Thursday, August 31, 2023

Mammoth Spring, Arkansas Health Alert: William Brigman

Dayna Carpenter, Had sex with and failed to tell me he sleeps with prostitutes. This is how he gave me Genital Herpes. #williambrigman #genitalherpes #mammothspring #arkansas


Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Fort Wayne, Indiana Health Alert: Tyler Fingerle

This girl who I thought was really cute kept flirting w me. I did put on a condom but the severity of my whiskey dick would not allow me to enjoy her vagina. so I made the worst mistake of my life and pulled off the condom. My name is Tyler Fingerle and if there is anyone else out there in a similar situation please feel free to email me or call this number. (260)437-4142. I'd prefer to talk over the phone with someone who knows what it's like living with this horrid disease. #tylerfingerle #genitalherpes #fortwayne #indiana


Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Toledo, Ohio Virus Carrier: Marc Christopher Steedman

We never dated. just smoke dope and enjoy sex together. he told me that he think he might have HIV after we had sex over some 30 or more times..I know it was wrong of me to even have sex with someone that look that good. but his personally was the bomb. And we both enjoyed each other company without a title. Well after having fun for over 1 and 1/2 years I notice I stay weak alot and just wasn't myself. And then I remember what marc said. I wanted to die.I remember the date so well because I found out on my parents anniv. party. And I couldn't attend because I was so mad at myself. because it wasn't just his fault but my own for not use protection . All I could think was why didn't he tell me earlier before I had sex with other people .He lives on the East side.This isn't a joke we have to all protect ourself from what might behind that good sex and even bad sex. #marcchristophersteedman #hivandaids #toledo #ohio


Sunday, August 27, 2023

West Covina, California Health Alert: Kostas Papantonopoulos

When we first met he kept talking about an ex girlfriend named Christy who had herpes. He kept bringing up the subject, being naive I figured oh he must know so I told him I had herpes but he never told me he had it also. He went to take a test and a different doctors office a standard std test and told me he didn't have it. He had me take valtrex. So that he wouldn't get it. I suspect that he had it all along and used it to manipulate and take advantage of me. Threatened to tell people that I had it and told people at work since we work at the same company. I know for sure that he has herpes 1. What I didn't know, that I know now is that you should make someone take a blood test to prove they don't have it. Since a simple normal std test won't show that you have it unless you are currently having a break out. Very sad that now a days even people you tell that you have it, will have the same disease and still lie to you about it. #kostaspapantonopoulos #genitalherpes #westcovina #california


Saturday, August 26, 2023

Washington , Missouri Health Alert: Robert Kelly

This ass hole cheated on me gave me an std and didnt tell me about it. Found out when I got pregnant by him I had an std. when I confronted him about cheating he lied some more bc I kept pressing him about it he beat the shit out of me. Seems nice at first but Beware! #robertkelly #genitalherpes #washington #missouri


Friday, August 25, 2023

Austin, Winona, Texas Health Alert: Dane Thompson

He waited until 2 weeks before I was about to give birth to our child that he had herpes for over 3 years and never told me. He refuses to wear condoms or take Valtrex. He also has the HPV type that causes cervial cancer. #danethompson #genitalherpes #austin,winona #texas


Thursday, August 24, 2023

Miramar/Miami , Florida Health Alert: Kevin Exile

Refuses to acknowledge tha he is infected, but will say that if it did happen he got it from someone he slept with in October of 2019. He is a sociopath and pathological liar clinically and has stated that he will not be telling anyone he has it. #kevinexile #genitalherpes #miramarmiami #florida


Wednesday, August 23, 2023

kent, Washington Communicable Disease: allison edwards

me and allison met off myspace in 2006 we start talking and dating in 2006 me and her start using condoms then stop using them in early of 2007 and in june of 2007 i've found out i had genital warts and i dumped allison because she lied to me about being stds free #allisonedwards #genitalwarts #kent #washington


Orleans, Loiret Virus Carrier: Christelle Grard

In March of 2008 this then 39 year old woman in Orleans, France was convicted of transmitting HIV to her now ex-husband Mr. Thellier who was diagnosed in August of 1997 just four months after they were married. Christelle Grard who got her HIV positive diagnosis in 1991 received a five (5) year suspended sentence (probation). #christellegrard #hivandaids #orleans #loiret


Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Monday, August 21, 2023

Olympia, Washington Health Alert: Cesar Castaneda

This man has falsely posted info about me stating that I have have STD's when he has told me that he has herpes. He DID not contract this disease from me because for one, I do not have it nor have I ever had sex with him. #cesarcastaneda #genitalherpes #olympia #washington


Sunday, August 20, 2023

Inglewood , California Infectious Disease: Michael Vinisko

My friend used to date the guy and recently found out they had an std. Im not sure if Michael has hep but Im 90 percent anyway. I feel so bad for my friend. #michaelvinisko #hepatitisc #inglewood #california



An employee at a Memphis city swimming pool has been charged with raping a (then) 17-year-old girl and exposing her to HIV in 2008. The teen told investigators she accepted a man's offer of a ride home from the Westwood Community Center on July 31, 2008. Instead, he took her into a wooded area and sexually assaulted her. #timothybernardpayne #hivandaids #memphis #tennessee


Saturday, August 19, 2023

Dixon, Illinois Health Alert: Becky Dixon

Had sex with me and said don't worry i've had a hysterectomy you don't need a condom. Afterward she said I have something to tell you, but you can't be mad. Then confessed she had both herpes 1 & 2. #beckydixon #genitalherpes #dixon #illinois


Friday, August 18, 2023

Virginia Beach, Virginia Virus Carrier: Patricia Ann Curry

Patricia Ann Curry of Virginia Beach, Virginia gave two police officers a bargain when she agreed to have sex with both of them for just $20 a piece without disclosing her HIV status around the 800 block of Virginia Beach Blvd. Her lawyer proved in court that she knew of her HIV status, failed to inform what she believed to be legitimate Johns, but did not intend to give them AIDS. As of now she is scheduled to be sentenced on September 21, 2010. #patriciaanncurry #hivandaids #virginiabeach #virginia


Thursday, August 17, 2023

Olympia, Washington Virus Carrier: Anthony Whitfield

Whitfield was convicted of 17 counts of first degree assault in Olympia, Washington for exposing 17 women to HIV. He was sentenced to 178 years in prison. #anthonywhitfield #hivandaids #olympia #washington


Iowa City, Iowa Virus Carrier: Gregory Leroy Childs

Police arrested Gregory Leroy Childs in Iowa City after he spit them claiming to have AIDS and saying that he wanted to give it to them. He was charged with assaulting an officer and disorderly conduct. Police originally responded to a report of him acting disorderly and trying to "cast voodoo hexes" at the 1950 block of Broadway Street. #gregoryleroychilds #hivandaids #iowacity #iowa


Fonthill, Ontario Health Alert: Ashley Elizabeth Alexander

Thissts whore loves to lie and fuck and now she's giving everyone STDs it's so bad half of niagara has themfrom her. And she abondoned her kids for drugs #ashleyelizabethalexander #genitalherpes #fonthill #ontario


jersey city, New Jersey Infectious Disease: jesse aka danny girard

Jesse girard engages in months of unprotected sexual activity before letting you know he had contracted both hiv and hep c. he may currently be homeless but has lived in lodi and jersey city. he also has mental retardation and bipolar disease which may be the reason he his not outright bout his diseases. spred the word, stop the spred. #jesseakadannygirard #hepatitisc #jerseycity #newjersey


Grand Rapids Kalamazoo , Michigan Health Alert: Josiah Preston

This person has infected myself and others with the HSV-1 and HSV-2 virus. He continues to have unprotected sex with women without disclosing his disease. #josiahpreston #genitalherpes #grandrapidskalamazoo #michigan


Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia Virus Carrier: Dave Brindle

The host of "The Dave Brindle Show" on the Vancouver B.C. radio station TALK 1410AM was one the first Canadian television personalities to come out as both gay and HIV positive in the 1990's. #davebrindle #hivandaids #vancouver #britishcolumbia


Monday, August 14, 2023

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Waynesboro, Georgia Virus Carrier: Jermaine Thomas Harris

This man is a rapist. Ladies beware. Does not like to use condoms at all. Will sleep with you for money, food, clothing, and a place to live. Very Dangerous! If you see this toxic man please alert the police. Very careless when it comes to sex, he will sleep with you if you are drunk or even on medications as long as he gets some. #jermainethomasharris #hivandaids #waynesboro #georgia


Saturday, August 12, 2023

London, Greater London Communicable Disease: Sardi Sadiya Sardia Sadia Ali

Sardiya/Sardi/Sadia/Sardii/Sardiyaa = Psychotic London Sex Worker and Blackmailing Scammer Standard MO: Sardi tells clients she is a widow, single mom, poor accounting student, domestic abuse victim, so sad and depressed and other nonsense to bring your guard down so she can reel you into her financial scams. Most recently her fake cryptocurrency halawadar schemes and her Nikkah Mutah exclusive sex scam to prey on men of faith looking for a loophole so they can convince themselves sex acts . . If you send her anything via her cash app or cryptocurrency, your money is gone forever. Known harasser and blackmailer, Sadia Ali a London sex worker advertised as the Persian Princess when I saw her a few years back . I found out she accused clients of giving her STDs and threatened to call peoples homes and work to expose them and it looks like she is back to her old tricks. She threatens to report you for stalking and says she will call HMRC to audit you if you ask her about fulfilling the promises she makes after youve paid her. She pretends to be Iranian and drops Farsi greetings but she is really Pakistani. Im from Haryana so I know for sure. Sardi aka Sardiya or whatever she is at the moment advertises under different names and contact info and says its to avoid an abusive client but her legal name is Sadia Ali. I found out that out when I used the washroom at the incall and checked Airdrop. Sadia name dropped a few politicians that she said she knew personally and whose events she attended so I had to see exactly who she was. Highly unlikely anything Sadia says is true because she is straight up pathological. #sardisadiyasardiasadiaali #genitalwarts #london #greaterlondon


Friday, August 11, 2023

Stamford, Connecticut Virus Carrier: Sean Boeger

Sean Boeger is a COMMUNIST ASSHOLE. He uses violence and threats to advocate communist ideals and is part of the Communist Party USA Political Party based in Colchester, CT. #seanboeger #hivandaids #stamford #connecticut


Thursday, August 10, 2023

quesnel, British Columbia Health Alert: leila knauf

phoned me after infection said her prior partner called #leilaknauf #genitalherpes #quesnel #britishcolumbia


West Hollywood, California Virus Carrier: Paul Lekakis

Paul Lekakis proved that people were too coked out back in the 80's to care what they were listening to when he hit it big with the song "Boom Boom (Lets go back to my room)" in 1987. After his HIV diagnosis in 1989 he went on to play HIV positive characters in several films and appeared on the cover of POZ magazine. #paullekakis #hivandaids #westhollywood #california


Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Portland, Oregon Virus Carrier: Sean Patrick

Dude is crazy and he knows he. He is big into drugs and when he gets high he like to infect people with HIV. He likes to date guys the day that he meets them then lies to them about his status. #seanpatrick #hivandaids #portland #oregon


Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Los Angeles , California Health Alert: Jolen Sanders



Monday, August 7, 2023

Decatur, Illinois Health Alert: Sam Mattison

THIS man gave me Herpes. I know it was him. I was not with anyone for over 10 years,had sex with him and broke out with sores/ulcers about 12 days afterwords. I went to the doctors, they tested me and said I had herpes. When I had sex with him I seen a "rash" on his penis and he told me he had psoriasis. Guess I am the dummie for believing/trusting him. Thought if I could warn others it would help. He is on dating sites yahoo, tagged and singles net the links listed below #sammattison #genitalherpes #decatur #illinois


Sunday, August 6, 2023

Woburn, Massachusetts Communicable Disease: James Godin

James Godin of Woburn, Massachusetts is a sexual predator. He openly brags about his filthy sexual encounters, as seen throughout several posts on the internet. James Godin has unprotected sex, when he is lucky enough to find sex. He openly admits that he loves to have unprotected anal sex, and he enjoys causing pain and discomfort to the women he has bareback sex with. James Godin of Woburn is a sex-pest who stalks females and abuses them. He also tries to blackmail them into having sex with him. Then he shames the women he has sex with, by posting their pictures and bragging about his quest on various shaming websites. If women don't have sex with James, he becomes bitter. His bitterness explodes into a sick rage. James Godin taunts and torments these poor girls for years, by calling them sluts and other vulgar names. He exposes their family pictures, lingerie pictures or homemade sex videos of them with somebody else. This monster is a sick pervert! James Godin openly admits that he loves to molest underage girls and you can read all about him bragging about it all over the internet. Why this piece of garbage hasn't been arrested and placed on the sex offenders list is beyond me. James Godin is a no-hoper scumbag who still lives with his mother. He has no goals that aren't sex-related. James Godin is nothing but a hypersexual, small town predator. He is a jobless, shiftless, lazy, jerkoff artist! This sexpest needs to have his genitals examined and his sex addiction treated! His mother needs to kick his worthless ass out of her house! James Godin needs to find another hobby, as well as a job and another place to live! #jamesgodin #genitalwarts #woburn #massachusetts


Saturday, August 5, 2023

Washington, DC Virus Carrier: Faith Marshall

This women is infected with the disease. She is not open regarding her staus. Please beware of her. No on deserves to get infected unknowingly. God bless you. #faithmarshall #hivandaids #washington #dc


London, Ontario Virus Carrier: Mark Hinton

As published here and elsewhere; #markhinton #hivandaids #london #ontario


Friday, August 4, 2023

Stamford, Connecticut Health Alert: Paul Ferencek

Paul Ferencek is a JEW and does not believe in vaccines or prophylactics. HE HAS STDS ALL OVER HIS FACE, HANDS, NECK, AND EARS from fat, ugly Jewish women with stds. You can see the fever blisters and warts when this Israeli washcloth gets heated. #paulferencek #genitalherpes #stamford #connecticut


Thursday, August 3, 2023

Niagara region , Ontario Infectious Disease: kourtney Large

This one's a real winner. She will destroy your place. Clean it up and the. To thru your belonging and steal anythint. She gave a few people gonerorha and warts #kourtneylarge #hepatitisc #niagararegion #ontario


mocksville, North Carolina Health Alert: makisha oneil

she admitted to having it after coming back from the doctor to myself, her family and a few close friends. She has not admitted to how she aquired it but probally when she cheated 6 monthes prior #makishaoneil #genitalherpes #mocksville #northcarolina


London, Greater London Health Alert: Tahliah Barnett

Tahliah Debrett Barnett a.k.a. FKA Twigs is a British singer that dated actor Shia LaBeouf. She is now suing LaBeouf for several things including physical abuse, emotional abuse, and giving her a sexually transmitted disease (STD). In the lawsuit she alleged that in March of 2019 she experienced "unusual and painful" symptoms. When she told LaBeouf about it she says that he admitted having an STD for several years. She has not said what STD she has but we believe based on her description that the STD is Herpes Simplex Virus 2 a.k.a. Genital Herpes. The two of them met while LaBeouf was filming the movie Honey Boy in the UK in 2018. #tahliahbarnett #genitalherpes #london #greaterlondon


clarkston, Michigan Exposure Notification: Eric Oberry

I went with him to his doctors appointment and while I was waiting for them to come back I went through his files and saw he was tested nearly 5 yrs earlier, but even though we were engaged and had been having unprotected sex, he never told me, and still swore he never knew of this #ericoberry #hpv #clarkston #michigan


Raleigh, North Carolina Virus Carrier: Joshua Weaver

Joshua Weaver of Raleigh, North Carolina violated his probation for a previous conviction by having unprotected sex without disclosing his HIV status to his victim back in October of 2008. The judge gave him 6 months of house arrest and threatened to put him in prison for two years if he did it again. The health department told Weaver's probation officer that he had been infected with a new STD that he probably would not have gotten if he were wearing condoms. Weaver was know to work as a D.J. in the Wilmington and Triangle areas. #joshuaweaver #hivandaids #raleigh #northcarolina


Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Los Angeles, California Exposure Notification: Michael Douglas

Michael Kirk Douglas was diagnosed with throat cancer in 2010 and blamed it on HPV he contracted while performing cunnilingus on some woman. According to medical experts, HPV has been linked to throat cancers. Usually HPV is mentioned as the primary cause of cervical cancer in women. Michael Douglas's case shows that men can get cancer from HPV also. Most men don't think they need to get the HPV vaccine. Maybe they should think again. Its not like using a condom can keep you from getting STDs from cunnilingus. So, a guy has to choose between vaccines, abstinence, saran wrap, or his girl breaking up with him because he won't perform cunnilingus. Michael Douglas did not disclose the name of the woman that gave him HPV. As a rich and famous celebrity he has no doubt been with many women, but unless he likes performing cunnilingus, he probably has not needed to do anything like that for most of the women that have wanted to have sex with him over the years. That should narrow down the list or maybe he is just a nice guy that doesn't mind performing cunnilingus and does not want the woman he pleasured to suffer the displeasure of being outed with HPV. He has been married to Catherine Zeta-Jones since the year 2000. Before that he was married to Diandra Luker. He has also dated Brenda Vaccaro. #michaeldouglas #hpv #losangeles #california


Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Canton/Canal Fulton, Ohio Health Alert: SAGE RECCO

I met Sage on tinder about 5 or 6 weeks ago. I now have herpes. I called her to ask her and she started to lie but then told me she had it. She's on Tinder! And she's not at least warning people! What a piece of white-trash filth! I get it, it's tinder, but only a nasty slut would do something like that intentionally. Sad thing is, I know I'm not the only "date" she's hooked up with recently. According to the ohio voters registration website, she lives at 6284 ISLAND DRIVE NW CANTON, OHIO 44701 AND Google says she works at ASHLEY FURNITURE IN FAIRLAWN #sagerecco #genitalherpes #cantoncanalfulton #ohio


Bronx, New York Infectious Disease: Madaline Higgins

Rapist. Prostitute. Liar. Has criminal history of theft, manipulates and spreads rumors. #madalinehiggins #hepatitisc #bronx #newyork sour...