY AWAY she is BAD NEWS!! #joycegardner #genitalherpes #phoenix #arizona


Vancouver, Washington Health Alert: Christina Green

She told me she had went out with her girlfriends to a party and she ended up getting drunk and slept with a dude. A week later she started having a burning, itching rash in her genital area. She was concerned and went to the clinic to find out she had contracted genital herpes and the Clap. #christinagreen #genitalherpes #vancouver #washington


Charlotte, North Carolina Virus Carrier: Quinette Lashay Corley

This individual is known to many as SHAY, LASHAY or HONEY. She currently lives in the Charlotte region of NC. She is completely aware of her infection since December 2007 but fails to inform others whom she is sexually active with. She cyber prostitutes herself on (charlotte and surrounding areas) as HONEY or HONEY DIP. She is not an honest person and mostly everything that comes out of her mouth is a make believe story! She is a hoe very easy to have sex with So beware of her! #quinettelashaycorley #hivandaids #charlotte #northcarolina


Tacoma/Olympia, Washington Health Alert: JPJean-Paul Hurd

Had unprotected sex with at least three partners since March 2008 when he knew he had herpes. #jpjeanpaulhurd #genitalherpes #tacomaolympia #washington


Grand Prairie, Texas Communicable Disease: David Gage

This Man is a cheater and in sure that is how he contracted his nasty self an std. David is currently attending Prairie View A&M University near Houston. this man is a cronic lier so watch out for him. #davidgage #genitalwarts #grandprairie #texas


Friday, April 21, 2023

Orlando, Florida Exposure Notification: Christina Casady

Known drug addict and prostitute, gave birth to child in 2005, has since failed to inform any of her partners of this disease. It is a good possibility she does have other diseases as well, as she has been treated numerous times for chlamydia, MRSA, syphilis, and gonorrhea. She is a PROSTITUTE, and will not use protection, so be careful! #christinacasady #hpv #orlando #florida


Kalihi, Hawaii Health Alert: Joseph aka Joey Matthew Brown

He has tattooed sleeves, emotionally/physically abusive, impulsive, a liar, cheater, selfish... Hands out Herpes1&2, and HPV (non-warts) and doesn't think twice about his actions. #josephakajoeymatthewbrown #genitalherpes #kalihi #hawaii


Jacksonville, North Carolina Health Alert: abigail NeigerBickham

hospital visit then was very concerned and came home to me her mother and confessed on catching listed above viruses but was not certain from whom. she has a recent bf but she had a few encounters with other guys. #abigailneigerbickham #genitalherpes #jacksonville #northcarolina


North Hollywood , California Health Alert: Jamilah Crane

Jamilah Lashaun Crane is a street workeing prostitute who infects married men with families on Facebook with her diseases, She smokes drugs & abuses her son . She has naked photos going viral on the internet . She has a skin disease thats turning her skin white with a snake print , she hasn't taken her medication the doctor prescribes to help the infectious diseases Her babysfather gave her HIV & she is spreading it across CALIFORNIA like WILDFIRE be aware!!!! #jamilahcrane #genitalherpes #northhollywood #california


vancouver, British Columbia Health Alert: Greg Almon

His ex told me that he cheated on her with countless hookers and he would sleep with any girl he met at bars.This man is a sex addict and cant care less about spreading diseases. Someone he fucked is sick and we suspect he gave it to her or she could have given it to him. Now that i heard he is back in Canada,at least he should get tested before he touches any normal and clean girls there. #gregalmon #genitalherpes #vancouver #britishcolumbia


Thursday, April 20, 2023




Raleigh, North Carolina Health Alert: Genesis Wallace

Last year when I found out that my boyfriend was cheating, I also found out that the person that he was cheating with was loaded with STD's. Her name is Genesis Wallace. My ex boyfriend advised me to get tested for both infections and luckily I contracted neither. #genesiswallace #genitalherpes #raleigh #northcarolina


Tallahassee , Florida Virus Carrier: Deonta Moultry

This individual will not disclose his Std Status with anyone. The source of a recent Syphilis outbreak in Tallahassee also Hiv positive. He has exposed many people to the virus. If you are a victim of his Failure to disclose please contact Gadsden country and leon county sheriff. #deontamoultry #hivandaids #tallahassee #florida


Lynbrook, New York Communicable Disease: Russell Benvenuto

It is a known fact that Russell has passed his genital;s warts to multiple girls in Lynbrook. He is gross and balding if you see him run away. #russellbenvenuto #genitalwarts #lynbrook #newyork


brooklyn, New York Health Alert: Yocheved Prince

I am a female relative of yocheved, she doesn't tell guys she has genital herpes and I feel bad about it, and figured I should post on here in the hopes some one would read it before sleeping with her. She takes medication for it, so there are times when the herpes are not visible. #yochevedprince #genitalherpes #brooklyn #newyork


Wednesday, April 19, 2023

West Sussex, South East England Infectious Disease: Keith Richards

Doctors all over the world want the body that did all the work for Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards when he "had Hepatitis C and cured it" just by being himself and letting his "incredible immune system" deal with it. The medical community believes that if Keith Richards donates his body to them when he dies they will be able to "study it and figure out how to make other people much better" by figuring out how he been able to live a long healthy life despite his admission that "I eat everything wrong. I shove terrible things inside me." The exact date of his Hepatitis C diagnosis is not known, but his confession was made in 2008. How he got the disease also remains a mystery leaving one to speculate that it may have been sexually transmitted to him by his ex-girlfriend and fellow Hepatitis C carrier Anita Pallenberg or Marianne Faithfull who also has Hepatitis C and has been romantically as well as intravenously linked to Richards through heroin addiction. It is entirely possible however that Keith got it from Marianne and gave it to Anita or Marianne gave it to Anita who then gave it to Keith, or some random groupie gave it to Keith before he gave it to Anita who then shared a needle with Marianne, or any other combination of sex with random infected people and shared needles with the 3 of them, or maybe it is just a coincidence that all 3 of them shared smack needles, had sex together, and all have Hepatitis. #keithrichards #hepatitisc #westsussex #southeastengland


London, Greater London Health Alert: Sadia Ali

London, UK - A mentally ill woman named Sadia Ali, who goes by the alias Sardi, Sardiya, and Sardia, has been identified as a serial harasser in the cryptocurrency community. Sardi has engaged in multiple incidents of online harassment and fraud. Sardi has undergone multiple cosmetic surgeries to alter her appearance and is known to change her appearance and aliases frequently. According to sources close to the matter, Sardi has been active in the cryptocurrency community for several years She is said to have targeted both retail investors and founders of various projects, using a range of tactics to extort money and information from her victims. Sardis persistent harassment has plagued the cryptocurrency community for some time. Many individuals have come forward to report that they have been subjected to abusive messages and online attacks from Sardi. Her behaviour has caused considerable distress and concern among those targeted by her. In addition to her harassing behaviour, Sardi has been linked to fraudulent activities, the latest being a Hawala cryptocurrency scam. There are reports that Sardi has requested donations and engaged in escorting services under false pretenses. Despite her questionable activities, Sardi has managed to maintain a relatively low profile in the cryptocurrency community until recently. In the past few months, however, several victims have come forward with allegations of harassment and fraud, prompting calls for her to be held accountable for her actions. Sardi's erratic behaviour and multiple aliases have made it difficult to track the magnitude of her actions. However, she has been identified as residing in Greater London, and efforts are underway to bring her to justice. Sardi's mental health has been a subject of concern among those who know her. She is said to suffer from a range of mental health issues, including bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. CONTINUED BELOW #sadiaali #genitalherpes #london #greaterlondon



I NO IT BECAUSE I SEEN ALL HER PAPER WORK WHEN SHE INVITED ME TO HER HOUSE. #alyssamyles #genitalherpes #montgomery #alabama


Brandenton, Florida Virus Carrier: Carlos Rivera

Carlos Rivera was arrested in December of 2019 on an outstanding warrant for failing to tell a woman that he has HIV and Hepatitis C until after she found his medication and confronted him. By then they had already been having sex of awhile. According to police, Rivera had known of his HIV status for at least three years in 2015 when the warrant was issued. #carlosrivera #hivandaids #brandenton #florida


Columbus, Ohio Health Alert: Micheal Scott

Michael Scott has a history of unprotected sex with both females and males. Michael has continued to have unprotected sex without disclosing the fact that he has genital herpes. This information came from a medical statement showing that he was positive for genital herpes. Since the time that he found out he was positive Michael has been with 3 different females and 1 male 2 of which has confirmed that he did not tell them about his genital herpes. Michael Scott is a danger to society and should be put in prison for possibly spreading his disease to unknowing victims #michealscott #genitalherpes #columbus #ohio


Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Rochester Hills, Michigan Health Alert: Erin Brennan

She is short, Drives a black pontiac g6, has a son named dylan. Lives in the Auburn Hills, Pontiac area. Known to have sex with multiple partners, continuing even after notice of infection. #erinbrennan #genitalherpes #rochesterhills #michigan


north charleston , South Carolina Health Alert: mikell percy

this person has had genital herpes for some years now and has failed to inform his partners about his condition. so far he has pass it to 4 girls without in forming them everytime someone find out about him and the condition he leaves them and finds a new partner. #mikellpercy #genitalherpes #northcharleston #southcarolina


El Monte, California Communicable Disease: Monique Marie Perez

Monique explained that she contracted genital warts from her boyfriend Richard Munoz. He received it from a hooker in Japan, while he served in the US Navy. #moniquemarieperez #genitalwarts #elmonte #california


Houston, Texas Health Alert: Andrew Luster

He gave me herpes and then later admitted that he had it and caught it from an ex of his. He went into a clinic and was tested positive for genital herpes back in october. He has outbreaks and is of a promiscuous nature. #andrewluster #genitalherpes #houston #texas


new albany , Indiana Communicable Disease: shelby micmilyan

has had alot of wild times and contracted many diseases. #shelbymicmilyan #genitalwarts #newalbany #indiana


Auburn, Washington Exposure Notification: Cyrena Chase

Cyrena Chase has admitted to her close friends that she does have HPV, but as to wether or not she has genital warts is unknown because she has not disclosed that fact. But she is bisexual, has confided in me that she has YET to of slept with another female, but she did want to have sex with me. She never mentioned that she was intending to use dental dam with another female but she said to me she desired to have a woman go down on her. Be very careful because she MIGHT have genital warts, if she DID, I am not sure she would admit it to you. #cyrenachase #hpv #auburn #washington


Monday, April 17, 2023

St Charles, Missouri Communicable Disease: Paul Stumpf

He thought he had skin cancer, turns out it was genital warts. #paulstumpf #genitalwarts #stcharles #missouri


New Haven, Connecticut Virus Carrier: Rachel Sommers

Rachel Sommers is a JEW from ISRAEL with HIV/AIDS. Rachel Sommers is a JEW from ISRAEL with HIV/AIDS. Rachel Sommers is a JEW from ISRAEL with HIV/AIDS. Rachel Sommers is a JEW from ISRAEL with HIV/AIDS. #rachelsommers #hivandaids #newhaven #connecticut


south plainfeild, New Jersey Communicable Disease: Marissa Burnham

I had a sorrid life in and out of rehab centers and brothels, it was only after i was infected with the human papoloma virus did i feel i needed help. #marissaburnham #genitalwarts #southplainfeild #newjersey


Atlanta, Georgia Health Alert: Lisa Judd

Lisa Beth Judd was an Atlanta Hawks Cheerleader in 1993 when she hooked up with Dennis Rodman while he was in town as a member of the Detroit Pistons. She then filed a lawsuit accusing Rodman of infecting her with Genital Herpes. She lost the lawsuit mainly because Rodman was able to introduce evidence of many other places she could have gotten Herpes. #lisajudd #genitalherpes #atlanta #georgia


Idaho Falls, Idaho Health Alert: Joshua Klingler

I was romanticly involved with this peron. They knew they were infected and did not tell me until after a month into our relationship. Does not use protection, sleeps around with dangerous people who could very well be carrying. #joshuaklingler #genitalherpes #idahofalls #idaho


Canton, Ohio Virus Carrier: Sandy D. Clay

Not much is know about Sandy D. Clay of 506 Aultman Ave. in Canton, Ohio just that she is HIV positive with a long history of prostitution. In her most recent arrest she flagged down an officer before offering him sex for $20. According to jail records she went to prison in 2001 for failing to disclose her HIV status. She is a also a known drug user with temper having served time for assault and robbery. We could not find a picture and don't know her height, weight, ethnicity, hair color, or eye color. #sandydclay #hivandaids #canton #ohio


Sunday, April 16, 2023

Jacksonville, Florida Exposure Notification: Stephanie Harris

This girl is caring an std and not aware of it. i have never had an std and in july i became hpv positive and had a strong odor from her nasty ass #stephanieharris #hpv #jacksonville #florida


Troy, Missouri Exposure Notification: Todd Ryan Greenwald

He cheated on me. So I went to the doctor to get checked out. I get tested before all new partners so I know I was clean before I slept with him. I got the bad news and I confronted him. He made a joke out of it and refused to go and get tested for STD's. He also admitted to never using a rubber with anyone because he didn't like them. #toddryangreenwald #hpv #troy #missouri


Iowa City, Iowa Health Alert: Joelle Henning

She is a Mexican looking girl, she cuts hair at Bellissimo Spa in Iowa City, so she changes her hair color frequently. She also had a large nose that is pierced and resembles a sow or hog. She never showers and has a horrible odor. Her crotch smells horrible. I had to spit on her back to make her think I came, so I could quit having sex with her so I didn't throw up from her crotch smell filling up the room. Not good. #joellehenning #genitalherpes #iowacity #iowa


Chicago. lakeview, Illinois Virus Carrier: Justin. Ron Reitz. Brock

This person enjoys steamworks and is responsible for passing it to me. He lists himself as negative and enjoys bareback sex with everyone he can. He goes by the name Justin Reitz, but his real name is Ron Brock and he is a wanted felon in several states. #justinronreitzbrock #hivandaids #chicagolakeview #illinois


Horn Lake, Mississippi Health Alert: Ashley Polk

She has known since she went to the doctor and steadily infecting people that dont know. She has publicly notified certain ones but will not tell others that she is trying to sleep with until after the fact! Known to sell her body for drugs or money. #ashleypolk #genitalherpes #hornlake #mississippi


Saturday, April 15, 2023

Nashville, Tennessee Health Alert: Randy Read

I was married to him and 6 months pregnant with our daughter when I found his prescription for valtrex in the glove compartment of his car. He denied and lied about being infected with herpes even when I presented him with the prescription bottle for valtrex with his name on it. He is a liar and will lie even when confronted with the truth. This placed my pregnancy and the birth of our daughter in jeopardy due to potential infection by natural delivery. I immediately got tested, which turned out negative and was able to deliver our daughter naturally. Randy Read is a sociopath and should not be trusted to be anything other than a liar. #randyread #genitalherpes #nashville #tennessee


crossville, Tennessee Health Alert: james barnwell

James A. Barnwell - Crossville TN aka Jimmy Barnwell is infected with herpes, warts and hepatitis. He was a police office until he was arrested for exposing himself in public to young women near school campuses. #jamesbarnwell #genitalherpes #crossville #tennessee


Chicago, Illinois Virus Carrier: Barack Obama

I dated this lying dick for a couple of months and slept with him a few times. After I broke up with him, I went to get a test at the STD clinic. I was HIV POSITIVE!!! #barackobama #hivandaids #chicago #illinois


Oldsmar, Florida Health Alert: Melissa (Missy) Steigerwald

WARNING!!! Melissa, aka Missy has Genital Herpes. She is extremely promiscuous and is very actively having unprotected sex with multiple partners/one night stands, etc., without their knowledge of her virus. She actually brags about her conquests. She is a sick woman that doesn't care about anyone because she's already infected. #melissa(missy)steigerwald #genitalherpes #oldsmar #florida


Loudon, Tennessee Health Alert: Jerry Mager, jr

Beware ladies-he's married-has a couple of girlfriends on the side-and is a pathalogical liar. I learned the hard way he was 'cathcy'. #jerrymager,jr #genitalherpes #loudon #tennessee


Friday, April 14, 2023

San Francisco, California Health Alert: Monika Lee

Monika always cheats on everyone she dates, and I estimate she's slept with over 200 men and women. Her story changes every day, so it's tough to tell. Now I have genital warts for life! She can sometimes be seen working at restaurants with a big herp on her mouth, but I was lucky enough to miss it. The worst part about her is that she always claims that OTHER people have herpes! #monikalee #genitalherpes #sanfrancisco #california


nelsonville, Ohio Health Alert: tayvia beck

confession after months #tayviabeck #genitalherpes #nelsonville #ohio


Sacramento or Humboldt, California Health Alert: Kelly Bartron

Subject has RED itchy bumps covering pubic area. Subject has also been notified by a physician of her HIV but fails to inform her partners till after sexual encounters with them. #kellybartron #genitalherpes #sacramentoorhumboldt #california


Elkhart, Indiana Health Alert: Jeremy Templeton

Jeremy has had unprotected sex with at least 3 women since contracting herpes, one of which ended up pregnant in 2011. He refuses to tell people he considers to be of "one night stand" status. Everyone to him starts out in that status so good luck getting the truth before he infects you. He has a porn & sex addiction. Height & weight are approximate. #jeremytempleton #genitalherpes #elkhart #indiana


Hanford, California Health Alert: Amanda Spaulding

This girl is a cesspool of disease who consistently has unprotected sex with anybody. If you've had sex with her, you need to be tested. If you haven't, don't. #amandaspaulding #genitalherpes #hanford #california


Thursday, April 13, 2023

Dallas, Texas Infectious Disease: Dusty Hill

While on tour with his band ZZ Top in 2000 Dusty Hill sought medical treatment for sever fatigue and was diagnosed with Hepatitis C. The ZZ Top World Tour was canceled so he could receive treatment for the disease. #dustyhill #hepatitisc #dallas #texas


Lake Oswego, Oregon Health Alert: Tereasa Treleavin

Terease used to be my best friend so i know this is fact and in no way a joke. She tested positive for Herpes in 2007 and slept with as many as 30 guys without informing any of them of her condition. She even allowed them to perform oral on her, giving them a chance to contract oral herpes as well. She tends to sleep with white guys with tattoo's and piercings and large penis'. You have been warned. #tereasatreleavin #genitalherpes #lakeoswego #oregon


Fort Lauderdale, Florida Health Alert: Michael Coppola

Mikey Coppola (DJ COPPOLA) is a DJ and restaurant manager in South Florida. He is a cheater, liar, and all around piece of garbage. He cheats on his girlfriend with men and women. His recent activities involve getting blowjobs in girls cars from gullible girls when hes done work at Dicey Rileys on Thursdays & Saturdays. He has a history of tricking people into having sexual relations with him by pretending that he likes them and claiming he wants to be with them. He had a long-term relationship with a man before he started going with the girl he is currently with. Hes a fraudster and will do his best to convince you to give him money to help him out. Youll never see that money again! Beware! Hes bad news! #michaelcoppola #genitalherpes #fortlauderdale #florida


Balch Springs, Texas Health Alert: Robbie Farmer

He claims he has nothing but has never been tested for an STD, refuses even after letter was sent to him. This man was married at the time, not sure if his wife is aware, she was pregnant during our affair..I found out after we ended our fling. I didn't approach him directly since we didn't have much contact and it caused problems with his wife. I was diagnosed with HPV and my blood test for herpes came back positive. I haven't had a break out, and do not know if he ever has, from the information I have gathered he either hasn't had a breakout or has claimed any lesion or lesion type sore to be razor burn or a boil, which he gets quite often but never sees a doctor guess is he's covering up the fact he has it and by refusing to get an STD test makes it more suspicious..ladies be warned he has 7 kids and never uses a condom...don't make my mistake. #robbiefarmer #genitalherpes #balchsprings #texas


Kansas City, Missouri Health Alert: David Scott

Has knowledge from several women he has infected them though he says he tests negative. #davidscott #genitalherpes #kansascity #missouri


Wednesday, April 12, 2023

amelia, Ohio Health Alert: amanda wilson

Told me that she contracted the disease from her husband who cheated on her while they were married. She is unaware if he has it or not, he never told her but someone she has it and assumes she got it from him. They are now divorced but she has never confronted him. She is pathological liar so i do not believe she got it from him as she has had random sex with men and laugh about how if she gives it to them "they deserve it" #amandawilson #genitalherpes #amelia #ohio


Moscow, Central FD Virus Carrier: Pavel Lobkov

Pavel Lobkov is one of Russia's most famous journalists. In 2015 he shocked the nation by announcing on the air that he had been diagnosed with HIV sometime in 2003 after a routine HIV test. He has since become an HIV/AIDS rights activist. Russia needs it. The stigma against HIV and AIDS in that country has contributed significantly to large numbers of people with HIV refusing to seek testing and treatment. Lobkov hopes to change that by becoming Russia's first openly HIV positive public figure. He currently works for Dozhd also known as Rain TV. #pavellobkov #hivandaids #moscow #centralfd


Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin Health Alert: Amanda Gerberding

I dated this girl for an extended period of time and shortly afterwards was made aware that I had contracted HSV/HPV at which point she had been only sexual contact since before my last exam. She made no attempt to inform of this and to this day denies being a carrier. #amandagerberding #genitalherpes #chippewafalls #wisconsin


Buffalo , New York Virus Carrier: Billy Ray Davis

I met Billy on eharmony in 2015. We met and went out three times. He was coming on to me from day one and wanted sex. We had unprotected sex twice. Afterward I found out he has HIV and is bi-sexual with little boys. Now I have the virus and he doesn't care. #billyraydavis #hivandaids #buffalo #newyork


Norwalk, Connecticut Virus Carrier: Paulo Pino

Took communion and told me as a Priest that he has these STDs. He took one too many antipsychotics. He has AIDS from taking dick in the ass one too many times. #paulopino #hivandaids #norwalk #connecticut


Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Communicable Disease: Richard Snow

My roommate has failed on multiple occasions to admit this condition to sexual partners but while under the influence of mind altering substances let the information slip to me last month. I asked him to stop this dangerous and reckless behavior but he has not changed his ways so I am reporting him here. If only he didn't have to be a stereotype. #richardsnow #genitalwarts #philadelphia #pennsylvania


Raleigh, North Carolina Virus Carrier: Joshua Weaver

Joshua Weaver of Raleigh, North Carolina violated his probation for a previous conviction by having unprotected sex without disclosing his HIV status to his victim back in October of 2008. The judge gave him 6 months of house arrest and threatened to put him in prison for two years if he did it again. The health department told Weaver's probation officer that he had been infected with a new STD that he probably would not have gotten if he were wearing condoms. Weaver was know to work as a D.J. in the Wilmington and Triangle areas. #joshuaweaver #hivandaids #raleigh #northcarolina


Riverdale, Georgia Health Alert: Aleshia N

She doesn't care , she had sex with me while her babys father was locked up . We used a condom occassionally but she never told me she had herpes. When her babys father got out of jail he found my number in her phone and called me to confront me about sleeping with her , then he told me i needed to get checked out because she had giving it to him prior to their daughter being born. She lives nasty , and obviously doesnt care enough about herself to protect herself against std's so its not surprising that she doesn't care about spreading it to other people. I dont want anyone else to become victims to this woman guys STAY AWAY AND RUN. #aleshian #genitalherpes #riverdale #georgia


Portland, Oregon Health Alert: John Stuart

Requested that John wear a condom prior to intercourse and he declined claiming he's had a vasectomy. After multiple exposures, he confessed to having Herpes but used excuse that he takes med's for it and its an almost zero chance of transmission. #johnstuart #genitalherpes #portland #oregon


Hell's valley, New Jersey Exposure Notification: Chris Rossi

I was told by a hooker in Las Vegas that he was infected. Being an expert in matter such as this I took her word of it and reported. She also asked me if he had had her baby yet.... so she may not be reputable.... eh, what cha gonna do? #chrisrossi #hpv #hellsvalley #newjersey


Monday, April 10, 2023

Colorado Springs, Colorado Health Alert: Corrie Dionne

Admitted that she has Herpes and warts and continues to spread among the community. I had sex with her in 2019 even though she is married and contracted both right away. #corriedionne #genitalherpes #coloradosprings #colorado


New York, New York Virus Carrier: Edmund White

He found out he was HIV positive in 1985, but believes he was infected five years earlier because most of his ex-boyfriends were also HIV positive at that point. #edmundwhite #hivandaids #newyork #newyork


ft myers, Florida Infectious Disease: Kimmy Kinkle

she hides being diseased until she gives somethig to her partner and plays dumb blambing tring to put it of on that time its too late and she is asking you to marry her since you both r fucked for life!!! a whole new meaning to a sugermama!!!! #kimmykinkle #hepatitisc #ftmyers #florida


Los Angeles, California Virus Carrier: Derrick Burts

Derrick Burts contracted HIV, Herpes, and Chlamydia after just a month on the job making gay porn under the name Derrick Chambers and straight porn under the name Cameron Reid. With Chlamydia being curable and Herpes being no big deal to most porn stars his HIV was another matter that shut down filming across the entire industry for several weeks. Porn officials blamed the infection on private personal activity at first, but Burts claimed that was impossible because before going pro the only person he had sex with was his girlfriend. Eventually porn officials changed their story stating that he got it from an oral sex scene with another male actor. #derrickburts #hivandaids #losangeles #california


Clarksville, Tennessee Health Alert: John Smithfield

Be very careful with this guy. He was honest about his condition but very coercive after the fact and still managed to get in bed with me. #johnsmithfield #genitalherpes #clarksville #tennessee


Hillsborough, North Carolina Health Alert: Bill Faison

This man is a predator! Preys on married women. Never discloses his STD. Lawyer, former member of NC legislature. Cheated on his wife with me among many others. #billfaison #genitalherpes #hillsborough #northcarolina


Kingsville, Maryland Health Alert: Nancy Yeager

Nancy Yeager contracted HSV2 in Late November of 2011 from a partner, and started seeing symptoms in April of 2012. Her contraction of HSV2 was confirmed in May of 2012. #nancyyeager #genitalherpes #kingsville #maryland


Sunday, April 9, 2023

Pilot Mountain, North Carolina Health Alert: Jessica Hart

She has random sex partners. She has sex with them without informing them that she is infected. She brags about giving it to them. When confronted she says she told them but they must of been to drunk! #jessicahart #genitalherpes #pilotmountain #northcarolina


Vsncouver, Washington Health Alert: Ryan Graham

I was celibate for more than a decade before this "encounter". At the very least, it's date rape; and he knowingly infected me. #ryangraham #genitalherpes #vsncouver #washington


Hollywood and Miami, Florida Health Alert: FireFighter Kevin Mohammed

40 year old male who is a Fire FIghter/Paramedic for City of Miami Fire Department who resides in Hollywood and Miami, FL. Before dating him I was in a monogamous relationship for 2 years and had myself checked frequently. Two weeks after having sex with him I noticed a sore in my genatalia of which my doctor confirmed could only be from a recent partner. Upon confronting him, he admitted that he had felt "burning" and that a past ex of his had called him to confirm she was exposed in 2007. He went to the doctor and was prescribed Valtrex which he has been taking ever since. After he admitted this to me, he admitted another woman he was sleeping with at the same time was informed of his herpes; however, he denied it to her after she confronted him. HE IS EXTREMELY promiscuous and has infected two other known women (who will be in the process of filing a lawsuit with me as fire fighters are checked more than once a year and he's been aware of his infection for YEARS). He loves to NOT use condoms if you will let him get away with it, and has NO remorse for the people he has infected. He has lots of unprotected sex with multiple partners without telling any of them he is sleeping around. Reporter began to experience first outbreak, reporting the same to a physician who first reported in early August 2011 that reporter was HSV positive. A second test, conducted in September, 2011 confirmed the finding, and had 2 outbreaks since in the last 4 months. #firefighterkevinmohammed #genitalherpes #hollywoodandmiami #florida


Homestead, Pennsylvania Virus Carrier: Johnny Richardson

Johnny whom also goes by D'Angelo and legal name is Johnny Angelo Richardson was dating and living with me for over two years prior to informing me of his HIV status. He hid his medication as well as his testing for his blood cell count. #johnnyrichardson #hivandaids #homestead #pennsylvania


St. Pauli , Hamburg Infectious Disease: Raffael Trawöger

Hat sich mit HIV AIDS eingefangen, weil er in seiner Hamburger Wohnung schmutzige Heroinspritzen benutzt/geteilt hat. Und mit minderjährigen minderjährigen Mädchen zu schlafen Raffael Trawger wurde wegen sexueller Übergriffe auf Minderjährige im Zusammenhang mit dem Internet verhaftet: Ein Hamburger wurde am Freitag festgenommen, weil er angeblich die beliebte Instagram-App benutzt hatte, um ein minderjähriges Mädchen dazu zu bringen, dreimal hintereinander Sex mit ihm zu haben, teilte die Polizei mit. Die Staatsanwaltschaft wirft Raffael Trawger vor, über einen Computer mit dem Minderjährigen zu kommunizieren und um Sex zu bitten, während er in München war. Zwei der Vorwürfe wegen sexueller Übergriffe sollen sich in der HafenCity ereignet haben, der dritte auf St. Pauli. Raffael Trawger wurde schließlich erwischt, nachdem er ein 16-jähriges Mädchen aus der HafenCity in seine Hamburger Wohnung gelockt hatte. Eine Untersuchung fand weitere vier jugendliche Opfer und einen Katalog von mehr als zwei Millionen pornografischen Fotografien und Bildern von Kindesmissbrauch auf seinem iPhone, Computer und Datenträgern in seiner Hamburger Wohnung. Die Untersuchung ergab auch, dass er das Internet benutzt hatte, um eine Datenbank mit mehr als 500 benannten Mädchen im Teenageralter zusammenzustellen. Nach der Verurteilung von Raffael Trawger beschuldigte der Hauptkommissar Raffael Trawger, ein systematischer und räuberischer Sexualstraftäter zu sein, der eine sehr ernsthafte Bedrohung für Mädchen im Teenageralter in ganz Hamburg darstellte. #raffaeltrawöger #hepatitisc #stpauli #hamburg


Saturday, April 8, 2023

Madison, Wisconsin Health Alert: Anna Bassuner

This person lied about having an STD when asked during a 3 month fling. She told me a month after we stopped seeing each other that she had herpes. Later it was found out from other people that she has a history of this behavior. #annabassuner #genitalherpes #madison #wisconsin


Northfield, Minnesota Health Alert: Maelynn Rosas

This individual has an std know an herpes. if you or someone else that you may know is interested in this person make sure that you ask this person if they may have an std. #maelynnrosas #genitalherpes #northfield #minnesota


San Francisco, California Exposure Notification: Shanif Hussein

Mohammed Shanif Hussein was married twice and has been caught cheating several times. He has dangerous STD that he will not disclose before having sex. HPV is not detectable in men but is transferred to women. A court order in international waters was issued against him. Mohammed Shanif Hussein at present resides in Dubai, UAE #shanifhussein #hpv #sanfrancisco #california


St. Petersburg, Florida Virus Carrier: DARIAN BOYD



Liverpool, North West England Virus Carrier: William Holly Johnson

The former leader of 80's pop group Frankie Goes to Hollywood. Holly Johnson split with the band in 1987 and was diagnosed with HIV in 1991. He talks about his life and battle with AIDS in his book "A Bone in My Flute". #williamhollyjohnson #hivandaids #liverpool #northwestengland


Friday, April 7, 2023

Hamilton, Ontario Virus Carrier: Vinroy Audley Spencer

Hamilton police have issued an arrest warrant for Vinroy Audley Spencer on the charge of Aggravated Sexual Assault for not disclosing his HIV status to a victim who came forward on May 12, 2010 just two weeks before immigration officials expelled Spencer from Canada. Hamilton Police were not informed of the immigration proceedings against Spencer and now will most likely have to get him extradited to pursue charges. Police say that anyone who may have had sexual contact with him especially after 2004 should be tested for HIV and other STDs. Detective Scott Moore wants anyone with information to call him at 905-546-4614. #vinroyaudleyspencer #hivandaids #hamilton #ontario


west hempstead, New York Health Alert: katrina hunter

This skanking hoe bag is walking around with all types of sexually transmitted diseases,.not letting anyone know about it. She is a digusting slut that needs to be exposed. FYI: if you see this whore stay as far away as possible! #katrinahunter #genitalherpes #westhempstead #newyork


Greenwood, Indiana Health Alert: Kathy Caine

Found out from daughter. That mother has STD #kathycaine #genitalherpes #greenwood #indiana


Madison, Wisconsin Health Alert: Anna Bassuner

This person lied about having an STD when asked during a 3 month fling. She told me a month after we stopped seeing each other that she had herpes. Later it was found out from other people that she has a history of this behavior. #annabassuner #genitalherpes #madison #wisconsin


Fonthill, Ontario Health Alert: Ashley Elizabeth Alexander

Thissts whore loves to lie and fuck and now she's giving everyone STDs it's so bad half of niagara has themfrom her. And she abondoned her kids for drugs #ashleyelizabethalexander #genitalherpes #fonthill #ontario


Thursday, April 6, 2023

Louisville, Kentucky Health Alert: David Alkire

Has genital herpes and failed to inform a partner of the problem. What a low life selfish act to do to someone else. ............................... #davidalkire #genitalherpes #louisville #kentucky


Eugene, Oregon Communicable Disease: James Wallace

was in relationship with him for almost a year and failed to inform me of condition. he said it was just part of male anatomy like a birth mark. I refused to sleep with him and he got pissed. Later found out what it was from another ex. #jameswallace #genitalwarts #eugene #oregon


Los Angeles, California Virus Carrier: Earvin Johnson

Earvin "Magic" Johnson played for the Los Angeles Lakers from 1979 until 1991 when he was diagnosed with HIV. Although at the top of his game he elected to retire largely due to fears caused by the ignorance of other players who thought he might infect them on the court. #earvinjohnson #hivandaids #losangeles #california


Lansing, New York Communicable Disease: Robert Williams

In July 2008 we had sex in the dark, with a condom one night. He didn't allow me to see anything. The next night, we were laying on the bed and going to do it again-light on... He wouldn't let me see his penis. I asked why, he said no reason. I put my hand on it and felt bumps. I freaked! He said "you just felt my zipper!" So I said "Bullshit dude, you have freakin' warts and didn't tell me?!" He confessed and let me see them. 3 of them almost at the tip. He also said he's never told anyone before. Problem? He has takes a new girl home every night from the bar in college town (in Ithaca, NY ~ Cornell Students). He sleeps with everyone! Anyway, the point is, about a month later, this girl calls while we were at the movie theater. She called to say she was pregnant and had warts... He had passed them on to her and impregnated her. He still doesn't tell anyone about them to the best of my knowledge = conversation we had 8 months ago. Genital warts don't always show on the outside of female reproductive organs. Your uterus could be filled with them, your vagina, everything and you would never even know-but may still pass it on to others. I fortunately, did not contract genital warts. I have been tested several times over the last three years, had a baby and I have also been tested since then. I had my baby's blood tested for HPV and he doesn't have it either. THANK GOD! #robertwilliams #genitalwarts #lansing #newyork


houston, Texas Health Alert: kimberly renee hofner,picone

this girl gave me herpes with no care for life at all.she also has family in buffalo ny. but resides in houston clearlake area works at nasa. beware #kimberlyreneehofner,picone #genitalherpes #houston #texas


phoenix, Arizona Health Alert: jimmie trevelle johnson

Dated. Confessed after a year & a half that he received it from his ex-wife who got it from his cousin. #jimmietrevellejohnson #genitalherpes #phoenix #arizona


Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Hattiesbutg, Mississippi Health Alert: Dave Charlesworth

3 confirmed cases from females that contracted this from him. #davecharlesworth #genitalherpes #hattiesbutg #mississippi


Grand Forks, North Dakota Health Alert: Christopher Limey Hargreaves

Confirmation of his exposure/infection/diagnosis was obtained by myself via an email sent by him to a male friend and was said in a casual, disrespectful, joking manner making light of the woman whom he contracted it from. His condition WAS NOT revealed to myself or others he had been with prior to having sexual relations with them. He spends considerable time in bars as he is with a travelling ice show. Picking up women is a hobby and pass time for him. He has absolutely no regard for the potential disaster he inflicts unpon a woman's life and often sleeps with women WAY TOO young for himself. He is mid 40's but often picks ups women in their early 20's. #christopherlimeyhargreaves #genitalherpes #grandforks #northdakota


Houston, Texas Communicable Disease: Brianna Diaz



Hollywood, California Health Alert: Liza Minnelli

Her former husband David Gest announced in 2006 that Liza knew that she had Genital Herpes and did not tell him until six months after they were married and one year after they began seeing each other. Minnelli fired back saying that she lived in constant fear while married to Gest because he was trying to poison her with drugs. #lizaminnelli #genitalherpes #hollywood #california


Milwaukee, Wisconsin Virus Carrier: Danny Tuchalski

I met this dude off craigslist, he said he's one of those closet fags who secretly like to just suck cocks and get it in the face. well i met him and it turned out he wanted more. i topped him and it was a good time, blew my load inside him and everything. it just so happened my quarterly check up i usually do was coming up. turned out i have fucking AIDS! i'm pretty sure he gave it to me. regardless, on the off chance i got it from someone else, looks like he has it now too. #dannytuchalski #hivandaids #milwaukee #wisconsin


Austin , Texas Health Alert: Marci Leal

She never reported this information to me not her ex boyfriend, she has continued to spread her virus, with other who meet her on dating apps. Don't fall victim to her. #marcileal #genitalherpes #austin #texas


Cheboygan, Michigan Health Alert: Julia Mauldin

Attained genital herpes and HPV from cheating on her husband while he was deployed to iraq #juliamauldin #genitalherpes #cheboygan #michigan


Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Van Nuys, California Health Alert: Catrina Benish

Definetly has gential herpes from screwing around with men. Although Catrina "Cat" Beth White claims to be a lesbian. #catrinabenish #genitalherpes #vannuys #california


Shirley, Massachusetts Health Alert: Duke Swellington

Known as "the Wayne Gretzky of the orgy pit," (New York Times) Duke Swellington has carved a name for himself in the gritty sex underground of suburban Massachusetts. Duke is known for his extremely deranged and aggressive sexual behavior, which was most prominently displayed during his conquest of the entire Chinese Olympic gymnastics team. None of them are currently capable of walking, and one gymnast remarked that having sex with him was "like salmon fighting angry grizzly bear with big dick." She died shortly before her 15th birthday due to complications associated with quadriplegia. Redheads should avoid Duke Swellington at all costs, because his favorite pasttime is giving the purple sock to the chocolate starfish of gingers. He is typically seen lurking at Barnes and Noble, and similar establishments. Beware of this individual. #dukeswellington #genitalherpes #shirley #massachusetts


scottsdale, Arizona Virus Carrier: carlie schmidt

its known this girl is infected but continues on without telling her boyfriends. she is a huge coke addict, in which she slams and thats how she got infected. #carlieschmidt #hivandaids #scottsdale #arizona


London, Greater London Communicable Disease: Sardi Sadiya Sardia Sadia Ali

Sardiya/Sardi/Sadia/Sardii/Sardiyaa = Psychotic London Sex Worker and Blackmailing Scammer Standard MO: Sardi tells clients she is a widow, single mom, poor accounting student, domestic abuse victim, so sad and depressed and other nonsense to bring your guard down so she can reel you into her financial scams. Most recently her fake cryptocurrency halawadar schemes and her Nikkah Mutah exclusive sex scam to prey on men of faith looking for a loophole so they can convince themselves sex acts . . If you send her anything via her cash app or cryptocurrency, your money is gone forever. Known harasser and blackmailer, Sadia Ali a London sex worker advertised as the Persian Princess when I saw her a few years back . I found out she accused clients of giving her STDs and threatened to call peoples homes and work to expose them and it looks like she is back to her old tricks. She threatens to report you for stalking and says she will call HMRC to audit you if you ask her about fulfilling the promises she makes after youve paid her. She pretends to be Iranian and drops Farsi greetings but she is really Pakistani. Im from Haryana so I know for sure. Sardi aka Sardiya or whatever she is at the moment advertises under different names and contact info and says its to avoid an abusive client but her legal name is Sadia Ali. I found out that out when I used the washroom at the incall and checked Airdrop. Sadia name dropped a few politicians that she said she knew personally and whose events she attended so I had to see exactly who she was. Highly unlikely anything Sadia says is true because she is straight up pathological. #sardisadiyasardiasadiaali #genitalwarts #london #greaterlondon


Yukon, Oklahoma Health Alert: Tracy Beard

Has genital herpes failed to disclose! Once confronted he stated had contracted from an old ex girlfriend, Karen, he knew he had herpes, but was still engaging in sexual intercourse without protection during intercourse. Mr beard is a nice guy but really how nice can you be if not informing people of your disease and participating in unsafe sexual practices. Maybe he isin denial. Previously employed as manager of a Christian retail establishment. One would think he would at least advise his partners of the sexual risk involved in having intercourse with him. #tracybeard #genitalherpes #yukon #oklahoma


milwaukee, Wisconsin Health Alert: Kevin Bailey

became involved become engaged 1 month prior to wedding became sexually active results came from physician 2 days before wedding. he has been married b4 to two other women to knowledge originally from Jamaica . May be in Oh, Fl, or CT he does construction and a bar owner. He may have married a women in Milwaukee too. but i don't know her name. #kevinbailey #genitalherpes #milwaukee #wisconsin


Monday, April 3, 2023

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Virus Carrier: Johnny Richardson

Johnny whom also goes by D'Angelo and legal name is Johnny Angelo Richardson was dating and living with me for over two years prior to informing me of his HIV status. He hid his medication as well as his testing for his blood cell count. #johnnyrichardson #hivandaids #pittsburgh #pennsylvania


Kennington, Greater London Virus Carrier: Sarah Porter

Sarah Porter was sentenced to 32 months in jail for having sex with four men in a six month period without telling them about her HIV. According to the British government Porter knew about her HIV status since 2000. She is believed to have been with dozens of men in the years leading up to her arrest #sarahporter #hivandaids #kennington #greaterlondon


amelia, Ohio Health Alert: amanda wilson

Told me that she contracted the disease from her husband who cheated on her while they were married. She is unaware if he has it or not, he never told her but someone she has it and assumes she got it from him. They are now divorced but she has never confronted him. She is pathological liar so i do not believe she got it from him as she has had random sex with men and laugh about how if she gives it to them "they deserve it" #amandawilson #genitalherpes #amelia #ohio


Cape Coral, Florida Health Alert: Amy Moore

Contracted Herpes. Does not inform everyone she has sex with. Not sure if there are any other STD's but this one is a fact. Hopefully she takes meds to help control it. #amymoore #genitalherpes #capecoral #florida


St. Louis, Missouri Exposure Notification: Robert Blalock

He LOVES to have unprotected sex and his latest victim wont believe me #robertblalock #hpv #stlouis #missouri


Sunday, April 2, 2023

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Virus Carrier: Michael Austin

After filing a police complaint over the theft of his credit card and social security cards by a man he had been with the night before 40 year old Micheal Austin of Oklahoma City found himself behind bars after police found out that he failed to inform the thief of his HIV status. #michaelaustin #hivandaids #oklahomacity #oklahoma


New York, New York Virus Carrier: Pedro Julio Serrano

Pedro Julio Serrano decided to become an activist after being diagnosed with HIV sometime before announcing his status in 1998 when he became the first openly gay person to run for office in Puerto Rico. He has since gone on to become a leader in several gay rights organizations. In 2003 he founded a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) activist group called Puerto Rico Para Tod@s ("Puerto Ricans for All" in American English). The group is dedicated to increasing social justice levels for LGBT people. Pedro currently lives in New York City and works for the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF). The NGLTF is a left wing activist group dedicated to fighting anti-gay policies and people in America. #pedrojulioserrano #hivandaids #newyork #newyork


Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania Health Alert: Richard Rubendall

He had sex with neighbor Cathy and infected her also he has sex with two known prostitutes frequently. A really dirty nasty fat overweight slob. He needs to bath in Clorox for 2 weeks. #richardrubendall #genitalherpes #bloomsburg #pennsylvania


Flagstaff, Arizona Virus Carrier: Catalina Jovie Gelner

After committing her 1,450,867th act of prostitution, Catalina was diagnosed with genital herpes, genital warts, hepatitis C, and AIDS.Catalina was arrested for prostitution earlier last year. Her arresting officer noted that Catalina had 4 genital warts, 4 herpes blisters, 4 condoms, and 4 twenty dollar bills on her person, for a total of 16 items. The most recent male victim of sexual interaction with Catalina was hospitalized for several weeks. Her diseases are in their final stages, her body is deteriorating, and even her teeth are dented, twisted and beginning to protrude from her mouth. Please warn anyone who may come in close (or even distant) contact with Catalina. #catalinajoviegelner #hivandaids #flagstaff #arizona


Brooklyn Park, Maryland Virus Carrier: tabatha Gee

This girl is dirty she doesn't respect her self. She was pregnant at 13 and brings lots of guys around her kid . But she has told close friends of mine and I was real close with her sister and one day her sister slipped up and told me . I have a cousin that use to be with her and I'm almost positive she gave it to him . #tabathagee #hivandaids #brooklynpark #maryland


Salmon Arm, British Columbia Health Alert: Crystal Glass Pillar

This Women is the most abusive person I have ever met. After F**king everyone over in Alberta she is now in BC.. If you see this woman being abusive towards her child please report her to child services..She has an unnatural relationship with her father Dale Pillar.. Even has a boyfriend in Calgary Jay Ellis These guys are Pieces of s**t themselves look them up..this women will tell anyone that will listen that she is a victim but then goes out to find men to fill her holes or beat her. Take all you Have and ruin your life.She will turn around and claim your an abuser..She is always high.Hands out the drd like its candy. Look her up crystal pillar Calgary.. Ive been her Vitim dont be her next.Last seen on Tinder posing as an IT Student..BEWARE this scvm is a con woman,manipulator,psychopathic parasite Has her book keeping business to scam people by over charging and withholding their stuff until they pay here what she wants. She is dead broke and bankrupt. She will claw at any guy with money because she is so p**s broke and desperate for attention Closeted Racist. Trashy junkie. Trashy wanna be. Trailer trash mindest with her lifestyle. Looks like she 40 and rotten potato without makeup. Looks weird cuz she a druggie. Weirdly shaped body. Entitled, Fowl & disrespectful cu*t who cant be trusted. DRD vessel cuz she f**s anything that flirts with her raw.Want To end up with HSV-2..Look Her up..Be prepared to date her parents she doesnt so anything without them #crystalglasspillar #genitalherpes #salmonarm #britishcolumbia


Phoenix, Arizona Health Alert: George Russell

George claims to have had several hundred sexual partners in his life, (and, after a few drinks), he said "maybe thousands" - a direct quote. He said he has never used protection. He also said he has never told any of his prior relationships or his current relationship about his Genital Herpes, so I hope some of them see this and go to the doctor. I am unsure of his infection date; he did not say. Note: this picture is from his book from around 2003 or 2004 (you can see this picture better online on Amazon by looking for his book on Indians). He has obviously had some serious "work done" on his face, as he now looks much younger than this 8 or 9 year old picture! His hair is also much darker now. #georgerussell #genitalherpes #phoenix #arizona


Saturday, April 1, 2023

Kelayres, Pennsylvania Virus Carrier: Francine Blashock

She is well known all over Mcadoo and Hazleton to be infecting many with her diseases.Travels in vans normally with different men every pass.She frequents bars late night hoping to find drunk men willing to pay her etc. #francineblashock #hivandaids #kelayres #pennsylvania


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Virus Carrier: Fred Hersch

Since being diagnosed in 1986 as HIV-positive, Hersch has done a great deal for the HIV community. As a prize winning composer he campaigned and performed for many AIDS related charities and events. #fredhersch #hivandaids #philadelphia #pennsylvania


Chicago, Illinois Health Alert: Julie Burns

Julie Burns Columbia College, fat, ugly, whore, with brown teeth gave me herpes. She's a lier who steals beer and wine from her job and talks shit about her bosses wife. There are women out there who bring home a different man everynight and have un-protected sex with them and then come home and spreed it to there man. That's Julie Burns. When she was hammered, and she always is she told me that she must have had a couple of hundred one night stands. I was shocked but I loved her for I didn't stop seeing her. She admitted that she gave me and at least four other guys herpes. She has to be stopped! #julieburns #genitalherpes #chicago #illinois


California , California Health Alert: Tamra Caliisme Dicus

This woman is the personification of evil bottom line she will never reveal she has oral and vaginal herpes until after she attempts to expose you. She Denies and lies by omission about not having herpes to sustain intimate dating relationships, chances to exploit men for money and schedule sexual rendezvous with men. She is criminal minded, selfish, and wicked. She has a long extensive track record of deliberately exposing countless men to herpes. Tamra Dicus has weaponized herpes she has gotten so clever with hiding and lying about having an STD that its criminal. #tamracaliismedicus #genitalherpes #california #california


Haddon Twp, New Jersey Health Alert: Kathleen Hawn Cook

This person infected two members of my immediate family. She has a controlling and evil way about her. She is selfish and irrational. She degrades and humiliates anybody that comes in contact with her. Best advice is to stay away. Unfortunately she works around little kids up close and personal. Beware anybody that comes in contact with her. #kathleenhawncook #genitalherpes #haddontwp #newjersey


STAMFORD, Connecticut Virus Carrier: Gabriella Nastasi

Gabriella Nastasi (sic) Lex is a Nastasi White crime boss's ex wife and nasty ass hoe who preys on innocent children. She is being inves...